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Bullshit Govt. Keeps Inventing Bullshit Heroes..


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Originally posted by mr mahs

You aren't fit to wash my "MADE IN THE USA" NUT SACK....

God and heaven are perfect...

It ain't gravy but it sure is close bud...

tell ur 13 yr old internet-Counterstrike chat room-friends from kansas..oklahoma et . al that theyre not really there either

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ur country was built on the backs of immigrants..now shut the fuck up and thank us accordingly...

First off PAL I am a first generation american, my parents were born in Italy came to this country for a better life for them and their children ad I thank them every chance I get. The lowlife immigrants that I speak of is YOU that come from a war ridden shit hole and COMPLAIN about how bad it is here, you dodging bullets here ? you see people getting "cleansed"? I asked you this before and you dodged the question what side of the fence were you on when Slobo was slaughtering thousands of Albanians?

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

now why would i want to take your MR2? attachment.php?s=&postid=1628705

becuase you, like other thieves, dont know about the oil leakage, the boost spikes, the transmission issues, rattling or how to turn the boost controller from "valet mode" to "mode II".

but have fun with it if you figure out how to get it started;)

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Leave then, I bet it 's alot better then that cess pool yugoslavia your ungrateful spineless self comes from...

If you don't like what he's saying, move. America was built on the principle of Free Speech, and no matter how much you disapprove of something he says, or how much he don't agree with what you say, we have an equal right to hold such viewpoints, that nobody can take away. If you're so keen on limiting free speech, then YOU move to another country.

Originally posted by ghhhostsorry there soldier..i didnt mean to piss u off while ur on duty defending ur country from ur living room computer chair...


Nice one. :aright:

Now Mr Mahs... Go defend your country from your living room computer chair... CHICKENHAWK!!

Just like a pussy-assed chickenhawk war-supporter... supports a war but has no balls to go fight it.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

If you don't like what he's saying, move. America was built on the principle of Free Speech, and no matter how much you disapprove of something he says, or how much he don't agree with what you say, we have an equal right to hold such viewpoints, that nobody can take away. If you're so keen on limiting free speech, then YOU move to another country.


Nice one. :aright:

Now Mr Mahs... Go defend your country from your living room computer chair... CHICKENHAWK!!

Just like a pussy-assed chickenhawk war-supporter... supports a war but has no balls to go fight it.

Your the pussy. Complaining with no solution but appeasment to our enemies now go trim your vagina hair HIPPIE BOY...

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Jessica's Hustled


Porn mag may pull plan to run topless pics of G.I.



A skin mag claimed yesterday it has pictures of Iraqi POW Jessica Lynch frolicking topless with male soldiers before she went off to war.

A spokesman for the 20-year-old Army private - the subject of Sunday's TV movie on NBC that drew 14.9 million viewers - called the plan by Hustler magazine to publish the purported photos "unspeakable."

"Leave it to [Hustler publisher] Larry Flynt to do something like this," said Paul Bogaards of Alfred Knopf, publisher of "I Am A Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story," which is being released today.

"Jessica Lynch was left for dead and left as a prisoner of war," Bogaards told the Daily News. "If she can survive that, she can survive anything."

But on Tuesday, Flynt told The Associated Press in a statement that he has changed his mind about printing the pix because Lynch is a “good kid ... and a victim of the Bush administration.â€

“Jessica Lynch is a good kid, she’s not a hypocrite or out to fool anyone,†Flynt’s statement said. “She’s just a victim of the Bush administration, who is using her to justify the war in Iraq and force-feed us a Joan of Arc.â€

Bogaards said earlier that he had not asked Lynch about the magazine's claim of topless photos, but added: "It's unspeakable that someone would stoop to these levels. ... The press has been using Jessica Lynch to serve its own needs."

Lynch's new torment erupted the day before Veterans Day - and on the same night she made a dramatic appearance at a Manhattan awards event with fellow rescued POW Shoshana Johnson and pop star Britney Spears.

Lynch, walking in public for the first time since her rescue, used crutches to enter the American Museum of Natural History for Glamour magazine's 2003 salute to the "Women of the Year."

Flynt had said he planned to run the photos he says he has in Hustler's February issue, which goes on sale the first week of January.

He claimed they show Lynch topless and cavorting with two men stationed with her at Fort Bliss, Tex., before she shipped off to Iraq last spring.

According to two people who have seen them, the person they identify as Lynch is wearing just jeans in one photo and a blue thong in another.

