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A Disgruntled D.J., Followed By Disgrutled Fans......

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Originally posted by berniec

and as a final note, last I checked we all still have first ammendment rites, you can sit there and call me a meathead and i can call you a fag and thats the beauty of this country. JPs mod DID post a message asking members to stop the comments, but indiviuals still have a right to express themselves and its not up to Junior, JP, or any of their representitives to try and police the internet.

First ammendment rights should never be used as an excuse to be an asshole. Whether you have the right to say something or not, there is also something called moral responsibility.

As for Jonathan....the only reason he should care to remove posts like that from his board is because they reflect on him regardless of who posted them. If he cares to broaden his fan base at some point he should be conscious of that.

And again...blanket statements about a crowd are never good. I'm gay, a Junior fan and I've enjoyed SF Saturday nights on several occasions. I'd also like to see Junior's upcoming party a lot more mixed than it has been in the past and I know many of my gay friends feel the same way. We are very accepting of different types of people coming as long as they are respectful to us and our party.

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Originally posted by redzinger

First ammendment rights should never be used as an excuse to be an asshole. Whether you have the right to say something or not, there is also something called moral responsibility.

As for Jonathan....the only reason he should care to remove posts like that from his board is because they reflect on him regardless of who posted them. If he cares to broaden his fan base at some point he should be conscious of that.

I dont see how you can use them as an excuse for being an asshole- if a person feels a certain way they can say what they are feeling- if that offends some people tough shit, they also have the right to do the same. I'm not getting into the issue of right or wrong, I'm just saying that in all reality I dont think they should delete such posts, DJs are not morality police (even though Danny T. seems to think he is). They definately shoulnd encorage it, but I dont think they should sensor it either.

just my 2 cents

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by redzinger

First ammendment rights should never be used as an excuse to be an asshole. Whether you have the right to say something or not, there is also something called moral responsibility.

As for Jonathan....the only reason he should care to remove posts like that from his board is because they reflect on him regardless of who posted them. If he cares to broaden his fan base at some point he should be conscious of that.

And again...blanket statements about a crowd are never good. I'm gay, a Junior fan and I've enjoyed SF Saturday nights on several occasions. I'd also like to see Junior's upcoming party a lot more mixed than it has been in the past and I know many of my gay friends feel the same way. We are very accepting of different types of people coming as long as they are respectful to us and our party.

I don't think it's feasible for Jonathon to remove negative comments from his board, because really, how should he pick and choose which comments stay and which get deleted. Unfortuantly negative comments toward gays are not the only ones that exist. If he removed all the posts that may or may not be deemed offensive to somebody, there probably wouldn't be much to talk about, and it's unforunate because it should really be about the music!!

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Originally posted by muzikchick

resort to ignorant gay bashing. Personally, I find it very disturbing. The gay bashing is overwhelming on the Jonathan Peters message boards. I further find it disturbing that, while Peter's moderators will erase any post regarding d.j. competition, such as Baez and Merritt spinning classics at SF, they allow the vicious gay bashing to take place.

I think it displays poor judgement on the part of JP's staff to allow this type of behavior to continue. Those messages should be erased immediately. By erasing those sort of messages, it would send a message that this type of "hate" behavior should not be tolerated in NY, or anywhere. Not doing so, only illustrates that JP is only worried about himself, and competing d.j.'s. This sort of aloofness toward this behavior does not make him look very good, and I'm sure many feel the same. By allowing it to continue, it's passive aggressive bashing, by Peters, himself. To show the seriousness of this intolerable behavior he, JP, should have immediately make an announcement to stop the hate, and remove those disgraceful messages of intolerance and hate speech. We are not in Kansas, people, and it's unacceptable.






W H Y A R E Y O U H E R E ?


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Originally posted by berniec

I'm not getting into the issue of right or wrong, I'm just saying that in all reality I dont think they should delete such posts, DJs are not morality police (even though Danny T. seems to think he is). They definately shoulnd encorage it, but I dont think they should sensor it either.

just my 2 cents

I know these message boards are fun for the rest of us, but Jonathan is a professional DJ. This is his career, not some hobby. He runs a website with his own name in the URL. A message board attatched to it with rantings from uneducated people refelcts on him and his name. I know nothing about the man. Maybe he agrees with them. Either way, from a business point of view, I think he should have more control over what gets posted on his board.

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Originally posted by berniec

I dont see how you can use them as an excuse for being an asshole- if a person feels a certain way they can say what they are feeling- if that offends some people tough shit, they also have the right to do the same.

There is a time and a place for everything in life. We are very lucky to be afforded freedom of speech in this country but we also have a duty of social responsibility. It's like going to a funeral and getting up next to the coffin and cracking jokes. Sure you have the right....but you're an asshole. End of story.

