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A Disgruntled D.J., Followed By Disgrutled Fans......

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resort to ignorant gay bashing. Personally, I find it very disturbing. The gay bashing is overwhelming on the Jonathan Peters message boards. I further find it disturbing that, while Peter's moderators will erase any post regarding d.j. competition, such as Baez and Merritt spinning classics at SF, they allow the vicious gay bashing to take place.

I think it displays poor judgement on the part of JP's staff to allow this type of behavior to continue. Those messages should be erased immediately. By erasing those sort of messages, it would send a message that this type of "hate" behavior should not be tolerated in NY, or anywhere. Not doing so, only illustrates that JP is only worried about himself, and competing d.j.'s. This sort of aloofness toward this behavior does not make him look very good, and I'm sure many feel the same. By allowing it to continue, it's passive aggressive bashing, by Peters, himself. To show the seriousness of this intolerable behavior he, JP, should have immediately make an announcement to stop the hate, and remove those disgraceful messages of intolerance and hate speech. We are not in Kansas, people, and it's unacceptable.




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If people like you would stop instigating and antagonizing then maybe it wouldnt happen.

Understand that people are upset cause they lost a home. I will love to see ARC get taken over by someone like JV and DT left with no home and watch and see how DT's fans react.

Just like when Twilo shut down...no one knew what to do and what was going to happen from there.

You are right, there is no need for the bashing but sometimes emotions take over.

Understand where im coming from and stop making stupid threads like this. You complain about allt he bashing threads that serve no purpose...this thread serves a purpose?

Good luck to JV at Factory...its done...we gotta deal with it.

I just got word of JP@Sahara Thanksgiving eve. Hes gonna be moving around now that he doesnt have to follow a contract that restricts him to anything 50 miles outside of SF.

Hopefully this will be the start of something great and not a catastrophe as everyone is making it out to be.


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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

You are right, there is no need for the bashing but sometimes emotions take over.

You complain about allt he bashing threads that serve no purpose...this thread serves a purpose?


1. That is not excuse, and should NEVER be accepted as an excuse.

2. This thread ABSOLUTELY serves a purpose, and to let it go on unadressed, is just as bad as to take part in it.

3. Bashing is unacceptable and irresponsible, and ignoring it is even more so!

4. If the same happened with DT and Arc, Danny would have put an end to it, at the light of the first hatred match stick. He woulda blown the shit out, don't u know Danny by now. He's very quick to respond, and a good person to learn from. He shows leadership, and the kids respect him, and would never.....

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Originally posted by echostar

why dont the gay people just stop being so gay....ever think of that???

Same reason stupid people just don't stop being so stupid, they were born that way. Ever think?

ig·no·rant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gnr-nt)


-Lacking education or knowledge.

-Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: an ignorant mistake.

-Unaware or uninformed.

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I am a lady.

But, since your from Jersey AND your not even old enough to drink, yet; I am not even going to bother with your immature stupidity. You couldn't even get into a decent club, yet....by the time your old enough, hopefully you will have grown up. You'll have to get out of Jersey a little more often, though.

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Here' something I wrote in another post regarding people getting pissed off about anti-gay comments I made...... Why don't you think about something here before you go pointing fingers at JP, and JP's crowd.

Why don't all of you who just jumped all over me take a look back at the post and think about something.... My initial post said NOTHING homo-phobic about JV, NOTHING!!!!! I just stated that his Earth party bombed and that I felt that his party @SF would bomb too. Last time I checked I was entitled to my opinion no....? Well along comes Rollin and he makes the assumption that since I like JP I must be a juicehead drug addict. Jp's a meth head yadda yadddaaaa yadddddddddaaaaaaaa..... It's all been said a thousand times before. But that's ok.... I love the double standard that people operate under. It's ok to call ALL of JP's fans drug addicts and make accusations if they disagree with you and your opinion. But yet I get balled out for negatively sterotyping JV and his crowd.... First off Rollin- You don't know me. So don't make accusations about me. Have I done K- Yea I have. Tina and G...? Wouldn't touch that shit if you paid me. But because I like JP and I disagreed with you.. I'm fair game. But if I fire back I'm a jerkoff.... Funny how that works huh???? And that DJ that you are all rallying around... Guess what- He's a bigot. He doesn't like anyone that doesn't resemble him. That is, he doesn't like anyone that isn't a gay man. He doesn't want them at his parties, and he makes it a point to let everyone know that. Say what you want about JP- Everyone was welcome @ his SF. He didn't get on the mic and bitch about any group being there, didn't tank a set because there were too many of one type of person on his dancefloor. Junior does. So talk all about tolerance until your blue in the face. JV is the intolerant asshole. And personally, I'd rather be dancing to a DJ that may be doing Meth, then dancing to a DJ that does't want me there because I'm not what he thinks I should be.......

Junior and his crowd as a whole are the most negative and intolerant in NYC..... So shut your fucking mouth about accepting people for who/what they are......

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Originally posted by muzikchick

Same reason stupid people just don't stop being so stupid, they were born that way. Ever think?

