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A Disgruntled D.J., Followed By Disgrutled Fans......

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Originally posted by redzinger

*Bells* *Whistles*

And does everyone interpret things the exact same way?


Because there is variation in the species. I interpret pleasurable sex as being with a man because I'm gay. You interpret it as with a woman because you are straight.

You are not getting down to the very root of what makes us decide things.

We are hardwired for certain things.

My answer to your Roman soldier gender bending example was not extreme, rather, your blanket statement that homosexuality was encouraged amongst the soldiers and all of a sudden men were gay was extreme. Your argument is not solid. You're saying that just because the men were sleeping together that they had an "attraction" to one another. Simply not true. Very young boys often masturbate together. It's not a gay thing. They are not attracted to one another. They are emotionally attracted to women but have the ability to appreciate pleasure with one another.

I just checked my answering machine, and the entire world agrees I'm making the better argument. :)

aha! We finally agree on something. Yes, some people are hardwired differently. But not in the way that you have a specific gene that determines that your gay and I have one that determines that I'm straight. There are certain genetic traits that may make a person more ummmmm, susceptable, or open to the learned behavior of homosexuality. But there are indirect connections.

In regards to thee hypothetical Roman soldier thing...you're choosing to misunderstand me. I'm NOT saying that these soldiers were placed in a homosexualy encouraged atmoshpere, and they all of a sudden turned gay. That is NOT what I'm saying. I'm saying, that there would be SOME men that learned, to one degree or another, a homosexual behavior. Again, I'm not saying that they're all becoming raging gays. But it is POSSIBLE. If they're in a situation like that for a long enough period of time, their sexual behavior CAN change. I'm not saying it WILL change to a drastic degree. But it CAN, and it was often the case. Again, you're deflecting a lot of the points I've made. Again, I'm not trying to change your mind. I actually totally forget how this started.

To restate a previous point that you neglected to respond to...what about weirdos who are sexually attracted to animals? There are people out there who prefer sex with animals to sex with a man or woman. ARE YOU SAYING THAT PEOPLE ARE BORN SEXUALLY ATTTRACTED TO ANIMALS??? I mean, the difference between being sexually attracted to a man versus a woman is so small if comparison to the difference between a human and a dog. Obviously these fucked up fetishes are learned. If you disagree with that, you're crazy. If you agree, then I win.

If animal fetishes are learned, then why can't homosexual behaviors?

Again, you still haven't responded to some of my earlier points...i.e. my taste bud rebutal and animal fetish argument.

This has been fun, but I think you're in denial maybe. No biggie though. ;)

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Originally posted by zeeker

This has been fun, but I think you're in denial maybe.

If you believe that it is possible (even if a remote chance) for a straight man to become a raging homosexual over night....then you must be able to see that as a possibility for yourself. In which case....I think that YOU are in denial. (And if you're cute maybe I can help).

But moving right along...

You are confusing sexual terminology. Being attracted to animals is a fetish. A fetish is not a sexual preference. A fetish IS learned. Sexual Preference is NOT. And sexual behavior is also not the same thing as sexual preference. AN ENORMOUS world of difference there. As I stated, men in prison can carry on the behavior of a homosexual, because of circumstance, but their sexual preference is still heterosexuality.

Your taste bud point WAS answered you just didn't realize it. Of course the New Englander doesn't like the spicy food and spits it out. But that New Englander could learn to POSSIBLY like it. Why possibly? Because as I said before, that persons body will ultimately accept or reject the individuals desire to like that taste. I do believe, however, that we can desire something so badly that we can trick ourselves into believing a false sense of satisfaction. And that is what gay conversion. Or "unlearning" as you first put it back on page 1. But it is ultimately a false sense of reality, that while possible to sustain for some time, will most likely fail.

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Originally posted by redzinger

If you believe that it is possible (even if a remote chance) for a straight man to become a raging homosexual over night....then you must be able to see that as a possibility for yourself. In which case....I think that YOU are in denial. (And if you're cute maybe I can help).

But moving right along...

