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its a holiday?


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It's a national holiday and unfortunately, one that's taken far too lightly considering the historical meaning behind it. Obviously, all Federal employees will have off today, including your beloved post man. I'm sure your junk mail can wait an extra 24 hours to arrive.

Since you clearly are ignorant, Veteran's Day, also know as Rememberance Day, honors those brave soldiers, both living and dead, who fought for the United States and what it represents. They put themselves on the lines to give you a country where your freedom comes first. Show some respect...

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Originally posted by misskittie

It's a national holiday and unfortunately, one that's taken far too lightly considering the historical meaning behind it. Obviously, all Federal employees will have off today, including your beloved post man. I'm sure your junk mail can wait an extra 24 hours to arrive.

Since you clearly are ignorant, Veteran's Day, also know as Rememberance Day, honors those brave soldiers, both living and dead, who fought for the United States and what it represents. They put themselves on the lines to give you a country where your freedom comes first. Show some respect...

Thank you!!

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Originally posted by misskittie

Since you clearly are ignorant, Veteran's Day, also know as Rememberance Day, honors those brave soldiers, both living and dead, who fought for the United States and what it represents. They put themselves on the lines to give you a country where your freedom comes first. Show some respect...

eh? chill out...

i lived in the UK for 9 years and every year on 11/11 at 11am the entire country comes to a standstill as EVERYONE observes 2 mins of silence. i'm well aware of what the holiday represents. people actually celebrate it there for its meaning.

my post stems from the fact that many holidays in DC don't seem to represent anything -- half the city comes to a standstill, for what? it's become just another day off for (lazy) govt employees.

don't try reading inbetween the lines too much, it makes you look ignorant.

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Wow, two whole minutes of silence to remember the millions who have sacrificed their lives for their country. You sure put me in my place.

The only thing that I agree with is that this holiday is taken too laxadaysil (sp). It's true, most do only regard it as "another day off from work" to lay around the house or to hit the nearest mall for the wonderful "holiday sales". It's sad how the country has materialized it simply for it's own economic gain. --- And people wonder why the American public didn't want September 11th to be regarded as a national holiday.

The holidays that you think only exist in DC actually exist throughout the country. It only takes on a higher precidence because you're in the Nation's Capital where our leaders of the federal government congregate. Plenty of corporations up here in the tri-state area (NY / NJ / CT) had off in recognition of the day. To say that everyone is being "lazy" is unfair. You don't know how many people in our society sit and reflect of the wartimes past.

Today happens to mean a lot to me and being you are not a true American, I'm sure you can not truly understand why I find it insulting someone would make such a statement as you did. My Grandfather, who in just recent months passed away, was a Veteran and I know that today was extremely important to him. He carried with him each day a lot of pride and respect because of being involved in the war. He never had the opportunity to share with me his war stories but I know how much being a soldier meant to him. Because of that, and the many other former soldiers, the day should be respected. Stupid comments about the post man being off is unwarranted. Just because those you see around you don't appear to be reflecting on the day, doesn't mean they aren't.

And Vic, I did go to work today. I knew that's what my Grandfather would have wanted. And being my Father, a former Vietnam Vet was able to get up and head out, there's no reason for me to stay home. But I think people should have the basic right to chose whether they go to work or stay home and recognize it as they see fit.

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Originally posted by misskittie

And Vic, I did go to work today. I knew that's what my Grandfather would have wanted. And being my Father, a former Vietnam Vet was able to get up and head out, there's no reason for me to stay home. But I think people should have the basic right to chose whether they go to work or stay home and recognize it as they see fit.

i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, just wanted to point that out. i think japaneese people celebrate a similar holiday by working more hours than normal, or at least it was a tradition that they had. each country has its tradition on how to conmemorate holidays as they see fit and we really can judge one as being better to the other.

as you made reference in your reply to funkyfresh, it probably is the case that we do live in DC and the city does come a standstill in comparison to other cities in the US. what i think he was alluding more to was that for any holiday, or event that affects the DC area, the first ones to close down is always the federal govmnt. i was surprised of all the people out in New York going about their usual normal work day. personally that is the way that i would choose to conmemorate a holiday such as this.

having said all of that, i would also like to mention that a lot of foreign nationals have fought for the ideals that the United States and democracies around the world represent and uphold and sometimes their contributions are a bit overlooked. i know my family lost many members even though they were never citizens, they fought for the same ideals that we all have.

but in any case, generally speaking, we all know the govmnt is pretty darn lazy.