Flynt said the pictures - which he claimed to have gotten from two former soldiers who served with Lynch - would prove "she's not Joan of Arc."

"I'm not interested in bashing Jessica Lynch, who really was a victim in this," Flynt insisted. But he said the Lynch book and movie "should have been an honest portrayal of her role in the war. Everyone wanted a hero from this war."

Calls to Lynch's lawyer were not returned.

Flynt said Hustler consulted an outside "photo enhancement lab" to establish that the woman in the photos was Lynch. "You think I'm going to publish nude pics that aren't her?" Flynt asked yesterday, who is believed to have paid six figures for the shots. "I like owning my company."

Last year, Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione was hit with a costly lawsuit after he wrongly claimed to have topless pictures of tennis star Anna Kournikova.

Last night, Lynch and Johnson both received awards at the Glamour magazine event.


Lynch walked up the red carpet on crutches with Johnson at her side. She wore a black gown embroidered with red roses, and sneakers - the only shoes she can wear because of a brace on her left leg.

A posthumous award was presented in the memory of Lori Piestewa, the first female U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. Lynch, Johnson and Piestewa were in the same unit.

"This Glamour Women of the Year event honors heroes," Lynch said. "To me, the real heroes are those who have given their lives for our nation, the soldiers who risked their lives to rescue me, the professionals who served in the military medical department - they perform miracles every day to save lives. To me, these are heroes."

Originally published on November 11, 2003

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Originally posted by mr mahs

First off PAL I am a first generation american, my parents were born in Italy came to this country for a better life for them and their children ad I thank them every chance I get. The lowlife immigrants that I speak of is YOU that come from a war ridden shit hole and COMPLAIN about how bad it is here, you dodging bullets here ? you see people getting "cleansed"? I asked you this before and you dodged the question what side of the fence were you on when Slobo was slaughtering thousands of Albanians?

correction...i came here in 1986..way before the war..way before anything..my father was Consul...my father has his PhD...my mom finished law school..i'm halfway thru my CPA and will probably be going to law school in the near future....we came here because we were INTELLECTUALS...because the US wanted us here...

dont pass judgement on me because of where im from and them lambast me for doing the same thing to u

a lowlife immigrant im not..i dont mooch off ur healthcare..im not on welfare..i dont run insurance scams...im the type of immigrant U WISH u had more of...u know..the taxpaying law abiding ones that dont blow up ur buildings?

as for my stance on the kosovo crisis..i hated slobodan milosevic more than anyone..but what ignorant fucks like u will never understand is when the US started bombing Serbia in 99...people had to choose the lesser of 2 evils..and that happened to b Slobo at the time..better to back him than to cheer Tomahawk missiles slamming into your neighborhood..

the ethnic cleansing..fuck it..shit happens..would u give Texas back to Mexico because it was theirs @ one point? if mexicans moved into Texas..and comprised more than 90% of the population there..does it give them a right to annex it to Mexico? NO OFCOURSE NOT....thats the same shit with Kosovo...

what claim do albanians have to a piece of Serbia? the fact that a lot of them live there? FUCK THAT...if thats the case..then pack up southern cali and give it back to mexico..give miami to cuba..and new york to puerto rico...

to be honest..when i was watching the twin towers fall from campus with my own naked eye...what magnatized the pain even more was realizing that my country was bombed because the US thought it was right to protect muslim interest in the balkans..and then these same people you protected shoved their foot so far up ur ass ...not to mention Kosovo is one HUGE ASS TERRORIST HUB...where drug money is funelled thru to the Middle East..and drugs r funnelled thru to Europe and the US...

in closing...eat a dick

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

correction...i came here in 1986..way before the war..way before anything..my father was Consul...my father has his PhD...my mom finished law school..i'm halfway thru my CPA and will probably be going to law school in the near future....we came here because we were INTELLECTUALS...because the US wanted us here...

dont pass judgement on me because of where im from and them lambast me for doing the same thing to u

a lowlife immigrant im not..i dont mooch off ur healthcare..im not on welfare..i dont run insurance scams...im the type of immigrant U WISH u had more of...u know..the taxpaying law abiding ones that dont blow up ur buildings?

as for my stance on the kosovo crisis..i hated slobodan milosevic more than anyone..but what ignorant fucks like u will never understand is when the US started bombing Serbia in 99...people had to choose the lesser of 2 evils..and that happened to b Slobo at the time..better to back him than to cheer Tomahawk missiles slamming into your neighborhood..