You are confusing sexual terminology. Being attracted to animals is a fetish. A fetish is not a sexual preference. A fetish IS learned. Sexual Preference is NOT. And sexual behavior is also not the same thing as sexual preference. AN ENORMOUS world of difference there. As I stated, men in prison can carry on the behavior of a homosexual, because of circumstance, but their sexual preference is still heterosexuality.

Your taste bud point WAS answered you just didn't realize it. Of course the New Englander doesn't like the spicy food and spits it out. But that New Englander could learn to POSSIBLY like it. Why possibly? Because as I said before, that persons body will ultimately accept or reject the individuals desire to like that taste. I do believe, however, that we can desire something so badly that we can trick ourselves into believing a false sense of satisfaction. And that is what gay conversion. Or "unlearning" as you first put it back on page 1. But it is ultimately a false sense of reality, that while possible to sustain for some time, will most likely fail.

this is definitely my last post on this thread.

1. I'm in no way in denial that is possible for me to become a homsexual. Is it probable?...no. Possible?....definitely. I'm not denying that in the slightest. Who knows...maybe one night I'll get mugged by a group of women, and some man comes to my rescue and as a result of the trauma, I am now attracted to men. It's possible. That example is obviously a joke...but if you think about it...it makes sense. It COULD happen. In the history of human beings, somethign very similar probably HAS happened.

2. About the sexual terminolgy, I'll rephrase...I take back fetish, and want to replace it with sexual preference. So, I'm referring to a hypothetical man who's sexual preference is Dogs. Like I said before, there are men out there that PREFER to have sex with dogs over humans. It is there sexual PREFERENCE. They have learned, in one way or another, to prefer sex with dogs. Obviously they weren't born with that preference...they obviously LEARNED it.

Nitpicking at my choice of words isn't gonna win this argument.

3. In terms of my taste bud analogy...you seem to agree. See, I'm converting you, slowly, but surely. If that New Englander moved down south and started to eat like a southerner, they could possibly grow to like spicy foods. They have 'learned' to like it...subconsciously, or consciously. Doesn't matter really.

4. In terms of the prison situation....yes, i agree. A prisoner might engage in homsexual activity out of desperation maybe, or just to bust a nut, but psychologically they are still totally heterosexual. ON the other hand, it is possible for a previously straight man to partake in homosexual activities for the first time, and as result, start to develop a full-fledged attraction to males, where none had existed prior to prison.

5. I agree about the whole notion of tricking yourself into believing in something. Obviously thats not a learned permanent trait. It's fake. But a gay man can be conditioned into developing some sort of permanent degree of preference for women, where none had previously existed. It is possible. if you can't agree with that, you're definitely in denial.

I am definitely done for today with this though. It was fun, but when you get down to it, the points I made are very well-founded and logical....and you seem to become more agreeable as the debate got further along. Your last post is pretty much you agreeing with me in a round-a-bout way, but not coming out and being straightforward about it. Re-read the thread. You're pretty much a convert. Later


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Originally posted by zeeker

Who knows...maybe one night I'll get mugged by a group of women, and some man comes to my rescue and as a result of the trauma, I am now attracted to men. It's possible.

This CRACKED me up!!!

Attention ladies.....ATTACK Mr. Zeeker! We have a theory to prove!!!

And damn I'm horny!!

*major giggles*

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Originally posted by muzikchick

resort to ignorant gay bashing. Personally, I find it very disturbing. The gay bashing is overwhelming on the Jonathan Peters message boards. I further find it disturbing that, while Peter's moderators will erase any post regarding d.j. competition, such as Baez and Merritt spinning classics at SF, they allow the vicious gay bashing to take place.

