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If you could change one thing about yourself...


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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

my chin......got a cleff....girls always pokin my chin.....

lmao......it adds character hommie

If there was one thing to change overall it'd be missed opportunities

If there were one thing about myself to change, I'd grow another inch so I could be 6' tall........being 5'11'' sux because your still a short guy

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Originally posted by dgmodel

im glad you agree... at any given moment at any given time you can change anything you want about yourself...

I have to disagree with this ... I think, you are who you are. Obviously, physically there's nothing you can do to change that ... you may be able to alter your lifestyle but that requires a personality overhaul which I think is next to impossible because I think you are born that way just as you were born with your looks. In other words, if you're shy that's just the way you are ... you can deal with some of the problems that go along with shyness but you will always be shy.

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Yah I dunno, I think you can be whoever or whatever you wanna be, so if you don't like something about yourself and you thinkg you'd be a better person cuz of it, CHANGE IT. Natural physical features aside everything else is workable pretty much:D

I think everyone wants to change something, shit even I do and slowly am, so GO YOU, all you who want to change.:D

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Originally posted by magilicuti

if you don't think you can change you never will. simple as that.

I dont think you can change WHO you are. But you certainly can deal with your problems. Like if you're addicted to drugs, you can deal with that problem, but you cannot change the fact you have an addictive personality. If you see how Im seperating the two things.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

I have to disagree with this ... I think, you are who you are. Obviously, physically there's nothing you can do to change that ... you may be able to alter your lifestyle but that requires a personality overhaul which I think is next to impossible because I think you are born that way just as you were born with your looks. In other words, if you're shy that's just the way you are ... you can deal with some of the problems that go along with shyness but you will always be shy.

physically, mentally and emotionally you can change... at any given time... at any moment... youre fat? you diet or work out, youre skinny you work out and eat more... youre mentally fucked go to a doctor, youre emotionally unstable get over it... theres a myriad of things that can be changed if you really want to... as far as shy goes... shyness stems from insecurity insecurity can easily be overcome... changing is the key factor to surviving... adapting, adjusting, constantly tweaking ones self for the better... but to think one can never change is the sign of a weak mind and lack of will...

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Originally posted by magilicuti

if you don't think you can change you never will. simple as that.

agreed... and some ppl dont want to change and thats fine as well... but you know what i find funny as fuck... girls who try to change their boyfriends for the better than after they changed them they break up with them because they say "youve changed" lmao... "youre not the guy i fell in love with" lmao no shit~!

Originally posted by Destiny

must you try to ruin my question...must you???:(

whos ruining??? just stating my opinion towards change...

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Originally posted by xpyrate

I dont think you can change WHO you are. But you certainly can deal with your problems. Like if you're addicted to drugs, you can deal with that problem, but you cannot change the fact you have an addictive personality. If you see how Im seperating the two things.

i agree with you on that... however you can alter your behaviour and curtail your usage... you can avoid situation that might lead to you put your lips on the glass dick... follow??? its similar to the hole in the ozone... in regards to this one... you cannot change the fact that theres a hole there... however you change what you do to avoid making it bigger... and that is CHANGE... change change change is more than just a few coins in your pocket... its a form of bettering yourself and society... IMO.

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