I think he was kidding. But, a lot of studies actually indicate that homosexuality is a learned behavior. Hence it can be unlearned. ;)

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Originally posted by zeeker

I think he was kidding. But, a lot of studies actually indicate that homosexuality is a learned behavior. Hence it can be unlearned. ;)

That's a whole other debate. Psychology forums? That one can be argued till eternity, until they come up with some solid gene studies.

Like I said, whole other topic, not even for this forum.

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Originally posted by zeeker

hey, that's cool. I just wanted to point out that you were wrong. ;)

(my uncle is gay....trust me, he had NO ONE to learn it from--how would one explain that?)

probably just as many arguements supporting both sides....however, I'll believe when the gene studies come out.

Whatever makes you happy.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

(my uncle is gay....trust me, he had NO ONE to learn it from--how would one explain that?)


Oh, well since your uncle is gay, you must be an expert. I trust you now. :rolleyes:

You don't have to have someone who's gay to learn the behavior from. It's not always that obvious. But there's no way in hell I'm about to argue this topic any further on a clubbing message board, and on a Saturday morning no less. :laugh: Do some research. :aright:

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Exactly....................it is what it is, I'm not looking to prove or disprove anyone's theory. The science of it all doesn't affect me all that much. I never claimed to have been an expert.

To have a behavior be learned, one must have an subject to learn it from, obvious, isn't it.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

To have a behavior be learned, one must have an object to learn it from, obvious, isn't it.

an object? not really. I'm talking about a person's environment in general...not just a gay role model they grew up with.

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so how would one boy out of a family of four brothers and one sister, with nowhere/one to learn homosexuality from, turn out gay. The learned theory does not make sence.

(and I never said I was an expert, if I was, I would not be on this board, I'd be reading Science Journal and writing thesises)

**totally of on a tangent with this one.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

so how would one boy out of a family of four brothers and one sister, with nowhere/one to learn homosexuality from, turn out gay. The learned theory does not make sence.

(and I never said I was an expert, if I was, I would not be on this board, I'd be reading Science Journal and writing thesises)

**totally of on a tangent with this one.

you're looking at the little picture. I could get more in depth with explaining this, but I just got back from Roxy, I'm beat. Seriously, do some research...it'll start to make sense.

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Study hints sexual, gender identity in genes

Wed Oct 22, 7:55 PM ET

Sexuality and gender identity are part of our brain's hard-wiring and are determined before birth, according to a study released by genetic researchers at the University of California on Monday.

"Our findings may help answer an important question -- why do we feel male or female?" said Dr. Eric Vilain, a UCLA genetics professor and lead investigator in the study, in a prepared statement. "Sexual identity is rooted in every person's biology before birth and springs from a variation in our individual genome," he said.

Vilain and a team of researchers at the UCLA School of Medicine identified 54 genes in mice that may explain why male and female brains look and function differently. The genetic differences were found before the animals developed sexual organs, and before the hormones testosterone and estrogen developed in the embryos. Scientists have long believed these hormones were wholly responsible for sexual development. But this study indicates that hormones cannot explain everything.

"Our research implies that genes account for some of the differences in male and female brains," Vilain said. "It's quite possible that sexual identity and physical attraction is 'hard-wired' by the brain," he said. "If we accept this concept, we must dismiss the myth that homosexuality is a 'choice' and examine our civil legal system accordingly."

The study has particular significance for people born with ambiguous genitals, a phenomenon known as "intersexuality." Approximately one baby in 3,000 is born with genitals that make it difficult or impossible for doctors to determine whether the child is male or female. Typically, and over the objections in recent years of intersex activists, doctors assign the child a male or female identity that may or may not be accurate, and surgically alter the child's genitals according to that assignment.

"If physicians could predict the gender of newborns with ambiguous genitalia at birth, we would make less mistakes with gender assignment," Vilian said.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights groups, welcomed the results of the study as part of the mounting evidence that sexual and gender identity are biologically determined. But HRC Executive Director Elizabeth Birch cautioned that civil rights should be granted to all people regardless of genetic findings on gender and sexual identity.

"Although further research will be conducted by this team, at the end of the day, the question of nature versus nurture shouldn't matter," Birch said in a statement. "Laws in America should protect everybody equally," she said.

The UCLA study comes on the heels of another study supporting the biological roots of sexual orientation. Two weeks ago researchers at University of East London and King's College found what they called the first evidence of "a non-learned, neurological basis for sexual orientation." They studied groups of homosexual and heterosexual men and women and found significant differences in an involuntary response to being startled: eye blinking. Startle responses cannot be learned, the researchers said, and are controlled by the limbic system, a region of the brain that also controls sexuality.

"This is very strong evidence that sexual orientation may be 'hard-wired' in this region," said Qazi Rahman, one of the researchers

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It's unfortunate that the recent chain of events has caused such a divide amongst some based on social classes, sexual orientation, gender, dj loyality, etc.