I think it displays poor judgement on the part of JP's staff to allow this type of behavior to continue. Those messages should be erased immediately. By erasing those sort of messages, it would send a message that this type of "hate" behavior should not be tolerated in NY, or anywhere. Not doing so, only illustrates that JP is only worried about himself, and competing d.j.'s. This sort of aloofness toward this behavior does not make him look very good, and I'm sure many feel the same. By allowing it to continue, it's passive aggressive bashing, by Peters, himself. To show the seriousness of this intolerable behavior he, JP, should have immediately make an announcement to stop the hate, and remove those disgraceful messages of intolerance and hate speech. We are not in Kansas, people, and it's unacceptable.



typical situation of a person dishing it out and then not being able to take it.. then she goes and makes it a gay bashing thing by "fans of Jonathan Peters".. oh lawd get a life please...:boohoo: :boohoo:

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Originally posted by zeeker

um, when was the last time you went to SF on a Sunday morning? There ar tons of trannies prancing around and gay dudes hooking up. Don't slap some ridiculous generalization on an entire fan base because a few ignorant meat heads are upset that JP is out.

exactly, how its funny people on here create their own made up drama..:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by redzinger

*Bells* *Whistles*

I just checked my answering machine, and the entire world agrees I'm making the better argument. :)

I agree!!

Although, this debate has been most interesting. Zeeker apparently likes to "WIN", I don't think that is possible with this arguement.

What an interesting debate for this particular board, never usually happens.

=-=and to those posters that want to be in denial about the *bashing*, it's in WRITING..........it wasn't made up drama, you seem to be doing a good job of acting archaic and expressing your dissatisfaction with losing your venue in a most DESTRUCTIVE/HURTFUL and bitter hateful way. Your a refelction of your precious JP, and he of you, and it stinks....and I have a right AND a responsibility to say it does.==-==you can choose to ignore the fact that it's going on, that's your choice.

IGNOR-ANCE........where do u think the word stems from.


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muzikchick & redzinger, yes, yes & yes x 10000....just letting you know people are reading and appreciating what you are saying (And are similarly frustrated w/ the 'other' POV here. lol)

First....zeeker who are you to determine ANYHTHING as 100% true or not true? Who are you to take the entire topic/issue at hand and tell the world what is fact and true? Even if studies WERE 100 percent conclusive, this is a very emotional, mental, psychological and INDIVIDUIAL issue, that has so many factors and variables that change with each person.....There are many issues where studies show this or that but doesnt mean EVERY person and issue is one way because of what the study shows! Don't you see this is something that can be determined overall by each person - with or without whatever study/evidence? Person A is gay, lets say for argument sake down the road a study shows there is evidence you ARE born with a certain pref, but person A still feels they became gay well into their life....is he wrong just beacuse a STUDY says something that he doesn't feel applies to him? hmm...

AND WHY WOULD ANYONE TELL gay people to UNLEARN who they are and what they feel? Are you kidding? Someone said 'why dont they just stop being so gay" OMG - thats like me saying "why dont black people stop being so black" its WHO YOU ARE and while it isnt something tangible like race, it is part of someone, why anyone would say UNLEARN a part of yourself is ridiculous (whether you believe it is learned or not ) BE HAPPY be who you are and be a good person, that is what is important. Gay straight bi tranny whatever.............I cannot believe there are people in this world that are so ignorant!

Personally I believe it is a combination of both, but is VERY individual. I believe in the 'born with it' side and I think there ALSO are many environmental factors that contribute. Whether a 2 yr old knows hes gay or a college kid comes home and comes out at 18, both sides of this issue contribute and EACH person has a diff life, experience, reasons,factors, beliefs, etc etc....I tend to believe genetics is a strong part, but I don't necessarily have the right to say its the MAIN or ONLY factor. I do however believe that if ONE person says they were born this way and knew forever and just KNOWS , then that's a avalid enough point/proof for me that the genetics issue is true - to whatever extent it is influential in each case varies, but true.