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Originally posted by redzinger

I know these message boards are fun for the rest of us, but Jonathan is a professional DJ. This is his career, not some hobby. He runs a website with his own name in the URL. A message board attatched to it with rantings from uneducated people refelcts on him and his name. I know nothing about the man. Maybe he agrees with them. Either way, from a business point of view, I think he should have more control over what gets posted on his board.

the forums on his site are open to any of his fans to talk about whatever they want to, they are not strictly for the promotion of him or his music/events. In fact i think JP himself has only posted on the board ONCE in its entire existance to welcome everyone. And as for the man himself, the best guesses i've heard are that he is bisexual- dosnt much matter to me- i enjoy listening to his art more then anybody else around...i could care less if he goes home and fuks sheet after he leaves the club lol

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Originally posted by berniec

the forums on his site are open to any of his fans to talk about whatever they want to, they are not strictly for the promotion of him or his music/events.

My point is that he may want to RECONSIDER the purpose that those forums serve. It's my opinion that it reflects poorly on him, and therefore is a bad business practice. Again, this is his career and not a hobby.

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Originally posted by redzinger

My point is that he may want to RECONSIDER the purpose that those forums serve. It's my opinion that it reflects poorly on him, and therefore is a bad business practice. Again, this is his career and not a hobby.

and his career is based on his followers, and those are the people who are posting on his site...so i dont see the issue...the majority of (former) factory heads are outspoken, and opinionated...if someone who stumbles across his site and dosnt liek that and is turned off then its probably for the better, because if they showd up at one of his events they mite feel out of place if they are an easily offended conservative :)

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Originally posted by berniec

and his career is based on his followers, and those are the people who are posting on his site...so i dont see the issue...the majority of (former) factory heads are outspoken, and opinionated...if someone who stumbles across his site and dosnt liek that and is turned off then its probably for the better, because if they showd up at one of his events they mite feel out of place if they are an easily offended conservative :)

Your thought process is very right here, right now. What about down the road? What about his future? If you're going to a be a world famous DJ you might want to consider things outside of the factory heads in the tri-state area.

But like I said....perhaps he agrees with the comments and perhaps these are the only type of people he wants to attract. So be it.

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Originally posted by redzinger

Your thought process is very right here, right now. What about down the road? What about his future? If you're going to a be a world famous DJ you might want to consider things outside of the factory heads in the tri-state area.

But like I said....perhaps he agrees with the comments and perhaps these are the only type of people he wants to attract. So be it.

your're rite, i'm running with (what i presume is) his train of thought. Look at it this way, the man could have a lot more recognition and a lot more money in his bank account if he choose to expand his horizons and not miss a single saturday nite in 7 years at SF. He is loyal (at times sometimes too loyal i think) to his fan base in NY

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someone said: "if a person feels a certain way they can say what they are feeling- if that offends some people tough shit"\

So - By your theory, racist and homophobes and nazis are allowed to degrade others and TOUGH SHIT if people dont like it???

Yes, free speech, yes, free to voice opinion, but NO - if it's racist, homophobic, or otherwise degrading/hurtful/beyond an opinion on something related to a sensitive topic such as race/relgion/gender/sexual pref.

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Originally posted by MissDiva

someone said: "if a person feels a certain way they can say what they are feeling- if that offends some people tough shit"\

So - By your theory, racist and homophobes and nazis are allowed to degrade others and TOUGH SHIT if people dont like it???

Yes, free speech, yes, free to voice opinion, but NO - if it's racist, homophobic, or otherwise degrading/hurtful/beyond an opinion on something related to a sensitive topic such as race/relgion/gender/sexual pref.

it was me who made that comment, and yes sorry to tell you even hurtful/homofobic/racist/sexist speech is protected under the first ammendment. If you dont like it, then your free to move to a country where speech is regulated...but then again those countries also are too welcoming of homosexuals, women and forign minorities either ;)

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truth is you can sit here and waste your time typing 5 more pages of bs but you aren't gonna chnage peoples minds, their feelings or their thoughts.. If they are ignorant, racist, sexist homophobes or whatever, as sad as it is to say, you are not going to change that.. point being why let those people bother you?? You are making it like it its a "jonathan peters fan thing" , when their is ignorance all over the world.. as far as the dj's, like someone said jonathan doesn't monitor his site.. comments were made toward a certain group of people( gay) but what about junior and fans of junior referring to woman as "fish" .. again thats bashing, thats sexist, i could sit here and type 50 pages to you "junior" fans that think like that but why bother, i don't care, if thats how you think, thats your problem..

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Im not talking legal or illegal, I pointed out I am aware of the free speech issue - i am talking about someone saying "if they dont like it tough shit" Why is it tough shit to the gay man dealing with someone calling him a faggot or a black man being called a n-gger....its the issue of the person saying these things, and as legal as it may be to make a comment, that doesn't make it RIGHT or moral or respectful...THATS what i meant.

