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As it begins, so must it end...


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Hey all,

I just wanted to let you all know that Signal Sessions will no longer be held @ Maze. After a 2 week stint, the club has decided not to continue the night. Instead of getting jaded and upset, I'll just say thanks to those that came out and supported and that I will continue to do my best to to continue the night elswhere. We had so much planned for the night, and I still have hope and faith that we will reach our goals. I've learned how fickle Miami is and the reality of having heart and talent only takes you so far. C'est la vie, as they say. The spirit is wounded, but not defeated. Hey, at least we raised $13 for The Camillus House.


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:mad: :mad: bro stryke ... sometimes i just dont get shit !!! u r probably imo the best dj in town ... im dead serious & you are havin such a bad streak ... :mad: :mad: shit pisses me off !! but fuck it !! shit happens 4 a reason yo ... so stay strong & your huge break will come bro ... great set at venu :aright: :aright: :aright: a few newbies to see you were impressed as hell like i told them theyd be ;):aright:
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OMFG this blows. Keep bring it hard and the masses will follow. Hopefully things will work out for you at Privilege or Venu.

I don't know how managed this, but I did not get any pictures of you playing at Venu just the one of you and Edgar before hand.

But also big things planned, for myself. Kind of on the same level. Before I got tillate going 100% it is over, but big things ahead with me and my new gig. Halloween was my last night with tillate . See Below. So I will defiantly be out supporting your next venture. Good Luck!.

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Guest brwneydtrouble

Greg, people just dont know!! There are few of us that REALLY know, and what I know is that you are THE MAN!! I am honored to have you as a friend, and proud to say that I look up to you.

Soon, you will have a home and blow everyone away on a regular basis. And I will be there watching it all, as usual. ;)

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Bro you got tons of success around the world and it sucks that things don't work out in miami, but good things will happen. Privilege is opening up in a couple of weeks and im sure they know that there is no other local who can play techno the way you do, so im sure u will have a new home there.

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Sorry to say it but.....it was bound to happen. The Maze guys have never "gotten it." They don't understand how this market works and nothing they do in there will work. You're better off being out of there. I'm sure that they're saying that you didn't draw people and it's your fault it didn't work but the truth is that they have no idea how to promote a nightclub. Too bad really...Maze had potential.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Sorry to say it but.....it was bound to happen. The Maze guys have never "gotten it." They don't understand how this market works and nothing they do in there will work. You're better off being out of there. I'm sure that they're saying that you didn't draw people and it's your fault it didn't work but the truth is that they have no idea how to promote a nightclub. Too bad really...Maze had potential.

i TOTALLY agree with u Dade....but it is a shame that a Dj like Stryke gets no crowd....i know Stryke will get another shot very soon and as always he has my support...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i TOTALLY agree with u Dade....but it is a shame that a Dj like Stryke gets no crowd....i know Stryke will get another shot very soon and as always he has my support...

If the club knew how to promote, Stryke would have a crowd to play to. If the club got behind the night with some money, Stryke would build a huge following. If Stryke had a residency at Space, he would be the biggest DJ in Miami right now. It's a partnership. The DJ has to do his part and the club has to do theirs. When George Acosta started at Shadow, he had no following. The first few Saturdays were painful to watch. We promoted the shit out of it and he played his heart out and the rest took care of itself. Maze just expects that some DJ is going to come there and lead his flock like the Pied Piper and when it doesn't happen, they don't even understand why.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

If the club knew how to promote, Stryke would have a crowd to play to. If the club got behind the night with some money, Stryke would build a huge following. If Stryke had a residency at Space, he would be the biggest DJ in Miami right now. It's a partnership. The DJ has to do his part and the club has to do theirs. When George Acosta started at Shadow, he had no following. The first few Saturdays were painful to watch. We promoted the shit out of it and he played his heart out and the rest took care of itself. Maze just expects that some DJ is going to come there and lead his flock like the Pied Piper and when it doesn't happen, they don't even understand why.





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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by ogmiami

If the club knew how to promote, Stryke would have a crowd to play to. If the club got behind the night with some money, Stryke would build a huge following. If Stryke had a residency at Space, he would be the biggest DJ in Miami right now. It's a partnership. The DJ has to do his part and the club has to do theirs. When George Acosta started at Shadow, he had no following. The first few Saturdays were painful to watch. We promoted the shit out of it and he played his heart out and the rest took care of itself. Maze just expects that some DJ is going to come there and lead his flock like the Pied Piper and when it doesn't happen, they don't even understand why.


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Sorry to hear that.

I caught Stryke on Week 1 and also heard him play up in Laudy on Halloween...

It's too bad for Maze that they let him go...someone who plays with such intensity and heart and love for his music...