the ethnic cleansing..fuck it..shit happens..would u give Texas back to Mexico because it was theirs @ one point? if mexicans moved into Texas..and comprised more than 90% of the population there..does it give them a right to annex it to Mexico? NO OFCOURSE NOT....thats the same shit with Kosovo...

what claim do albanians have to a piece of Serbia? the fact that a lot of them live there? FUCK THAT...if thats the case..then pack up southern cali and give it back to mexico..give miami to cuba..and new york to puerto rico...

to be honest..when i was watching the twin towers fall from campus with my own naked eye...what magnatized the pain even more was realizing that my country was bombed because the US thought it was right to protect muslim interest in the balkans..and then these same people you protected shoved their foot so far up ur ass ...not to mention Kosovo is one HUGE ASS TERRORIST HUB...where drug money is funelled thru to the Middle East..and drugs r funnelled thru to Europe and the US...

in closing...eat a dick


:party: :party:

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I'm gonna take the piss out of your country's history mr mah. and it's easy.


fucking italy.

don't mention the romans, they weren't italians...

let's mention that italy was a *drumbroll pleaseeeee*

Nazi ally


at least france had some principles, even if they were shit at defending their countries.


I can see why mr mahs likes the current war so much. because it's in italian nature, and seemingly americas.

wannabee fascist dictator, loves war, needs something to do, oooh let's go bomb a fucked up country, fuck it up some more and fuck up fucking it up.

or something.

"Following yet another incident on 5 December 1934, the already strained relations between Italy and Abyssinia (today called Ethiopia) rapidly deteriorated further. The resulting conciliation efforts, particularly on the part of the League of Nations, came to nothing. On the night of 2-3 October 1935, Italian forces invaded Abyssinian territory from Eritrea. At the end of an unequal struggle, during which the Italian army used chemical weapons, Abyssinia was finally conquered at the beginning of March 1936 and annexed by the Kingdom of Italy."

"The Abyssinian government mainly protested about raids by the Italian air force aimed particularly at ambulances and medical units protected by the red cross emblem, and the use of gas - confirmed by the ICRC delegates themselves - by Italian forces in violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol. However, when the ICRC approached the Italian Red Cross about this, its president replied that the Protocol contained no provision prohibiting the use of chemical weapons in reprisal for the ill-treatment of Italian prisoners of war. The ICRC, in turn, reminded the Italian National Society that, as far as humanitarian law was concerned, chemical weapons were very clearly prohibited."

btw I do love italy and italians. but not that much as I've not been there yet. and it's late. and this threat is fucking stupid. but anyway. fuckit.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

what magnatized the pain even more was realizing that my country was bombed because the US thought it was right to protect muslim interest in the balkans..and then these same people you protected shoved their foot so far up ur ass

that right there is reason enough to want to hunt and kill every last terrorist on planet earth. fuck those assholes.

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"fuck those assholes"

do you live by those words in your day to day life?


I think some greeks did this in war, fucking an asshole not being the same as having your asshole fucked.

hunting and killing terroists.


but then we come back to the star wars problem

luke is a terrorist and a hero. at the same time.

the war on terroism is the war on poverty, illiteracy, it's about improving the lives, making the world fair, not just a source of cheap labour, cheap oil and cheap holidays...

killing doesn't solve anything.

can get rid of problems, hide things and make money, but not solve the real issues.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

if thats the case..then pack up southern cali and give it back to mexico..give miami to cuba..and new york to puerto rico...

actually i live in Miami...and u CANT give Miami back to Cuba...u have to leave some for: Colombia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina...well u get the picture...but a majority would go back to Cuba...;):tongue:

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Originally posted by marksimons

"fuck those assholes"

do you live by those words in your day to day life?


I think some greeks did this in war, fucking an asshole not being the same as having your asshole fucked.

hunting and killing terroists.


but then we come back to the star wars problem

luke is a terrorist and a hero. at the same time.

the war on terroism is the war on poverty, illiteracy, it's about improving the lives, making the world fair, not just a source of cheap labour, cheap oil and cheap holidays...

killing doesn't solve anything.

can get rid of problems, hide things and make money, but not solve the real issues.

True the issues of poverty and illiteracy, etc have to be solved, but we can't just sit around and solve those while terrorists are blowing up our buildings. FIRST, we hunt down terrorists, and then we DEFINITELY should follow up with addressing poverty and education.

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