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Death penalty for John Mohammed


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what the fuck?

"Aaron, who taught Malvo in the 11th grade, said he left the school about two weeks after she took a Quran away from him. She said she did not want him spreading Muslim ideas in a Christian school."


"Malvo?s relationship with his mother was different, said Semone Powell, a second cousin. She testified that Malvo?s mother, Una James, beat him, even though he was an obedient child. James would get upset if she asked Malvo to bring her a basket and she thought the boy moved too slowly, Powell said.

?She would hit him, hit him randomly all over his body with her hand,? Powell said. James also threw shoes at Malvo, pulled his hair and yelled at him, using ?words that were not so nice,? she said."

fucking mothers fuck you up...

so did the kid get found innocent then?

I'm confused as to my view on the death penalty.

I'm pretty sure I'm idealogically opposed to it, due to some belief in rehabilitation etc etc, so i can't exactly say good riddance and mean it...

live by the sword and all that I guess though...

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Living in Va Beach, I got to go to Muhamads trial one day. My friend and I were interested in seeing the proceedings for a day, so we were lucky to get a set in the courtroom in one of the last days of the trial. (they reserved a certain amount of seats for the gen. public each day) It was very interesting to be there in person and see what is going to be a part of history take place. I was also disgusted to not see one sign of remorse on his face the whole time, even cracking smiles a couple of times.

As far as my views on the death penalty go, I'm against it, except in extremem situations such as torture deaths, mass murders, terroristic acts, and so on. These two pretty much fall under all of those categories. They had no regard for human life, and we trying to put fear in the hearts and minds of anyone and everyone. Living somewhat close to the area all this took place, I can honestly say they did just that. They both deserve to die.

As for Malvo, his case is still going on right now in Chesapeake, VA...the town right next to Va Beach. Its pretty much expected that he will be found guilty and sentenced to death too.

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why we still hate that word "nigga" especially used by other that are not overtly black in decent.

are we going to bring the trials fo all the S&L fucks who are killing Senior citizens with al the money that was "laundered" No!

and they will serve a nice plush sentence in a Federal prison made just for "Thier" kind. Not general population.

Justice can only be just when are are determined to be equal and get equal treatment.

"Fuck Charles Mason! They should kill has ICON-ish ass If he were black would be saying that? no cause he would be dead.

What let me guess 200 years of mental abuse counts for nothing when your attempting to make better of yourself and the : system" won't allow but some many of you/us to"make it" and history documents that they have fucked us over. But that is alright cause you now have affirmative action. No they took that away too!

When will it be my turn cause I am not standing with my hand out for a hand out.

let make an island and put them all there. yeah. and let them have a fight to see who is the top dog and take away the rights of the weak. Strongest survive! whatever. at the rate we are starting to sound like a prison state or new world order. wake up

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most serial killers are not black. but yet the represent the largest amount offear in a state. Now we can finally say "hey! we have a serial killer of are own!".


I hear the GREEN RIVER MURDER is pleading "insane" now there is a good one. and they still are counting th people he "thinks' he has killed.

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Originally posted by bigworminc

why we still hate that word "nigga" especially used by other that are not overtly black in decent.

are we going to bring the trials fo all the S&L fucks who are killing Senior citizens with al the money that was "laundered" No!

and they will serve a nice plush sentence in a Federal prison made just for "Thier" kind. Not general population.

Justice can only be just when are are determined to be equal and get equal treatment.

"Fuck Charles Mason! They should kill has ICON-ish ass If he were black would be saying that? no cause he would be dead.

What let me guess 200 years of mental abuse counts for nothing when your attempting to make better of yourself and the : system" won't allow but some many of you/us to"make it" and history documents that they have fucked us over. But that is alright cause you now have affirmative action. No they took that away too!

When will it be my turn cause I am not standing with my hand out for a hand out.

let make an island and put them all there. yeah. and let them have a fight to see who is the top dog and take away the rights of the weak. Strongest survive! whatever. at the rate we are starting to sound like a prison state or new world order. wake up

did i miss something?

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Originally posted by djprotege

As far as my views on the death penalty go, I'm against it, except in extremem situations such as torture deaths, mass murders, terroristic acts, and so on.

so u are FOR the death penalty...b/c u have just described what situations it is used for....:idea:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

so u are FOR the death penalty...b/c u have just described what situations it is used for....:idea:

No I'm for and against it...

I dont believe in it for a simple case of murder. I dont believe its right for us to tell people its not right to kill, and them kill them.

But I am for it when it comes to extreme situations where there is no regard for human life....like what these guys did, or in terroristic acts, torture deaths, mass murders ect. I guess thats kind of conflicting interests, but oh well...thats the way I look at it.

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Originally posted by djprotege

I dont believe in it for a simple case of murder. I dont believe its right for us to tell people its not right to kill, and them kill them.

u mean ur against 2nd and 3rd degree murder? or just agaisnt someone robbing an old lady on the street and the old lady resists and the robber shoots her...ur against that?

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Thats a good way to put it I guess...

Only way I am for the death penalty is 1st degree (premeditated) murder. 2nd or 3rd degree, or involuntary I dont think its right to sentence someone to death. Lock 'em up for life, thats fine...but dont put them to death.

Virginia is death sentence happy, much like Texas (which is why I think they moved the sniper trials to here in Va Beach). I read in the paper a lot about people being put to death when they really didnt mean to kill someone. I dont think thats right.

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