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Got Saddam


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Originally posted by pod

Hopefully they'll stick him in a cell with a 6 foot tall black guy named Bubba who hasn't seen a woman in awhile.

funny u bring that up dan ... cause u made me think about what the look on "YOUR " face would be :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

so ?? you are danielle ?? HI MY NAME IS BUBBA :D

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Originally posted by saintjohn

life, liberty, and the pursuit of chillin and smokin?

i guess religion isn't the opiate of the masses anymore.

well for the masses yeah alot of them still think they need to believe in all that babble....but that aint for me....my philosophy is im in search of good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

i really take the road less traveled!!!!!!!!!!!!

religion is a big ass highway with alot of traffic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

im in search of good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really take the road less traveled!!!!!!!!!!!!

you really think that being "in search of good times" is "the road less traveled"? it looks more like i-95 at rush hour to me. either way, enjoy the ride - and please drive carefully.

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Originally posted by saintjohn

you really think that being "in search of good times" is "the road less traveled"? it looks more like i-95 at rush hour to me. either way, enjoy the ride - and please drive carefully.

searching for good times is not what im referring to....cuz alot of people find good times in there church or whatever!!!!!!!!!!

im saying the road less traveled r people who swear off all religions and say there all a load of..........insert whatever u want in the dots!!!!!!!!

most of the planet believes in some sort of higher being ...so therefore thats the highway during rush hour!!!!!!!!!!!

i believe in me...and thats the bottom line!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Originally posted by philippio

More than $87 billion of our tax dollars later...

How much more does that hairy Bush want for Bin Laden?

I'll agree that the method was inefficient.

I'm best described as a hawk I guess...my method of warfighting, if I was in charge, would be very controversial...orbital bombardment, constant nuclear attack, and other fun stuff would have driven Saddam out of hiding or fried his ass at a fraction of the cost...the whole psychological warfare bit...a friend of mine (lauded by Bret Easton Ellis, no less...) put it this way two years ago...swap out Taliban for Iraq, and the point is still quite relevant....

The United States of America is the last true super-power the world has and it's time we reminded the rabble-rousing under-developed sand countries of that fact. With a few flights over the land and a few nukes each our troubles could all be wiped out and left as a shining glass monument to what happens when you fuck with Uncle Sam. I watch the news every night and tune into CNN for the highlights of the day's attacks but I'm not sure that it's enough. I still see these assholes chanting in the streets that America is the bad guy. Well, guess what? We were the bad guy before we started to retaliate and we will be when this is all over.


Who could that be?

Why, it's our old friend Billy Bleeding-Heart. What's up, Billy?

"Slappy, they are mad that we supply money to their opposing forces."

Well, Billy, that's because their opposing forces are fighting against murdering psychopaths that believe the opposite of everything that the United States has ever stood for.

"But, that's their chosen government. Who are we to say that they are wrong?"

Silly Billy. We are the greatest nation on earth and we have a policy of stepping in when basic human rights are quashed. We helped (eventually) the Jews during WWII. What would we be saying to the people under Taliban rule if we simply ignored what was going on?

"But our strikes occasionally kill or injure a handful of civialians."

Well, we lost a few thousand people before this whole thing started. 5000 - 4 or 5 = a lot more civilians we can accidentally knock-off before we're worse than our enemy. There is an idea called "total warfare." In this idea it is okay to kill a baker because he provides food that may in some way help the opposing forces. Kill an entertainer and moral drops among those giving support to the enemy. We have a long-standing history of civil warfare where we only allow ourselves to kill those in the military. People in the 60s and 70s were all up in arms over villages being destroyed in Viet Nam. Well big fucking deal. Applying the idea of Total Warfare that I think America should adopt, the killing of babies is fine and dandy. The idea of a baby at home might bring a smile to the face of an enemy soldier. The idea of a baby's corpse slowly burning at home might make an enemy soldier sad. Plus, think of the psychology that is involved. If we are willing to kill your women and children in a brutal way imagine what lay in store for you when we get our hands on your Taliban ass.

"But that's inhuman."

Maybe, but war isn't supposed to be pretty. I'm not saying that we go inflict this kind of mass punishment on a country that doesn't deserve it. I'm hardly suggesting we nuke the fuck out of Denmark. A few years back I had a talk with a good friend of mine named Dan about what America should have done with Sadam. Our feeling was that we should have nuked the entire country from border to border and then in a few decades when the area cooled down we could send the Marines in and pain the lines on Earth's new parking lot. Make the entire nation unlivable and the Taliban will have to leave. You can't run a country without land. Where will they hold government meetings? In an IHOP in Iran?

"But the Russians have been trying to fight off the Taliban for years with no success. I think you underestimate their power."

I've underestimated nothing. You OVERESTIMATED the power of Russia. You expect a nation where people have to wait hours in line for bread and toilet paper to fight any sort of military successfully? The sad fact is that a full on assault would be too easy, if the correct amount of pressure were applied. It's like a boxing match between Ali and a retarded kid with one good arm and one deformed, shriveled, little arm. Sure, the kid might get lucky and land a punch or two but if Ali (even Ali as he is now, the poor bastard) were to fully unleash on the kid the smart money would be on Ali.

To quote Starship Troopers, "Shoot a nuke down a bug-hole, you've got a lot of dead bugs." The same applies here. Played out properly this fight will be short but still fun to record off CNN and playback some drunken Friday night at home with friends. To quote Starship Troopers once again, "They're not much to look at when you scrape them off your boot."

To sum it all up, if I was being attacked 24/7 by weapons of ungodly power and lethality, I'd give the bitch up no matter how charismatic he was...

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Originally posted by philippio

More than $87 billion of our tax dollars later...

How much more does that hairy Bush want for Bin Laden?

expensive as hell, but when they have allready found almost 300 thousand people in mass graves and estimate there are between 500K and a million, from humanities point of view, Saddam is a bigger fish that Bin Laden.... I cant wait till they both have a face to face chat with God.

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Originally posted by pod

I'll agree that the method was inefficient.

I'm best described as a hawk I guess...my method of warfighting, if I was in charge, would be very controversial...orbital bombardment, constant nuclear attack, and other fun stuff would have driven Saddam out of hiding or fried his ass



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