Gay people dont need or make excuses why, explaining their experience and feelings with their sexuality and coming out etc etc is just a PART OF THEIR LIFE , just as anyone. The only negativity that comes is when they are forced to defend themselves and deal with people who tell them gay is wrong - how can you tell someone what they LIKE and FEEL is wrong, (yes I understand the religious aspect, but again that is taking one persons beliefs and making another persons beliefs wrong based on yours... ridiculous)

I could go on forever but I just had to respond - btw saying "im winning" in this discussion proves the level of thinking and ignorance and unwillingness to comprehend this on a mature and knowledgeable level. ITS NOT ABOUT WINNING it is about being a supportive, educated, good hearted and respectful human being..regargless of your beliefs on the topic (and remember, YOUR beliefs are yours..and no other person should be put on the defense or put down because of them!)........You dont need to know about studies and science to respect people across the board no matter what gender they prefer to fuck and love

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Originally posted by MissDiva

muzikchick & redzinger, yes, yes & yes x 10000....just letting you know people are reading and appreciating what you are saying (And are similarly frustrated w/ the 'other' POV here. lol)

First....zeeker who are you to determine ANYHTHING as 100% true or not true? Who are you to take the entire topic/issue at hand and tell the world what is fact and true? Even if studies WERE 100 percent conclusive, this is a very emotional, mental, psychological and INDIVIDUIAL issue, that has so many factors and variables that change with each person.....There are many issues where studies show this or that but doesnt mean EVERY person and issue is one way because of what the study shows! Don't you see this is something that can be determined overall by each person - with or without whatever study/evidence? Person A is gay, lets say for argument sake down the road a study shows there is evidence you ARE born with a certain pref, but person A still feels they became gay well into their life....is he wrong just beacuse a STUDY says something that he doesn't feel applies to him? hmm...

AND WHY WOULD ANYONE TELL gay people to UNLEARN who they are and what they feel? Are you kidding? Someone said 'why dont they just stop being so gay" OMG - thats like me saying "why dont black people stop being so black" its WHO YOU ARE and while it isnt something tangible like race, it is part of someone, why anyone would say UNLEARN a part of yourself is ridiculous (whether you believe it is learned or not ) BE HAPPY be who you are and be a good person, that is what is important. Gay straight bi tranny whatever.............I cannot believe there are people in this world that are so ignorant!

Personally I believe it is a combination of both, but is VERY individual. I believe in the 'born with it' side and I think there ALSO are many environmental factors that contribute. Whether a 2 yr old knows hes gay or a college kid comes home and comes out at 18, both sides of this issue contribute and EACH person has a diff life, experience, reasons,factors, beliefs, etc etc....I tend to believe genetics is a strong part, but I don't necessarily have the right to say its the MAIN or ONLY factor. I do however believe that if ONE person says they were born this way and knew forever and just KNOWS , then that's a avalid enough point/proof for me that the genetics issue is true - to whatever extent it is influential in each case varies, but true.

Gay people dont need or make excuses why, explaining their experience and feelings with their sexuality and coming out etc etc is just a PART OF THEIR LIFE , just as anyone. The only negativity that comes is when they are forced to defend themselves and deal with people who tell them gay is wrong - how can you tell someone what they LIKE and FEEL is wrong, (yes I understand the religious aspect, but again that is taking one persons beliefs and making another persons beliefs wrong based on yours... ridiculous)

I could go on forever but I just had to respond - btw saying "im winning" in this discussion proves the level of thinking and ignorance and unwillingness to comprehend this on a mature and knowledgeable level. ITS NOT ABOUT WINNING it is about being a supportive, educated, good hearted and respectful human being..regargless of your beliefs on the topic (and remember, YOUR beliefs are yours..and no other person should be put on the defense or put down because of them!)........You dont need to know about studies and science to respect people across the board no matter what gender they prefer to fuck and love

lol, shut up. I didn't read through what you wrote cause it seems liek babble. I notice that your whole little write up seems to be emotionally charged. Again, no real arguments. We were having an itellectual debate dummy...I was joking with the kid about winning the argument, and he knew it. And if you read through what I wrote, I WAS THE ONE who ackowledged that BOTH nature and nurture play a part, not exclusivley one or the other like they said. Ha, funny how redzinger had nothing left to say on the topic. Have fun babbling on about emotions. Because I know you have abolsutely no intelligent responses to go against all my points in this thread. Go away son. ;)

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Originally posted by muzikchick

I agree!!

Although, this debate has been most interesting. Zeeker apparently likes to "WIN", I don't think that is possible with this arguement.

What an interesting debate for this particular board, never usually happens.