And as much as I understand how JR infuriates ppl by turning music off, calling women fish etc (yes its cunty, yes it can get annoying, but yes I understand as an artist and DJ (who is in a position and in an industry/environment where they have power to do different things as crazy and fucked up as they may be) Im a woman who has been going to JR parties for 10 years and whos been influenced positively by the gay community in a million ways, the few times a door guy gets cunty w/ women or JR turns off a turntable are irrelevant to me or people who are there for the music, experience, and a hundred other reasons. No he doesnt want a thousand women or certain type of str8 crowd, but believe me hes embraced many women/str8's dependent on how they are influenced by his music and parties - not so much gender (he has 3 close women friends and MANY str8 friends) it comes across 100 times worse when all you hear about are the few cunty incidents and base your opinion on that. Not saying everything he does is right, but just saying as a woman it never affected me and shouldnt affect anyone who truly is there for the right reasons...Its not degrading or disrespectful its more of his own personality and attitude coming out in that environment as a general - not calling women names individually or disrespecting, people who know the jr type environment /tone/ entourage know its much more play and show than seriousness.....(of course turning off music I dont agree with - thats a disrespect to the crowd, so that i do think was wrong... but not a make or break issue when the mans been spinning for what, 30 yrs!)

Oh and about 'never changing peoples views" its not about one person changing EVERYONES views its about each person having a voice and TOGETHER starting to change and better society.. one of my favorite quotes from a friend in HS who was the first guy to come out (back in 94 it was still hush hush)

"It's better to light one candle than to curse the


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Junior stoping the music calling people fish:confused: I have heard and seen him do some crazy things over the years but never this. His door guys i have heard use this word many times in the early 90s. I do know of hearing one time he did stop the music at SF and say something about all the girls standing on the speakers. There are girls at junior's parties and there will be at his new party .This is a big club and they will need to fill it. The first week might be a liitle tight. I am sure everyone will be welcome.

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Originally posted by redzinger

I know these message boards are fun for the rest of us, but Jonathan is a professional DJ. This is his career, not some hobby. He runs a website with his own name in the URL. A message board attatched to it with rantings from uneducated people refelcts on him and his name. I know nothing about the man. Maybe he agrees with them. Either way, from a business point of view, I think he should have more control over what gets posted on his board.

and kudos to Diva!! Hope you and Red are the type of people at the new factory party....it will be amazing. Awesome people.

Very true!! Also, it took JP alot of time to slowly win over some of the Gay market. Gay fans can be very loyal, and he is just not approaching the situation in a very professional matter. As a matter of fact, he is not approaching the situation at all. By choosing to ignore it, he is proving himself very cowardly. It IS a reflection on him.

You can take a look on the JV boards, Juniors Rep put an end to hate topics in week number one. You can also take a look at the DT forum, DT put an end to hate topics in week one. JP on the other hand, did nothing. That is why he is not at the level of DT and JV and probably never will be. Poor public relations. He wants to relate to his fan base by using one liners "the best is yet to come"....it may work for Arnold, but it's not going to work for JP. You can't say what's not in your heart, and perhaps he just does not care. His ego has gotten the best of him.

It's a damn shame.

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The funny thing is that you can either pick out all the negative things about ANY party, or concentrate on having fun - lol - I could bitch about the issues in a gay event, bitch about the issues in a straight event, (I acutally like the anything-goes events - my best nights are as the lone str8 girl in a sea of gay men lol ) or just stop complaining and enjoy yourself........Its not a competition for gods sake lol...... :)

And you are right about the PR issue - the boards/internet is for 'fun' to people who aren't working in the industry, but it is a huge factor of many ppls careers/advertising/reputation etc - all it takes is one person to monitor and moderate whats being said about a DJ or whoever, to keep the negativity and BS away - if they can't spend the effort/time/$ on that, it reflects poorly.... you're not expected to change the world or an entire group view, just explain and clear up anything related to the company/person you're representing - just like every other company does and why PR businesses exist..

:) muzik.. thanks :) I live in southbeach now, but will def check out that party... I graduated from factory once on 27th, again in 1998 and have been in hibernation since Twilo closed :)

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Happiness cannot come from hatred or anger. Nobody can say, "Today I am happy because this morning I was very angry." On the contrary, people feel uneasy and sad and say, "Today I am not happy because I lost my temper this morning." Through kindness, whether at our own level or at the national and international level, through mutual understanding and through mutual respect, we will get peace, we will get happiness, and we will get genuine satisfaction.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Originally posted by muzikchick

Happiness cannot come from hatred or anger. Nobody can say, "Today I am happy because this morning I was very angry." On the contrary, people feel uneasy and sad and say, "Today I am not happy because I lost my temper this morning." Through kindness, whether at our own level or at the national and international level, through mutual understanding and through mutual respect, we will get peace, we will get happiness, and we will get genuine satisfaction.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Because I just love how this man relates to humanity.

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