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Bye Miami, I am going back to Chicago


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you know, if its not one thing it's another here. I get all this money now, work my ass off, put all these checks in the bank and because of dumb ass, stupid Union Planters bank policy, my freakin checks do not clear for up to 5-7 days...not knowing that (which is totally and unbelievably freakin absurd), I now thought I can pay off my debt...well I GUESS NOT! There is no winning and I am at the point where I quit! It was fun while it lasted (a whole 3 mos) :(

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Switch banks? I think uprooting and going back to Shit-cago is a little drastic since your bank sucks. Go with BofA or Wachovia (stupid name, but decent bank.)...I've had Wachovia since 1997 (First Union), and I have no issues.

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Originally posted by lilliz77

you know, if its not one thing it's another here. I get all this money now, work my ass off, put all these checks in the bank and because of dumb ass, stupid Union Planters bank policy, my freakin checks do not clear for up to 5-7 days...not knowing that (which is totally and unbelievably freakin absurd), I now thought I can pay off my debt...well I GUESS NOT! There is no winning and I am at the point where I quit! It was fun while it lasted (a whole 3 mos) :(

miami ISSSS a tough place to live .. trust me .. I KNOW !! but dont give up just like that !! and btw ... switch to washington mutual !! #1 !!!:cool: :cool: :D stick it out liz ... u will be ok :)
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I know, I am not a quiter....but come on! seriously I am bustin ass, stressed out sooo much that my skin, hair and body have taken a huge toll for the worse, there are no girlfriends close by me, I have no cable, furniture or food. This is no way to live.

UGH!!!!!!!! Sorry I just had to vent. Ok, time to bust some more ass!

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Hey...its very rough going the first year....I've been there....eating Ramen every day (.20 cents a pack) and drinking the champagne of beers (Miller High Life) when I wanted to drink because it was only 6 bucks a twelver.....it gets better.....and now is the time you would actually see how better. Back home in Chicago you are going to have to fight through that fuckin shit ass weather that slows everything to a fucking geriatric halt for about 4/5 months. Here the winter is more like an Indian Summer.

If its that bad, you have to do what you have to do. Are you sure you not just feeling homesick?

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Originally posted by lilliz77

I think you hit the nail on the head...

You need some friends from back home to visit ....or maybe coerce a very good one to move down and share an apt. to lift some of the burden of rent off your back....of course not everyone has friends that they can fully trust to do this...I got lucky and had 2 of them that I lived with in 3 different states.

Its hard moving to another state...even harder doing it alone.

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all banks suck liz wherever u are its the nature of the beast. dont give up. you have a good job where ur happy and where they are happy with you. and you do have many friends down here in miami, including myself of course.

stick to ur guns sweetie and dont give up and things will be fine.

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Originally posted by saleen351

you live in south beach, of course you hate it... move to broward...

it's where normal people live...

Well like everything else I have done coming down here, I jumped the gun. I had a job when I came down here (Kendall) got my apartment within walking distance to the job, found out the job sucks ass (no pay), so now I have to drive everywhere, which I have a V6 car that eats up gas. All the while realizing that if I looked at Ft. Lauderdale in the beginning I could have had a cheaper rent, a better job and more friends. Leave it to the Polack to do this ass backwards :rolleyes:

Ok I need to stop ranting...REALLY!

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Guest saleen351

well liz, i have a friend who moved to sobe, she liked it, but as soon as her lease is up shes moving to broward. there is a saying about broward " you are so far south, you are in the north again"

There is just more to do up here, and it's a hell of a lot nicer, plus you can rent a house with a pool and 3 bedrooms for 1100 bucks...

Don't move back home , you'll regret it, go get a waitress job in broward, then move up here. When I moved here, I knew one person and now I sign autographs 5 days a week. seriously though, i knew one person, he knew some guys, who knew some guys, who knew some guys who knew some guys etc... Now we know tons of peeps and there is always something going on. And I have a female chick that lives in sobe, that is looking for friends too. She got smart and is moving to broward...

If you have any Italian in you, THEN YOU DON'T BELONG IN DADE COUNTY...