If you're not from New York you know that one of the dynamic characteristics about New York City is that it is a true melting pot of EVERYTHING and everyone – most evident in the ‘afterhours’ scene. At both JP’s and JV’s parties on ANY given night you will have folks from all walks of life – gay/straight/bi-whatever, trannies, muscleheads, old/young, girls, guys, black/white, freaks, geeks, and everything in between. And let’s not forget that Richard Grant a gay man himself, his staff, and JP collectively delivered 7 successful years of parties and events. Correct me if I’m wrong but RG’s orientation was never an issue at the time, no? Not to mention whom JP sleeps with has been a ‘hot topic’ for a long time. Who the fuck cares though right? Just give me a hot party with amazing music. Both JP and JV do just that.

I’m a gay guy and I’ve followed junior for quite awhile and couldn’t be happier to hear of his new residency at SF. He along with the staff at SF are going to bring an amazing, proper junior vasquez party back to New York - one that will be open to anyone that truly is there to be touched by the Vasquez experience. The comments about his selectivity with the crowd, ‘turning the music off, etc. are stories built around hearsay that have been recycled from 10 years ago. Anyone who has been to one of his recent parties knows that you will see anyone and everyone on the same dance floor.

After Twilo closed and in search of a new afterhours party I stopped by SF one morning. The music, the vibe, the energy, the party itself blew me away. I became a regular for the entire summer and part of that fall. Since then I have gone back a few times most recent being Halloween. The first Sunday morning I stopped by SF I went in with an open mind and discovered a party and a dj that for a time I loved. It’s a shame to see it end.

The incessant gay bashing on JP’s board is incredibly disrespectful, tasteless, and shows a level of immaturity and ignorance that you normally don’t expect from an educated clubgoer. It’s just as bad as being a racist and yet so many people are comfortable publicly playing that role. Emotions aside it discredits you and your voice quicker than anything else. On the flipside, the comments regarding juiceheads, crackheads of factory, etc. are equally as disrespectful.

Nightlife in New York and especially within the afterhours scene fosters an environment of acceptance, respect, and a sense of community in bringing people from ALL walks of life together on the same dance floor to celebrate music, dancing, and rockin’ good times.

QUIT it with ALL the bashing people!

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Originally posted by boywondernyc

It's unfortunate that the recent chain of events has caused such a divide amongst some based on social classes, sexual orientation, gender, dj loyality, etc.

If you're not from New York you know that one of the dynamic characteristics about New York City is that it is a true melting pot of EVERYTHING and everyone – most evident in the ‘afterhours’ scene. At both JP’s and JV’s parties on ANY given night you will have folks from all walks of life – gay/straight/bi-whatever, trannies, muscleheads, old/young, girls, guys, black/white, freaks, geeks, and everything in between. And let’s not forget that Richard Grant a gay man himself, his staff, and JP collectively delivered 7 successful years of parties and events. Correct me if I’m wrong but RG’s orientation was never an issue at the time, no? Not to mention whom JP sleeps with has been a ‘hot topic’ for a long time. Who the fuck cares though right? Just give me a hot party with amazing music. Both JP and JV do just that.

I’m a gay guy and I’ve followed junior for quite awhile and couldn’t be happier to hear of his new residency at SF. He along with the staff at SF are going to bring an amazing, proper junior vasquez party back to New York - one that will be open to anyone that truly is there to be touched by the Vasquez experience. The comments about his selectivity with the crowd, ‘turning the music off, etc. are stories built around hearsay that have been recycled from 10 years ago. Anyone who has been to one of his recent parties knows that you will see anyone and everyone on the same dance floor.

After Twilo closed and in search of a new afterhours party I stopped by SF one morning. The music, the vibe, the energy, the party itself blew me away. I became a regular for the entire summer and part of that fall. Since then I have gone back a few times most recent being Halloween. The first Sunday morning I stopped by SF I went in with an open mind and discovered a party and a dj that for a time I loved. It’s a shame to see it end.

The incessant gay bashing on JP’s board is incredibly disrespected, tasteless, and shows a level of immaturity and ignorance that you normally don’t expect from an educated clubgoer. It’s just as bad as being a racist and yet so many people are comfortable publicly playing that role. Emotions aside it discredits you and your voice quicker than anything else. On the flipside, the comments regarding juiceheads, crackheads of factory, etc. are equally as disrespectful.

Nightlife in New York and especially within the afterhours scene fosters an environment of acceptance, respect, and a sense of community in bringing people from ALL walks of life together on the same dance floor to celebrate music, dancing, and rockin’ good times.

QUIT it with ALL the bashing people!

**PERFECT 10**

My favorite part of your note:

Nightlife in New York and especially within the afterhours scene fosters an environment of acceptance, respect, and a sense of community in bringing people from ALL walks of life together on the same dance floor to celebrate music, dancing, and rockin’ good times;)

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Originally posted by muzikchick

Thank you Red. I already had read something along similar findings.

Zeek, you're wrong!! ;)

re-read that article again carefully...

key sentence...

"But this study indicates that hormones cannot explain everything."

notice how they use general words like 'may' or 'some.'

Example....'This evidence MAY suggest..."

Yeah, and it MAY not.

All these studies are inconclusive. Nature vs. Nurture. It's a combination of both. My original point was that your post in response to echostar's comment was kind of off.

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