=-=and to those posters that want to be in denial about the *bashing*, it's in WRITING..........it wasn't made up drama, you seem to be doing a good job of acting archaic and expressing your dissatisfaction with losing your venue in a most DESTRUCTIVE/HURTFUL and bitter hateful way. Your a refelction of your precious JP, and he of you, and it stinks....and I have a right AND a responsibility to say it does.==-==you can choose to ignore the fact that it's going on, that's your choice.

IGNOR-ANCE........where do u think the word stems from.


dude, if you're gay you're gay. Who cares. Go for it. There's nothing wrong with it. But anyone with half a brain and an unbiased view on the topic will ackowledged that all of what I said has a lot of merit.

I LOVE to agrue. LOVE it. But I'm not out to get some sort of ego boost out of 'winning' an argument on clubplanet. Again, redzinger seemed to be aware that I was kiddign abotu the whole winnign thing...hence some of his own similar jokes. That being said, I'm right and you're wrong. ;)

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There is no right and wrong...........just theories, and alot to support both sides of the arguement. I don't like the "learned behavior" theories, simply because it gives religious fanatics fuel for thier biased campaigns, that is why I steer away from even accepting that theory, except for a small percentage of individuals.

But, for the sake of harmony, your RIGHT, there is more than one theory regarding nature vs. nurture in sexual preferance.

Hope you're happy.;)

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I think it displays poor judgement on the part of JP's staff to allow Kansas, people, and it's unacceptable. STOP THE GAY BASHING, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS QUOTE]

First off

Are we not in the USA??

cuz i can say what i feel, can't I

And if you dont like it

dont read it

if you can't feel what im saying

then walk away

but understand i will say what i feel.

Welcome to NYC cuz most of us

say what we feel.

this is how it is

its always been like this

get over



If U DONT like them!!!!

cuz YOUR right were NOT

KANSAS were in NYC.

Also note

I have many many gay friends and famaily members

so when i bash a gay its usually cuz he/she pissed me off

if your white and piss me off fuck it. I get mad and say what's on MY mind then im over it..

IF you can not handl what somone is saying walk away..

People these days have to love themselves and forget about trying to change what others think.. Sticks and stones will HURT you


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Words start riots. I have seen words like this turn to violence, I have physically had to jump in front of someone--on more than one occasion--to stop it from becoming violent. It started with words, and should end with words.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. -Eldridge Cleaver


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Originally posted by muzikchick

I don't like the "learned behavior" theories, simply because it gives religious fanatics fuel for thier biased campaigns, that is why I steer away from even accepting that theory, except for a small percentage of individuals.

haha, so you refuse to accept the position because there are religious nuts out there who use it to discriminate gays?

I'm probably as non-religious a person as you can find. I'm also not seeking to discriminate.

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Originally posted by lustforyou

I think it displays poor judgement on the part of JP's staff to allow Kansas, people, and it's unacceptable. STOP THE GAY BASHING, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS QUOTE]

First off

Are we not in the USA??

cuz i can say what i feel, can't I

And if you dont like it

dont read it

if you can't feel what im saying

then walk away

but understand i will say what i feel.

Welcome to NYC cuz most of us

say what we feel.

this is how it is

its always been like this

get over



If U DONT like them!!!!

cuz YOUR right were NOT

KANSAS were in NYC.

Also note

I have many many gay friends and famaily members

so when i bash a gay its usually cuz he/she pissed me off

if your white and piss me off fuck it. I get mad and say what's on MY mind then im over it..

IF you can not handl what somone is saying walk away..

People these days have to love themselves and forget about trying to change what others think.. Sticks and stones will HURT you


Moron. :rolleyes:


good one :aright:

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Well, I could tell you weren't seeking to discriminate. It's obvious you were debating on an intellectual level and not an emotionally driven stand point.

But, for the majority, I still believe it's nature...gay born that way.

Not to say both theories don't have valid supporitng evidence, just not concrete enough to steer it one way.

As for religious fanatics and ignorant homophobes, it's like talking to a wall.