BTW have you ever been out drinking in lauderdale? You be shocked at the varity of things to do, then it's only 18 mins to club space from our house...

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Originally posted by saleen351

If you have any Italian in you, THEN YOU DON'T BELONG IN DADE COUNTY...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh boy....I'm making the move from NYC to South FL in January. You're plight concerns me. Stress makes it very easy to cave, but don't. Try to stick it out a bit longer. You have to remember that you're in control of the situation, and things won't change unless you make them. South Beach is nice and all because you don't have to drive everywhere, but it's so disconnected from the rest of S. FL. I think the advice you've been given thus far is on point. Get the hell out of South Beach, it's such a depressing area. Broward used to really turn me off, but I sort of like it now. There's a nice little scene in Ft. Lauderdale. Question~why did you move to Miami in the first place?...job, school, change of lifestyle, better weather?

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South Beach proper isn't that depressing...frankly I'd find being holed up in a Broward 'burb after awhile depressing. What most people in the scene down here do is they work on the beach and live elsewhere close by. I live in "Middle Beach" for example, a lot of people I know live in Brickell, Design District, Morningside, dPlace, etc...my neighborhood is nice, since I'm 10 minutes or so from Nerve and any Washington Avenue clubs (aside from Privilege and Ramon's thing at Jazid, Washington Avenue sucks ass...), and 20 minutes or so from Downtown...and there's no real hoods or homeless people wandering around in my neck of the woods, it's a residential area and the cops don't look too kindly upon panhandlers. :blown::)

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Guest brwneydtrouble

Hey Liz, I know EXACTLY what you are going through. Trust me, just cause things dont work out in miami, doesnt mean that you should give up on South Florida. Like Saleen said, move to Broward, or even Palm Beach. The jobs are better, apartments cheaper and you will thank yourself that you can seperate your weekend from your work week. Thats exactly what I decided to do. Miami is a tough city, and I even grew up there, I can't imagine how it must be for a transplant. The BEST thing I ever did was leave Miami, and I stuck it out for almost 2 years down there. I went through MUCH worse things than what you are dealing with, dont be as stubborn and hardheaded as I was. For the first time in 2 years, I love going to work.

If you want to look for a place in Palm Beach, look through www.palmbeachclassifieds.com, I'd be happy to let you know what areas are good and even take a look at the places for you after work. In there you can also find job listings, the job market up here is really good.

Good luck, and hope this helps you feel better about your situation.

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Think about it for a long time. Even though Chicago makes Miami and Florida together look loke a shit hole in the US, it has been fucking snowing the whole day and trust me it wont get any better. So really think about it. I moved from FL like two years ago and my first year in Chitown was hell now I think I am a friggin bear.

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Awwww Liz--dont give up just yet, girlie! Remember you have friends just up the block!

Btw--get my # from Bling and give me a call, you can come by my salon and get a manicure! (its on me)

That"ll take your mind off of things for a lil bit right? :D

didnt you watch "legally blonde"?

Every time a problem arises, get a manicure!

Signed, your friendly nail tech/psycho-therapist/counselor :spin:

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What I've usually found, especially in this scene, is that Miami really isn't that tough...you want tough, try waking up every morning and wondering why Ahmed and Khalid want to see you dead when you step outside of your APC on the streets of Baghdad...or try being a 10 year old in the streets of Mogadishu wondering why his AK-47 jammed...

What I've found is that people tend to get swept up in the excess of the Miami nightlife scene, be it drugs, booze, whores, or just plain being out and living life a little too much, I've seen so many people fizzle and burn out in the space of six months. I think the key to living down here is moderation and being able to keep one foot in the gutter, and one fist in the gold.

It's admirable, and desireable to seek out the maximum amout of personal fortune, but don't let it get away from you, don't get swept up in delusions that you're Tony Montana, or the centerpiece of a Will Smith video...

So in other words, it's not tough down here, it's a matter of keeping a perspective on things, it's just too easy to get swept up in the excesses of the Miami scene...I don't see that happening to Liz, so I'm totally suggesting she check out careerbuilder.com, Monster, or any number of job boards, and finally tell that service industry job to stick their low hourly wages up their asses...

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