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Ohh gawd... all this plastic surgery fad


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...Killing them is much more cost effective...why get bogged down in nuance?...

did you miss tastey's post? killing certain groups of people would narrow the genetic base and narrowing the genetic base could be ultimately detrimental to the species.

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Originally posted by wideskies

did you miss tastey's post? killing certain groups of people would narrow the genetic base and narrowing the genetic base could be ultimately detrimental to the species.

...With an increased understanding of the human genome we could engineer natural defenses for humans to suit the environment.. Breeding, as we know it, would be irrelevant...therefore there is no reason to keep them around.

So, the solution would be:

1) finally decypher the human genome and its workings

2) Kill all fat people...


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...With an increased understanding of the human genome we could engineer natural defenses for humans to suit the environment.. Breeding, as we know it, would be irrelevant...therefore there is no reason to keep them around.

So, the solution would be:

1) finally decypher the human genome and its workings

2) Kill all fat people...


Now you're onto something...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...With an increased understanding of the human genome we could engineer natural defenses for humans to suit the environment.. Breeding, as we know it, would be irrelevant...therefore there is no reason to keep them around.

So, the solution would be:

1) finally decypher the human genome and its workings

2) Kill all fat people...


*laugh* no way will we even begin to approach figuring out the workings of gene interaction any time soon.

maybe if you bring up this argument in 1,000,000 years or so. ;)

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

But more importantly, why would you make such a rude & negative comment towards me?

Someone spewing such negativity cant possibly be a happy person. whats the matter, on the inside are you still that scared little fat fuck kid that got picked last for kickball & sat out for proms?


...lmao...touchy touchy...i was trying to make a point...why is your father an exception?...by your own words, he's part of the problem....lol...funny how people react when you make it personal - yet y'all can throw out such generalizations as if there werent REAL people in the equation...

p.s. sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me


kickball retard / prom absentee

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...With an increased understanding of the human genome we could engineer natural defenses for humans to suit the environment.. Breeding, as we know it, would be irrelevant...therefore there is no reason to keep them around.

So, the solution would be:

1) finally decypher the human genome and its workings

2) Kill all fat people...


it´s great that you dismiss all facts trying to keep your "theory" alive.

that wouldn´t work either. "engineering natural defenses" against a constantly changing environment... bullshit. you are aware that you could only do that if you´d create a new lifeform (a baby).... that means it would take an entire generation to even know if it the change in the genome would have had the desired effect. and in addition to that, you wouldn´t know what side effects it would have on the genome (not fertile offspring for example, vurnability to other diseases that you were immune before, etc.). you CANNOT even CLOSE consider even 0.00000001% of the consequences.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

You too :eek::jawdrop:

...truth be told, i skipped on my junior prom....and ended up taking my sister to my senior prom because i ditched my date the last minute...lol...but at around 19 or so i went to a ton of proms, formals, dances, etc....it was weird...i was like a male escort for like 8 months...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...I'm being serious... Think about it for a second... Obesity is caused by genetic predisposition to being heavy

In SOME cases, Mikey. But I think the majority of the root of the problem is no self control when you're around this:


and this




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Originally posted by gmccookny

Is making me SICK :yuck:

it seems to be on television, magazines, everywhere.

It's one thing if you're born deformed or something. I can see wanting it.

But it's another when you really don't need it, and people get it.

COuld it be self-consciousness driving people to do it? Could it be the money and ability to do it? COuld it be exposure to celebrities that we feel we must compete with?

To me it's very sad that we watch people on television have this done. And even sadder for the people that have it done.


yea :werd:

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Originally posted by ninadd

The only plastic surgery I had was implants - How is that funny??? I must be missing something :rolleyes:

The best idea that I can come up with...

Is that these handful of guys somehow were bashing the idea of fake tetas, and some guy (spanker) suggesting putting your pic up for laughs..

Retawds, I bet if you saw them in person at a club for example, they'd be all over ya, buying drinks to slobbering on the floor. But, of course this is the internet version of them.

And for the record people, I there is nada damn thing wrong with someone making them self sexier. I mean, what about hair salons?

lipstick?, hell..even tight jeans...

Most of the things we do daily is for the reason that it excentuates ourself in one way or another...


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yeah people always say they hate fake stuff but when actually confronted with it, they dont know a fake nose form a real one, a fake tit from a real one, a botoxed head from a normal one, a veneer tooth from a natural one... they probably just think "wow those are some great teeth" :laugh: i know i would.

i would love to get some cosmetic dental work but then i would be fake and undesireable :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ninadd

The only plastic surgery I had was implants - How is that funny??? I must be missing something :rolleyes:

It's funny cuz u must've had some issues with how u looked in order to get them in the 1st place. U look decent.. so why get the extra rack?

Eccentricmofo speak for yourself.. and realize ONE THING: I AM NOT U.. and never will be.

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Originally posted by darlok

It's funny cuz u must've had some issues with how u looked in order to get them in the 1st place. U look decent.. so why get the extra rack?

Eccentricmofo speak for yourself.. and realize ONE THING: I AM NOT U.. and never will be.

Ok heres the story - I was a chubby kid and didnt thin out till after high school. I had natural D breasts all thru high school but once I started going to the gym and eating right they quickly turned to a small B. This left alot of extra skin which made my 21 year old breasts look like my grandmothers. I decided to get implants that would bring my breats back to a D and lift them back up without getttiing a lift. Well any way it worked and most people cant tell I have implants becuase they filled out naturally and the skin was never stretched. So I guess you can say I did have a complex of having grandma boobs.

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