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Jonathan Brandis' Death a Suicide


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Originally posted by joeg

hmmm... i'll keep that in mind, bro.

thanks for the tip. ;)

...not to ruin your gratitude, but if you slit your wrists, and you do it proper - cutting the right vein...you'll bleed to death no matter what...water or no water...i still stick to my original statement, the water is to reduce the pain...and perhaps not ruining the bathroom with blood stains...so in a way, their consideration for a tidy suicide could maintain somewhat of a selfless attribute to it...

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

HmM yea it might take balls to kill yourself but it takes more

balls to face life and its problems day in, day out. :blank:

oh yeah definately, to walk around a miserable drone for eighty-six years is definately worth the wait... i see it as being efficient and taking the iniative to do something about the problem... but what if there are no solutions to your problem??? what if there is no way out??? what if there was no more hope because of a series of attempts there just seems to be no progress or an end??? than you have to look on the bright side and realise theres always suicide... but more importantly being a person who knows someone who did kill themselves how can you not be understanding of the other persons side???

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Suicide is a very touchy subject and I truly believe that there are no true answers as to why it happens. With that being said...I sympathize with the suffering one must endure to contemplate ending their life. Everyone has low points and I feel blessed that I am able to reach out to people in my life. Everyone isn't so lucky and sometimes it just isn't enough. However, clearly that's just my .02 and I'm aware that some people will disagree...

Euthanasia is a completely different issue. I would rather die than to be sustained by machines when there is no chance I will ever recover. It's rather selfish to go against such wishes imo...

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euthanasia is not totally different... if youre suffering physically it is no more painful than suffering emotionally... and if youre suffering and you want out you should be able to go... there have been studies (recently as well) that ppl who suffered from an emotional break-up ("brokenheart") suffer from as much pain as a physical injury...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

oh yeah definately, to walk around a miserable drone for eighty-six years is definately worth the wait... i see it as being efficient and taking the iniative to do something about the problem... but what if there are no solutions to your problem??? what if there is no way out??? what if there was no more hope because of a series of attempts there just seems to be no progress or an end??? than you have to look on the bright side and realise theres always suicide... but more importantly being a person who knows someone who did kill themselves how can you not be understanding of the other persons side???

I understand and know that life is hard but I just cant understand

why people do that... Im sorry if we dont agree but noone ever said life

was easy but doing that is simply giving up even if you have struggled

for n amount of years... What about the families they leave behind?

These are the people my heart breaks for.

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suicide is a matter of perspective, or lack thereof... it has nothing to do with being weak IMO... we've all had those days where we were so low, it seemed like things could never get better... then you wake up the next day and realize things aren't SO bad... and we move on... people who commit suicide don't have that realization...

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

What about the families they leave behind?

These are the people my heart breaks for.

never said it wasnt selfish... i agree with you on that... however easy... no.

Originally posted by mssabina

suicide is a matter of perspective, or lack thereof... it has nothing to do with being weak IMO... we've all had those days where we were so low, it seemed like things could never get better... then you wake up the next day and realize things aren't SO bad... and we move on... people who commit suicide don't have that realization...

what if tomorrow is what you hate and makes you miserable???

for me its tomorrow that keeps me going... because with every passing minute, every passing hour, every passing day theres another chance to turn it all around... even if it is the 1000th time... on a long enough time line all problems are solved... some ppl just dont have the patience... coupled with your thoughts on realization and perpectives...IMO...

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Originally posted by mssabina

suicide is a matter of perspective, or lack thereof... it has nothing to do with being weak IMO... we've all had those days where we were so low, it seemed like things could never get better... then you wake up the next day and realize things aren't SO bad... and we move on... people who commit suicide don't have that realization...

That was the point I was trying to make...well said !

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Originally posted by dgmodel

what if tomorrow is what you hate and makes you miserable???

for me its tomorrow that keeps me going... because with every passing minute, every passing hour, every passing day theres another chance to turn it all around... even if it is the 1000th time... on a long enough time line all problems are solved... some ppl just dont have the patience... coupled with your thoughts on realization and perpectives...IMO...

agree completely except for the part about patience... it's not about that... suicidal people can't see that all problems can be solved over time, that tomorrow gives us a chance to start over... how can they lose patience waiting for things to get better when they don't even understand that there's a solution for everything, and that suicide is not it?

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"suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" :nono:

But on a serious note, no one should judge them for ending their life. Although it is the obvious wrong solution, no one could ever understand what was going through their head at the time. They probably felt emotions of pain and hopelessness that you and I could never even imagine. You also have to consider that alot of people suffering from severe depression have biochemical abnormalities in their brain. There is something biologically/chemically wrong with them that warps their sense of reality tremendously. So for example, the amount of seratonin and dopamine that gets realesed in our brains, they do not get. So its wrong to judge if you do not know what that must feel like. (Its kind of like asking the guy with one leg why he didn't win the marathon. ) It must be such a cold and lonely place to be It's just really sad that they had to live that way wihout ever feeling support or obtaining adequate psychological help.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

never said it wasnt selfish...

i've agreed with you on most of what you've said, dg; i'm with you. but this comment rubbed me the wrong way. having children is selfish, too. and i don't think i will ever not resent my parents for having me.

naughtybabe: a person who is truly miserable in all aspects of life cannot live just for the sake of others. s/he needs to find a reason for living, like you seem to have in abundance. if you have never been this low, you can't understand.

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I felt real bad when kurt cobain took his own life. the Same with Michael Hutchinscence (sp?) from INXS

But with people who contemplate suicide, there seems to be a mix of things: 1) those people have issues from growing up mixed with a chemical imbalance; 2) there's not a person in their circle of friends they can really turn to; and 3) they don't look at life like ordinary people do.