Being a DJ, I find him a lot of fun to watch as he is an extremely active DJ both with his body rockin' and on the board. He consistently shows that he is pushing the limits of his skill as dj by incorporating tools from his studio and working them into the traditional DJ setup.

I think of the saying, "The teacher will arrive when the student is ready"... and so it is that Stryke will arrive when a venue is prepared for him!

Best of luck,


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it seems you try to do someting different and exciting in this town and something has to go wrong .. either lack of support/promotion/clue. I'm really tired of it .. I had a great time at both signal sessions regardless if the marlins won or it was after halloween. In the end it comes down to a venue who does not support its staff. Maze had so much potential with this night. I was looking forward to Greg having a residency in Miami again and being able to hear him play week in and week out but it seems thats gone yet again. Hopefully someone picks up the cluephone and calls him up and gives him the backing he needs in order to build a following and suceed.

The time is now so step on up.

You can see Stryke doing something different at Jazid on Nov 23rd.

Good luck Greg I'm sure your time will come.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by ogmiami

If the club knew how to promote, Stryke would have a crowd to play to. If the club got behind the night with some money, Stryke would build a huge following. If Stryke had a residency at Space, he would be the biggest DJ in Miami right now. It's a partnership. The DJ has to do his part and the club has to do theirs. When George Acosta started at Shadow, he had no following. The first few Saturdays were painful to watch. We promoted the shit out of it and he played his heart out and the rest took care of itself. Maze just expects that some DJ is going to come there and lead his flock like the Pied Piper and when it doesn't happen, they don't even understand why.

I 100% DISAGREE...

GA sound is dead and gone. Strykes sound is dead and gone. How many more techno parties do we have to go threw before we finally realize IT WON'T WORK IN MIAMI??? Nothing against stryke, hes the bomb, but lets stop blaming the club soley. stryke has a sound that miami doesn't understand nor care to understand. It's like selling rain coats in the desert. Every now and then you may sell a few, but for the most part you sell none. That is what techno is about. YOU CAN'T DO IT ON A WEEKLY BASIS... For that new techno club, i'm gonna quote chris rock "grand opening, grand closing"... It won't work. Red didn't work, maze didn't work and now privelge won't work. Monthly parties could work, and I suggest you contact NV, they have the fundementals now all they need is some one to kick them in the balls to straighten them out. I appauld the sprit the techno guys show, but when push comes to show capitism rears it's ugly head and you can't make money doing it. And for stuff you do without making money it's called a hobby, not a job...

Edgar and Stryke, need to get away from that label that the public puts on them. You can't just be one type of dj unless you are elite. Tsettos will play older trance, tribal, house, diva, vocals etc.. Oscar every now and then will play new shit and Roland is the bomb, he plays it all. I'm looking forward to hearing demo spin, just talking to him, i realize he might know the most about music in miami. MS is in the best shape, he churns out #1 hits with huge artists...

The market is shrinking and guys like stryke will be left out in the cold unless they adapt and change it up. If they refuse, so be it, they won't have a djing job. The bee gees stopped making disco when they knew it was over. You don't see gangster rap around anymore, it's ova.... I don't belive music is cylical at all. Perfect example was swing music. That re run lasted 3 days...

Now i know a certain club, wants stryke to spin there, and i'm keeping that to myself, and i will support him, but going 0-4 is gonna kill you.

Like mr lp once told me "you throw a party with a dj and it bombs, we'll never book them again"

hence why you won't see tsettos here until space brings him back.

superchumbo is now at crobar....:idea:

This board is stuck in 1997. Yea the economy is comming back, we passed the trough and heading toward expansion however, it will be years till we are back at levels seen in the 90's, and discretionary income is still way down, thus clubs will suffer for years from now and the music industry hasn't reached it's trough yet. It's gonna get real bad...

Haven't you guys noticed the Gay club scene is comming back? The clubs are pulling at strings. They can't make money so they are gong back to old reliable, gay guys with dough, who actually will show up but for the most part not pay for drinks, it's a drug crowd. Maze is going back to salvation, nerve might become a gay bar etc...

I'm tired of the whole blame the club and marketing.. Years ago, it was word of mouth and people were packed into every club. Now the same 10 clubs are fighting for the same 5000 clubbers. Do the math, it won't work.

however there is one simple way to reverse all of this, and create a monster club scene...

do what ibiza did, and stop busting people for drugs and the drug culture will take the scene to new levels. But wait clubbing isn't based on drugs:laugh:

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Techno is coming back, people here love music that's bangin'... you just need to be able to tap into younger generations before it really takes off, kids who think House is for old folks... I'm not sure that Privelege can do it either, but it will happen somewhere sooner or later ;)

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