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Opium - Friday Review - Girls Gone Wild


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As we knew... there was a ton of hype about the whole GGW thing... people were expecting a filming and a bevy of 17 year olds taking their clothes off... It was actually a party hosted by Joe Francis, the "genius" behind the GGW concept and future inmate #183542 :laugh: He was actually pretty cool guy.

Party was awesome... FULL of surprises!

First, as Sheldon and I pull up to the valet at 10:55(club doesn't even open 'til 11), there must be AT LEAST 200 people WAITING for the place to open!!! Dancefloor was bumpin' from the start; played for about 1.5 hours. I tagged along with our friend Dave, GM @ Opium/Prive for our normal "rounds". End up at Nicholas Cage's table having a drink w/ him and Andy Dick before he gets ushered away with his entourage. Went back downstairs and Sheldon has the place in serious check!

Went out front to snap a few pics and who walks up??? ... JAMIROQUAI! (and crew) Any of you househeads know all of the many classic JAMIROQUAI remixes that we all still probably have in our boxes... well it was treat to have him there. He was originall sat in the VIP room upstairs in Prive but then asked to be moved downstairs "because the music was better" he told the hostess!!! So as I was dj'ing and saw him directly across the floor, and pointed him out to Sheldon... so Sheldon went into his bag 'o tricks and pulled out a remix of Jamiroqual's "Little L" and as soon as Jay K heard it.. he started bowing and "blowing kisses" from across the dancefloor. I continued my set and out of nowhere, Jay K pops up in the booth to thank Sheldon and I. One of the nicest cats we've met... was soo appreaciative that we recognized him and did our version of a remix tribute (one that he said he'd never even heard!)

Place stayed packed until close and Jay K stayed until close dancing his arse off!

Great night... pics up soon!

(Goldrush unitl 8am was the downfall of a great weekend!!! Haha! :lol: )

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Hey, it's nice that you posted an all positive review about a party at a venue that you regularly dj at but if you had waited, I'm sure some third party clubber who attended would have done a much better and more objective review.

It's just not fair to review your own parties. Think about what that's telling people. :blank:

I'm sure you guys weren't the only 2 to notice that Jamiroquai was in attendance.

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i never knew that there were rules for reviews. vaughan was simply stating that he had a good time. what's wrong with that? so if i spin at a party, have a great time, should i not post a review? weak. :rolleyes:

and probably no more than 10 ppl even recognized jamiroquai. this city is full of clueless ppl.

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Thanks guys...

I was a bit slow to reply because I was hurt by Phillipios words and needed some "alone" time... Actually, some of my parties are just "OK", can't win them all, and we still post the pictures and "our version" of a review each week for all to see. Just because half this board spends each week gasping for air because they're so far up other dj/club's/promoter's asses isn't my fault I had a good time and wanted to come here and tell some people about it. I would have sent out a private PM to all my friends but that would've taken forever; but what do you know about friends? Looks like you make quite a few on here! Forunately for me Phillipio, I am blessed to make a full-week of your salary (what does McDonald's pay these days anyway?) in one night... shit... my party kicks ass each and every week... because I have fun, and I work with my friends and I get to listen to great music EVERY single week! And guess what... no matter what club you were at Friday, someone's gonna have a different opinion... so here's mine dickhead!

Hows that Phillipio... That should be a bit more to chew on for you...

I'll see you on the dancefloor!

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I was tactfully (i.e no foul language) pointing out that a promoter/dj who posts reviews of their own parties only serves to show off and reveal their true egoism and pretentiousness. Thanks for blindly guessing that I work at McDonalds. And not that it matters (and I'm not trying to beat you at your own namecalling game) but actually, I worked at an aerospace engineering company in CT which designs microhydraulic components for aircraft, space shuttles, Formula One teams, oil tools and various medical applications. I'm now working P/T at a hospital construction subcontractor and I will be starting on my masters degree.

So I'm asking you to kindly research your subject before you start pointing fingers and assuming that everyone who's not "of your calibre" works at a fast food chain.