I found this poster's reply interesting:


Anyway, the important thing is, intolerance shouldn't be acceptable--much more important than the theories behind it, atleast from a community stand point....and whether we like it or not, we are a community.

Nature vs. Nurture:

(for fun, ofcourse)


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. --Eldridge Cleaver

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I love when people post idiotic things that prove me right :) "I win" "go away son (gag!) " "Shut up" & "seems like babble" -- not only SCARY, but the immaturity and defensive tone is classic when you need to fill your comments w/ useless words (aka have nothing constructive to say and aren't making sense) and displays the exact type of ignorance and cluelessness I spoke of.........next!

I truly feel bad that some people actually believe the things they do sometimes & that they go so far as to actually convince themselves they are right.....Sadly its those types of ideas and attitudes that add to the intolerance and negativity against gays (and any minority group for that matter)

BTW Im sure someone gay reading this who might have an issue/emotion related to this debate- would NOT appreciate a joking/non joking comment(s) like the ones here - its not a joke or to be joked about - and is extremely emotional and important in many peoples lives. To go through the type of descrimination and issues with family/friends/jobs/society and then to have people say "un learn it" or "you learned to be gay" when many ppl KNOW That wasnt the case for them - has got to be the most hurtful thing to deal withl...Seems some ppl are more concerned with them proving their OPINION as right and totally miss the point here...

Muzik- :) couldn't have said it better!

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Originally posted by justjerre21










is intelligence in your vocabulary?

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does anyone really care if a dj is gay or straight?? no... i don't think so..... Does the fact that a DJ is gay or str8 make him spin any better or worse?? no.. i don't think so...... Does the fact that a DJ is gay or straight make him a bigger draw at a club......it shouldn't but some people seem to think so.... My take on the whole situation is this.....Music crosses all boundaries and talent is talent.... Everybody has a preference...decide for yourself... why argue the point? Support your favorites but don't bash other people for having their preference....

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Guest shortyrockrox

Gay bashing is wrong, however I have seen quite a bit of bashing going on on this board, gay bashing, Jersey bashing, JP, bashing, JR V, bashing, DT bashing, Long Island bashing, etc etc

Really, anyone with half a brain knows that those who "bash", really only accomplish redeeming their own weakness and ignorance. I would like to think that most people realize when this is being done. You can't take it to heart, just realize your above it. Chill out, have fun, and don't let the stupidity of others get to ya, (granted it is amusing) but bashing is only successful if you allow it bother you.:)

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

Gay bashing is wrong, however I have seen quite a bit of bashing going on on this board, gay bashing, Jersey bashing, JP, bashing, JR V, bashing, DT bashing, Long Island bashing, etc etc

Really, anyone with half a brain knows that those who "bash", really only accomplish redeeming their own weakness and ignorance. I would like to think that most people realize when this is being done. You can't take it to heart, just realize your above it. Chill out, have fun, and don't let the stupidity of others get to ya, (granted it is amusing) but bashing is only successful if you allow it bother you.:)

nothing bothers me..... i'm waaay past that point....especially right now :eek:

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whoever posted that its juniors fans are the most judgemental of them all hit the nail right on the head!

-the stoires about him stopping the music in a club he was playing because one of his ex's stepped on the dancefloor and doing the same if there were too many women in the club are entirely true. The woman who used to cut my hair once told me of a time when she herself was at one of Juniors parties and witnessed it firsthand.

-You speak of JP supporters who go and make assumptions about juniors fan base and refer to him or his fans with offensive terms, but yet its all Juniors' supports who go around posting left right and center all over the Internet how then cant stand the juiceheads, K/G/tina addicts who are JPs fans - last time i checked those werent exactly kind ways to refer to people either- so your all just as guilty.

please step off your high horse and stop your preeching -- as the saying goes, "people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones"

and as a final note, last I checked we all still have first ammendment rites, you can sit there and call me a meathead and i can call you a fag and thats the beauty of this country. JPs mod DID post a message asking members to stop the comments, but indiviuals still have a right to express themselves and its not up to Junior, JP, or any of their representitives to try and police the internet.

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