I don't believe it's a sign of weakness. Some people who have committed suicide are the strongest people to have ever lived. Just look at this list:

Kurt Cobain - musician from Nirvana

At the age of 27, committed suicide with a shotgun blast inside his mouth. His body was discovered three days later in his home. He suffered from heroin addiction, depression, and bipolar disorder.

Ernest Hemingway - American novelist

Awarded with a Silver Medal of Military Valor in WWI, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Nobel Prize. Death and violence were the two constants throughout his life. He killed himself with a gun. A tough, strong man with strong principles, he "believe that life was a tragedy and knew it could only have one end."

Adolf Hitler - Austrian/German Nazi leader

He was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, including at least 6 million Jews. When the Soviets smashed their way through Poland and eastern Germany, they arrived at the gates of Berlin. Hitler was determined to die in his own capital and killed himself, at the age of 56, along with his mistress Eva Braun, in a 'double suicide'.

Sylvia Plath - American poet, author, essayist

Already publishing her first poem at the age of 8, by the time she was in her junior year in college she had made the first of several suicide attempts; this was detailed in her autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar. She was said to have manic depression, and married English poet Ted Hughes. They separated less than two years after the birth of their first child and she returned to London. In 1963 she was sick, as well as low on money, and she committed suicide in her kitchen by gas asphyxiation.

Vincent Van Gogh - Dutch painter

The only painting he sold during his life time was The Red Vineyard. He produced all of his work (approximately 900 painting and 1100 drawings) during a period of only 10 years, before succumbing to mental illness, possibly bipolar disorder. He was a serious and introspective child, and throughout the years he had been rejected time and time again by women he had fallen in love with. When his friend Paul Gaugin got into a quarrel, Van Gogh threatened him with a razor and cut part of his left ear off, which he gave to a prostitute friend. Suffering from depression, he was admitted into a psychiatric clinic and left one year later. His depression worsened and one day he went out into the field and shot himself in the chest. He died two days later with his brother by his side. His last words were "La tristesse durera toujours." (The sadness will last forever).

Virginia Woolf

Following the death of her mother, she had many nervous breakdowns. She claimed she was frequently molested by her half-brother and suffered psychologically from the experiences. After her father's death, she began writing professionally. She was a leading modernist and one of the greatest innovators in the English language. She drowned herself in the River Ouse. The movie The Hours with Nicole Kidman was based on her life.

Suicide is a serious problem, and the only way to avoid it is to urge those people to seek help, but perhaps more importantly to BE there for them in their time of need.

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Originally posted by phatman

...not to ruin your gratitude, but if you slit your wrists, and you do it proper - cutting the right vein...you'll bleed to death no matter what...water or no water...i still stick to my original statement, the water is to reduce the pain...and perhaps not ruining the bathroom with blood stains...so in a way, their consideration for a tidy suicide could maintain somewhat of a selfless attribute to it...

well i mean... you gotta feel for the poor bastard who has to wipe up your T-cells from the bathroom floor, ya know???

if you're going to end it, don't ruin someone else's day on your way out...

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

Then what is it since you seem to know so much.. Educate me!

I don't really know a lot, I can just talk from my personal experiences. I suffer from depression and have gone through some really dark times. Also, my bestfriend spent about a week in the hospital after trying to take his own life...

I can't explain what the pain feels like for people like this so I don't expect you to be sympathetic toward something you don't understand

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Originally posted by abortionator

I don't really know a lot, I can just talk from my personal experiences. I suffer from depression and have gone through some really dark times. Also, my bestfriend spent about a week in the hospital after trying to take his own life...

I can't explain what the pain feels like for people like this so I don't expect you to be sympathetic toward something you don't understand

I never said that I didn't understand what its like to go thru a dark time..

I think we all suffer from depression some harderthen others what I dont

understand is the power/feeling that drives someone to committ such an act...

I think its very sad and I hate it... and I hope noone here ever has to experience it..

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My take on this is that deep down inside everyone has at one point or another thaught about killing themself. People who are not mentally ill and live a somewhat normal lifestyle are always able to find a reason not to..... to be blunt you really have to beleive that every aspect of your life is horrible and irreversable to actually beleive that killing yourself is the only solution...and then you have to have the balls to follow through..... thats where most people stop and seek help....when they realize that they're not physically capable of killing themselves......unfortunately there are the other people who overdose and what not..(alot easier to go through with) that slip through the cracks.....Life might suck ... but who knows.... death might suck even worse?

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

what I dont

understand is the power/feeling that drives someone to committ such an act...

And I think thats a very very normal feeling... I mean, when I'm on my antidepressant I think "wow I could never understand how someone could ever want to kill themself" but at the same time if I switch medication or go through a particularly bad period I feel like a completely different person and I do know exactly what that feeling feels like. I think its such a difficult thing to understand that you have to personally be in that situation before you can understand what would drive a person to not want to live.

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

to be blunt you really have to beleive that every aspect of your life is horrible and irreversable


when you sit down and realize theres absolutely no reason to go to sleep and awake the next day to go through the motions with no purpose and no desire... you try to look ahead, but can't see any way out of the the tunnel no matter how far you look...

from what i've seen, most people who seriously contemplate this, or do it usually have several things in common

1) abnormal/non-existant family life

2) a "unique" perspective on life/death

3) abnormal/non-existant social interactions

4) they perceive their goals as unattainable or don't have any goals

5) detachment

i'm no expert, either... but thats just what i've observed in several scenarios...

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