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off topic, but need help


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ok, i am so not the book worm or school oriented type, but anyway i am so bad at essays and i have one for a clas that is due in a couple weeks, and i have to have an outline by tue i am so screwed.......... anyway, does anyone have any good info of " The separation of church and state" ???? prayer in the classroom, im a dumbass and am horrible w shit like this, please help, please


stressed out sugar :(

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what are you looking to write about that subject? do you want to define it? the origin? argue a side?

if you go to a search engine there are plenty of sites devoted to separation of church and state.

you have plenty of time to write a outline.

look over the websites and decide what you want to cover. then include it in your outline.

here is a few websites that have some explanations and articles..





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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

ok, i am so not the book worm or school oriented type, but anyway i am so bad at essays and i have one for a clas that is due in a couple weeks, and i have to have an outline by tue i am so screwed.......... anyway, does anyone have any good info of " The separation of church and state" ???? prayer in the classroom, im a dumbass and am horrible w shit like this, please help, please


stressed out sugar :(

*thinking dirty thoughts* I can do it for you for a price :idea:

j/k good luck :knife:

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easy, pick one site and and argument against the other. and i mean real hard.

write to some fanatics of both fronts and tell them you share their view of the topic and if they could send you some infos.

you´ll get some heavy propaganda stuff from both sides. now, begin your essay and really fight for one side, be passionate about it, as if it would affect your innermost feelings. then, switch to the other side, argument hard for it again, fanatic like. come to the conclusion that if the audience has followed your essay, it will see that there is a lot of propaganda and lies out there, and that there is in fact no right or wrong decision and that everybody has good points. this is when you bring in your personal opinion then. end of essay.

if the teachers say that your essay has no "real" facts but mostly propaganda and advertisements (if they don´t tell you this, bring up the point yourself), tell em that people in general don´t look this up too deep, they make a feeling based decision (that is caused mainly by the loud propaganda and advertisement). so basically the propaganda IS fact for them. as long as you don´t know what you see is an illusion it IS reality for you. and since they are the ones who vote, the propaganda you just showed IS fact for many many people. the ones that really look into it would represent such small numbers that it wouldn´t really affect any vote.

should be waaay enough to fill 7 pages!

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Originally posted by tastey

easy, pick one site and and argument against the other. and i mean real hard.

write to some fanatics of both fronts and tell them you share their view of the topic and if they could send you some infos.

you´ll get some heavy propaganda stuff from both sides. now, begin your essay and really fight for one side, be passionate about it, as if it would affect your innermost feelings. then, switch to the other side, argument hard for it again, fanatic like. come to the conclusion that if the audience has followed your essay, it will see that there is a lot of propaganda and lies out there, and that there is in fact no right or wrong decision and that everybody has good points. this is when you bring in your personal opinion then. end of essay.

if the teachers say that your essay has no "real" facts but mostly propaganda and advertisements (if they don´t tell you this, bring up the point yourself), tell em that people in general don´t look this up too deep, they make a feeling based decision (that is caused mainly by the loud propaganda and advertisement). so basically the propaganda IS fact for them. as long as you don´t know what you see is an illusion it IS reality for you. and since they are the ones who vote, the propaganda you just showed IS fact for many many people. the ones that really look into it would represent such small numbers that it wouldn´t really affect any vote.

should be waaay enough to fill 7 pages!

omg im dizzy :screwy:
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you should really use databases, articles from magazines & selections from books to back up your arguments. websites tend to be all personal opinion and not enough facts. i think it is frowned upon to base a college level paper on websites that are not grounded in any hard facts.

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Originally posted by somebitch

you should really use databases, articles from magazines & selections from books to back up your arguments. websites tend to be all personal opinion and not enough facts. i think it is frowned upon to base a college level paper on websites that are not grounded in any hard facts.

thanx guys im just a mo mo, and cant put shit together to make it make sence, but ill try
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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

thanx guys im just a mo mo, and cant put shit together to make it make sence, but ill try

you should go to the library at your school and search all the online databases... print out a bunch of stuff so you have some good sources. it always looks good to have reliable sorces (ie ones that are not www.somebullshit.com). find articles about legitimate court cases that have focused on these issues & highlight the parts you wish to use. start by stating the issue at hand, then post the evidence, then close with your opinion & argument.

i would say i was against prayer in school because #1 i find religion breaks people apart #2 not everyone is religious & why should the people who were raised in families that do not practice have to be subjected to prayer in school... #3 there are schools that are religiously affialiated, if a parent wants to send their kids to a specific type of school, that is their choice to make.

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Originally posted by somebitch

you should go to the library at your school and search all the online databases... print out a bunch of stuff so you have some good sources. it always looks good to have reliable sorces (ie ones that are not www.somebullshit.com). find articles about legitimate court cases that have focused on these issues & highlight the parts you wish to use. start by stating the issue at hand, then post the evidence, then close with your opinion & argument.

i would say i was against prayer in school because #1 i find religion breaks people apart #2 not everyone is religious & why should the people who were raised in families that do not practice have to be subjected to prayer in school... #3 there are schools that are religiously affialiated, if a parent wants to send their kids to a specific type of school, that is their choice to make.

i agree
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Originally posted by somebitch

i would say i was against prayer in school because #1 i find religion breaks people apart #2 not everyone is religious & why should the people who were raised in families that do not practice have to be subjected to prayer in school... #3 there are schools that are religiously affialiated, if a parent wants to send their kids to a specific type of school, that is their choice to make.

Religion breaks ppl apart? What religion do u practice? Witchcraft?? I went to catholic school and turned out to be a good lil boy.. Attending catholic school and Prayin teaches kids good values which u don't and never will have rudebitch.

U should be shot for blashphemy somebitch

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Originally posted by darlok

Religion breaks ppl apart? What religion do u practice? Witchcraft?? I went to catholic school and turned out to be a good lil boy.. Attending catholic school and Prayin teaches kids good values which u don't and never will have rudebitch.

U should be shot for blashphemy somebitch

I normally wouldn't jump on someones shit, but if your going to jump all over her's.... fuck it.

Go get your money back from your catholic school if you don't understand her point.

And they obviously didn't teach manners.

While not exactly stated eloquently, she means, people often use religious boundries and differences as reason to, if not hate them, at least put a distance that normally would not have been there. And its funny, the closer the religions are to each other in both ideology and geography, the less they seem to get along.

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Its a pretty easy topic. Just do this.

Pick your side... Id pick that seperation of church and state is a good thing, its much easier to argue.

come up with 8-9 points to support it.

Like this...

the seperation of church and state is a good thing because......

1) people should be able to worship like they want, and without the seperation you get a defacto endorsment of one religion by the government.

2) if there is no seperation of church and state, the people in power can basically dictate religion to everyone else.

3) it is one of the main reasons our country was founded.

4) if it is not seperated you will start having laws that reflect one religions morals and not justace for all.

Then write a paragraph on each point. Try to use examples from other countries where there isnt a seperation to show what could happen, they love that shit.

Then write your opening paragraph that basically says ... it is bad, and this is why... list your points breifly ... now Ill explain my points for you retarded folks.....

Then put that paragraph first... for bonus points start with a cute story about your grandpa not being able to worship in europe because of a facist/comunist government etc.... then go into the other stuff.

Then write a closing paragraph that basically sums up your points again (for the people who cant remember what they just read) then close with a cute sentance like "and Im so glad I can determine my own religion and spirituality and not have the government do it like dear old granddad."

remember profs are all liberal as hell, they love that shit.

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