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Before this techno thing gets out of control,

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

let me point out some reasons why it will fail....

It's own success will cause it to fail...

I'm gonna break this down for the dade county peeps, so I won't use big words..

Remember when you only could see WWF on monday night and during the day on saturday, well all of sudden ted turner saw this and was like "I can do that"

So the WWF stepped it up and went to two nights, then WCW came out with 2 nights, Now wrestling blew up, and it was such a success that they now put it on 4 nights a week. For a while it was great, and then it failed. Too much, too quick, too soon.

Remember "Who wants to be a Millionaire"? 1 month later we had 48 shows like that and it killed every show. Does survivor ring a bell? 2 months later we had 20 reality shows.

This is exactly what is going to happen to techno...

The sopranos is a hit, because it only comes around once a year, techno will be over saturated in a matter of weeks.

And if it does work, crobar, nerve, space, nocturnal < which already has a techno dj on board, will all do the techno thing, and it will fail..

so privliage will do all the work, and if it does work, the big boys will steal the talent and staff.. If it fails, the big boys do nothing...

Think i'm wrong? In due time i'll be right.

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Originally posted by saleen351

let me point out some reasons why it will fail....

It's own success will cause it to fail...

I'm gonna break this down for the dade county peeps, so I won't use big words..

Remember when you only could see WWF on monday night and during the day on saturday, well all of sudden ted turner saw this and was like "I can do that"

So the WWF stepped it up and went to two nights, then WCW came out with 2 nights, Now wrestling blew up, and it was such a success that they now put it on 4 nights a week. For a while it was great, and then it failed. Too much, too quick, too soon.

Remember "Who wants to be a Millionaire"? 1 month later we had 48 shows like that and it killed every show. Does survivor ring a bell? 2 months later we had 20 reality shows.

This is exactly what is going to happen to techno...

The sopranos is a hit, because it only comes around once a year, techno will be over saturated in a matter of weeks.

And if it does work, crobar, nerve, space, nocturnal < which already has a techno dj on board, will all do the techno thing, and it will fail..

so privliage will do all the work, and if it does work, the big boys will steal the talent and staff.. If it fails, the big boys do nothing...

Think i'm wrong? In due time i'll be right.

Good point Saleen :aright: But in the end, it comes down to the local support and promotion for all genres of music, whether techno, house, trance or d&b...but lets see how long that will last @ Privliage. Hopefully Privliage will continue to bring in talent and promote it right in order to provide the techno heads a place to go every week. Miami needs some more variety. :D

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Originally posted by nyc420

You are wrong. You are also an idiot. Seems you're classifying all elecronic music under 'techno' which shows you know nothing. There's house, trance, techno, breaks, d&B, jungle, etc....And they'll all be around for a LONG time.

I think you missed the point....they're talking about techno here

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In my opinion, we should let it develop a bit further before jumping to conclusions. Remember 1999 when trance was big in Europe? Miami caught on about 4 years later (as usual) and all the big corrupt clubs brought talent that was big in Europe 4 years prior. I agree with ECPolo that promotion can make or break a party in Miami. The big clubs rely on musically clueless people and tourists. These people's assholes are the ones that big clubowners like to cock-ram the most!

Give it time, Saleen. In the meantime, while the techno scene is still young go out and enjoy it!!! I see your point with WWF and especially all the lame reality shows and I definitely agree. In my opinion, techno will survive in the small venues of Miami, just like house.

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Originally posted by saleen351

let me point out some reasons why it will fail....

It's own success will cause it to fail...

I'm gonna break this down for the dade county peeps, so I won't use big words..

Remember when you only could see WWF on monday night and during the day on saturday, well all of sudden ted turner saw this and was like "I can do that"

So the WWF stepped it up and went to two nights, then WCW came out with 2 nights, Now wrestling blew up, and it was such a success that they now put it on 4 nights a week. For a while it was great, and then it failed. Too much, too quick, too soon.

Remember "Who wants to be a Millionaire"? 1 month later we had 48 shows like that and it killed every show. Does survivor ring a bell? 2 months later we had 20 reality shows.

This is exactly what is going to happen to techno...

The sopranos is a hit, because it only comes around once a year, techno will be over saturated in a matter of weeks.

And if it does work, crobar, nerve, space, nocturnal < which already has a techno dj on board, will all do the techno thing, and it will fail..

so privliage will do all the work, and if it does work, the big boys will steal the talent and staff.. If it fails, the big boys do nothing...

