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do you ever feel dumb.....


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Originally posted by fkornre

i have actually developed a stuttering and thinking probs from extensive drug use...

Me too, I attribute it to doing too much blow. So I stopped about 3 1/2 weeks ago... Not stuttering at all anymore. ;)

I guess it's time to go back!

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Originally posted by fkornre


mine isnt too bad yet but sometimes i cant say what i am trying to say...it takes a few secs to actually come out....

I stutter when I'm in a hole, also drool, spit and shit my pants.. Can't wait for Friday Huh K and stymie?

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back in the day when i used to party every single day it was almost like I was retarded....it definately affected my vision and hearing too.... I couldn't think about anything but getting higher... Its so much better when you can limit yourself to a little something on the ... there's nothing recreational about locking yourself in room and gettin loaded it definately "impairs you" in the long run

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I understand what your saying, in your brain you can formulate a intelligent responce to something but it comes out sounding like your in third grade. What i do is read a book or two that usually helps.

If not find stupidier freinds and you will feel a lot better about yourself, and if that does not help just continue to do massive amount of drugs until you can not comprehend that you are dumber then most people.:D

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If you give yourself some breathing time though, it does seem to go away or at least decrease significantly in effect.. you just really have to shove away from the table for awhile.

I mean, if your dip you head in a vat of acid and sprinkle random white powders on EVERY surface, from your wheaties to your bathroom counter for a few years running, then it's possible that the damage is irreparable- so party on cause you done did it, ain't no comin back now!

But if that's not you, take a vaca for a couple weeks, hang out with your mom, read some books, take random little kids to movies, get 8 hours of sleep, knit... ;) or even just bar hop but just have a beer or two earlier in the night and watch people get sloshed, it's pretty fucking funny.

The hard part is just saying no to going OUT out, especially when you feel like you're missing out and your friends can't imagine NOT going, but you really will feel better if you Ultimate Challenge yourself and just do it for a few weeks, plus you'll save some cash to blow on your celebration when you go back out to do it again. ;)

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