Regarding my friday night whereabouts, I was at my boss' wedding if you must know and then I met up with friends at Nerve but Seaman was nothing more than disappointing and boring at best so I took off around 1:45. I heard Phil K. was quite good though. Any other questions???

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Originally posted by philippio

I was tactfully (i.e no foul language) pointing out that a promoter/dj who posts reviews of their own parties only serves to show off and reveal their true egoism and pretentiousness. Thanks for blindly guessing that I work at McDonalds. And not that it matters (and I'm not trying to beat you at your own namecalling game) but actually, I worked at an aerospace engineering company in CT which designs microhydraulic components for aircraft, space shuttles, Formula One teams, oil tools and various medical applications. I'm now working P/T at a hospital construction subcontractor and I will be starting on my masters degree.

So I'm asking you to kindly research your subject before you start pointing fingers and assuming that everyone who's not "of your calibre" works at a fast food chain.

Regarding my friday night whereabouts, I was at my boss' wedding if you must know and then I met up with friends at Nerve but Seaman was nothing more than disappointing and boring at best so I took off around 1:45. I heard Phil K. was quite good though. Any other questions???

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

some people are very capable of giving objective opinions about their own parties. Honest people have no problem doing that.

Sorry about the mix-up about your job Phillipio... And you're right... you're not "of the calibre" of people I associate with because of the "type" of person you are, not where you work... Actually I take that back, THAT was a biased review; I don't know you.

Was it packed? Yes.

Did I have fun? Yes.

Was there a musician there whom I admire? Yes.

Was that biased or a bs review? No.

If I called the thread Vaughan's Night 'o Fun, would that change anything about my "review"... nope. Other than Saleen, anyone on the board that has met me, know I don't post bs reviews or ever actually post reviews period... If I have fun.. you'll read about it, If I don't you won't because if something's "not my cup of tea", it's probably someone else's and I respect that.

Good luck with your Master's... Mine looks good on my wall too! Funny huh!

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Originally posted by philippio

I'm :laugh: cause you're :laugh: .

But I'm not sure why you're :laugh: ? I didn't say anything funny at all. Just defending my point of view.

I just thought it was funny how he assumed you worked at a fast food joint because you criticized him. One thing has nothing to do with the other. :D

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Originally posted by chaflas

I just thought it was funny how he assumed you worked at a fast food joint because you criticized him. One thing has nothing to do with the other. :D

Actually ChasFlas... that was funny. :laugh: I think he's trying to be the usual CP troublemaker for critisizing me, not a fast-food worker!

I didn't really think he worked anywhere, especially a fast food joint... I was honestly just saying that I enjoy my job and enjoy the people I work with and I'm extremely fortunate and very appreciative of this opportunity... And if you read the post I was merely pointing out that I personally had a good time and it happened to be at my party... It's funny how Philippio says it's "unfair" or biased for a promoter to post their own review... when the truth is, all "opinions" will always be biased or unfair because not everyone shares the same opinion about everything. What Philippio should have said was "why hasn't someone posted anything bad about the night" instead of the single "view", not "review" by the dj? That's all!

And for the record... I have friends that come from all walks of life and professions... I know people that work in fast-food restaurants and they will ALWAYS be "wealthier" than most people because of who they are and not what they make for a living!

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Originally posted by vaughanz

And for the record... I have friends that come from all walks of life and professions... I know people that work in fast-food restaurants and they will ALWAYS be "wealthier" than most people because of who they are and not what they make for a living!

I completely agree.

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Well Vaughan, you're right about one thing that I can't deny... A master's diploma looks good on anyone's wall but doesn't mean diddly squat unless you plan to apply it to something you like doing. I just don't think it's right to assume that you're better than me and compare your nightly salary to my monthly one without knowing even who I am or what I do. I don't know you either and that's why I initially tried to point out as courteously as I could, that someone reviewing their own party comes across as being conceited (in my opinion). Did I expect that there would be no objecting posts? Of course not. But for the record, I'm not the only one who, in the past, has criticized a dj/promoter about reviewing their own parties.

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