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Originally posted by misskittie

Wow, two whole minutes of silence to remember the millions who have sacrificed their lives for their country.

and what do you propose? i can't think of many other gestures that could be more profound or fitting. this is something that takes place like clockwork year after year... i don't see how an entire country coming to a standstill for 2 mins can be taken lightly.

The holidays that you think only exist in DC actually exist throughout the country. It only takes on a higher precidence because you're in the Nation's Capital where our leaders of the federal government congregate. Plenty of corporations up here in the tri-state area (NY / NJ / CT) had off in recognition of the day. To say that everyone is being "lazy" is unfair. You don't know how many people in our society sit and reflect of the wartimes past.

please stop inferring things that i haven't said (see previous post). i think i made it clear in my last post that i was refering to my observations of what takes place in DC. as for the "lazy" comment, it's a jab at CP postwhores who also manage to be (productive) govt employees. next time i'll just spell it out for you.

Today happens to mean a lot to me and being you are not a true American, I'm sure you can not truly understand why I find it insulting someone would make such a statement as you did.

not a true american? because i lived abroad? or because i've travelled abroad? well i suppose either of those disqualify me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

you might want to keep in mind that it's not a holiday that is unique to the US (although it has different names in different places) -- one doesn't have to be a "true american" to appreciate it.

My Grandfather, who in just recent months passed away, was a Veteran and I know that today was extremely important to him. He carried with him each day a lot of pride and respect because of being involved in the war. He never had the opportunity to share with me his war stories but I know how much being a soldier meant to him. Because of that, and the many other former soldiers, the day should be respected.

no arguments there. i've got family in the military as well. i can relate.

Stupid comments about the post man being off is unwarranted. Just because those you see around you don't appear to be reflecting on the day, doesn't mean they aren't.

lighten up a bit. doesn't mean they are either.

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Originally posted by misskittie

Wow, two whole minutes of silence to remember the millions who have sacrificed their lives for their country. You sure put me in my place. ...

...Today happens to mean a lot to me and being you are not a true American, I'm sure you can not truly understand why I find it insulting someone would make such a statement as you did. ...

:idea: Eh... look who's ignorant now... :shaky:

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Originally posted by pgiddy

I can't wait until MLK day......thats my favorite, along with Labor Day and Memorial Day and Flag Day.....we should've never been in Vietnam, IMO

people get flag day off? We don't have Veterans or MLK day off here in my office. We are given 6 floater holidays to use whenever, so we could take those off if we wanted. I save them to use as vacation.

pgiddy - i tried to PM you and apparently you're so popular that your PM box was full :shaky::(

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

people get flag day off? We don't have Veterans or MLK day off here in my office. We are given 6 floater holidays to use whenever, so we could take those off if we wanted. I save them to use as vacation.

pgiddy - i tried to PM you and apparently you're so popular that your PM box was full :shaky::(

6 floater holidays?? Is there even six holidays

let me delete all the love letters I wrote to myself....

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli


wait, i meant 4... we use to get 6 but now we get the day after Thanksgiving & Christmas off so they cut it down to 4.

you should take chanukah(sp), National Biodisel Day, Natl Bachelor's day, and Flag day, those are the ones I would take off. They are spaced out perfectly, you could have 4 day work weeks just about every three weeks....

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Originally posted by pgiddy

you should take chanukah(sp), National Biodisel Day, Natl Bachelor's day, and Flag day, those are the ones I would take off. They are spaced out perfectly, you could have 4 day work weeks just about every three weeks....

national biodisel day? wtf? I normally use them on a Friday to take trips up to NYC. I've totally exceeded my vacation/floater time for the past 2 years but my bosses are cool :D

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Guest jroo

I can't believe that you guys took something as pure and honorable as a holiday that gives thanks to the men and women that died for this country and turned it into a bitching session. Piss on you all. dc cp representing to the fullest.


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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc


like govt employees don't get enough breaks :rolleyes:

You're such an ignorant prick. You know damn well government employees don't get enough holidays. You saying such means you aren't a true american and are a complete disgrace to all government employees everywhere. Why don't you go travel abroad some more? Or observe some silence for the fallen holidays.

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