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something bad is going to happen in miami this week...


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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

ekitel took ,my responce right out of my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and although im not against globalization in any way.....i see things just ironic...were going through an unemplyment upheavel around here, and are government is having a meeting on how to get jobs for people in other countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to keep there rich friends ticher, becuz its cheaper to do things elsewhere!!!!!!!!! which hey u cant blame the buisnessess cuz it makes good buisness sense!!!!!!!!!!

when r we gonna hold r government responsible for fucking us over....all the time!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

still waiting for an answer....and as was previously stated people r protesting for many different reasons, cuz they know all the people who need to listen r in the same area....so its not only a trade thing!!!!!!!!!!!

but hey were entertained in this country by things much more important than our own wellbeing.........did any1 see that paris hilton video!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!:idea:

dont worry at the end of the day we will all go back to being the sheep the government expects of us!!!!!!!!!!!!

:aright: :aright: :aright: :aright: :aright:
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if the FTAA sets up camp in Miami it benefits the city. while I believe everyone has a right to express there views. I take issue when expressing your views, hamper the day to day operations of a city and negatively affect its citizens rights.

let's hope things remain peaceful on both sides.


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On a serious note.

I'm glad to see that CP'er can have a serious conv. outside the clubworld...

2nd... I'm not a sheep.

they wish they had me in that matrix..... gov. has Agent Smith looking for me.


Think About the Gov. and the people that make the choices for the American people.

That are alll old and out of the loop. No Idea what people what and trying to run this country like we are still in the 1950's...

A country of free people they say..

Gov. is biases and looks the other way for what they don't want to see.

and don't get me started with the justice system.

Justice is blind, that bitch is defff too!

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I'm sure with Phil's Euro background he relishes the idea of a socialist workers' paradise. Listen, if you're poor, half the time it's your own damn fault...The Man isn't all that.

It's unfortunate though that the trade unions are saddled in with the socialist scumbags and goddamncommunists...if I was them, I would have sat this one out and made a protest at a different time, or made a huge effort to distance the union movement from the more radical elements. Unions are the best defense against job exportation, and are still capitalist kosher to boot.

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The right to protest is part of what still makes this country what it is. (which as fucked up as it is, is still the least fucked up of any country)

BUT the right to portest does not include destroying other peoples property, or causing them to lose money simply because they don't like "globalization" and Ill bet half of them dont even know what that really means.

All I know is that if I spent the time and effort to open a starbucks to try and support my family and someone tried to smash and burn it down to make a point, im going to add his body to the flames.

You would think that here in miami people would support free trade. Yes it makes some jobs move from the states... but many of them go to latin american countries. What is the rational to say that our workers have some inherent right to the jobs over them? Were basically saying the rich countries can protect their markets, and keep the minority countries from playing in our game.

Besides in the long run, by increasing the global economy, not just our own, we will win too by creating markets for our higher end goods, and not having to just hand them cash handouts like we do now.

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