Think i'm wrong? In due time i'll be right.


well he does bring up some good examples and he issss 'THE SALEEN" :cool::tongue:

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Don't :hate: the words or even the messenger people... I'm not agreeing with SALEEN 100% but


This same thing happens evey 2/4 year cycle for the entire scene... esp in US & Europe... Most other countries have not made clubbing / club culture :mainstream:

>Which is why i remain active in Central&South America.. and love NewZ & OZ...

The real problem is HALF the people who own clubs, own it for the WRONG reasons... and don't give the partons what they want...

They buy a Name that works in Ibiza. Get the DJs on the circut of that name and *presto* instant party....... :blank: (and NO I'm not dissing SPACE, there's hundreds of other clubs throught the US that do this)

Then, They copy off each other, thus creeating a trend.. that trend is inturn re created by smaller clubs... thus flooding the scene.. with the same bull shit.


Some day in the future, when I get this travel bug outta me, I'll settle down and open / run a club..... Where the PEOPLE decide who they want to see... You LOG on and vote for the DJ you want to see! every quarter the list is rebuilt, reset, and the next quarter is scheduled!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nyc420

You are wrong. You are also an idiot. Seems you're classifying all elecronic music under 'techno' which shows you know nothing. There's house, trance, techno, breaks, d&B, jungle, etc....And they'll all be around for a LONG time.

this post cracks me up....


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Originally posted by b-side

Some day in the future, when I get this travel bug outta me, I'll settle down and open / run a club..... Where the PEOPLE decide who they want to see... You LOG on and vote for the DJ you want to see! every quarter the list is rebuilt, reset, and the next quarter is scheduled!

That's all great in theory, but whats your idea of letting "the people" vote? Half of the DJs on CP are pissed off at who the people voted for on DJ Mag's Top 100. Are you gonna bring Tiesto and Armin every quarter if that's who the people vote for?

Are you even going to be able to afford to bring them? What if you and 20 million other clubs wanna book the DJ that "the people" voted for on the same night? Then you also gotta take into account how much you're gonna charge at the door.

Gotta love Philipo's comments as well. That guy is so stuck on anorexic House from the West Coast he's gone blind! Trance was already the "it" sound in Europe around 97, and started getting attention long before than with guys like Sven Vath. It was already big in a number of Central Florida clubs in the mid 90s. 1999 is when Trance finally made it big in South Beach, and it's also the same year you started seeing a lot of Trance leaning Euro-Dance records in the UK and German charts, and on Miami's Power 96. Is Trance dead now? You don't see it charting as often on the Pop Singles chart, and yet 9 out of the top 10 DJs ranked in the world all play some form of Trance during part of their sets. Yes, even Deep Dish. Carl Cox is the exception, although even he used to play some Techy, Acidic, and Progressive Trance (he even produced some good records along the way).

As for Techno, I really don't see pure Techno parties getting out of hand in Miami. These parties don't appeal to the thugs, nor to the "jet set" crowd, so a lot of club owners wont know how to cater to the Tech crowd (which is good news for you Techno fans). If it does well at Priviliege, a couple of other clubs might try starting their own monthly Techno nights, but that's as far as it will likely go. Most clubs in Miami will continue to feature a form of House music during their electronic Dance nights. Even when Trance was blowing up there actually werent that many clubs outside of Shadow that featured Trance, which is considered a far more accessible/less underground sound than Techno. You had Shadow playing the new upfront Trance tunes that got harder and harder through the night, you had Level focusing just on the anthems that did big at Shadow 6 months prior (on some nights some of the clubs along 6th and Washington did the same exact thing, but they were no match for Level's PR machine), and you had Crobar which went more and more towards the Progressive side. The Mix was an afterhours spot that was only around for a couple of years, and had shut down for a number of different reasons.

The way I see it there's no need to compare the success of Techno and Trance. CP just has a number of certain individuals who have been waiting to see a successful Techno weekly in SoBe, and they're now amongst the most vocal ppl on the board. It remains to be seen if they'll still be as passionate about this genre in a couple of years...

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Guest brwneydtrouble

Being that the people running Nocturnal are the same pioneers of the new sound on the beach, I highly doubt that what they decide to bring us will fall in the category of failed ventures.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by slim007

ummmm . .i have this friend . .and hes a DJ . . .and he spiiinz jungle in the city . . . :D



A 5.0





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