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THis is some amazing stuff.

the way he was hiding, authorities checking for lice and other nasty stuff.

THis is great on numerous counts:

  • now he will be tried in an international court and show dictators around the world this kinda shit can't go down
  • Osama must be shittin in his pants
  • it clears the way for Iraqi's to feel more at ease (and Americans/international community)

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crazy footage...

IMO, however, i think things will continue and even escalate in Iraq...i think the "resistance" will make a point of continuing attacks to prove that his capture will in no way diminish the violence. I think the next couple of months, between whatever they do with Saddam and the situation in Iraq, its going to be a fucking show.

I just hope it doesnt become another palestine/israel situation where no end can be realistically seen.

Originally posted by gmccookny

THis is great on numerous counts:

now he will be tried in an international court and show dictators around the world this kinda shit can't go down

Osama must be shittin in his pants

it clears the way for Iraqi's to feel more at ease (and Americans/international community)

unfortunately, i think this is wishfull thinking....:half:

do you really think one capture, even if its saddam and bin laden, will forego generations of hatred and violence?

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Originally posted by iamme

unfortunately, i think this is wishfull thinking....:half:

do you really think one capture, even if its saddam and bin laden, will forego generations of hatred and violence?

very true, america is seriously hated over there. that will never end in our lifetimes

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Originally posted by iamme

unfortunately, i think this is wishfull thinking....:half:

do you really think one capture, even if its saddam and bin laden, will forego generations of hatred and violence?

No, one capture will not change a lot

But, like the capture of Slobodan Milosevic back in the late 90's, this capture just shows that despots can't always get away with murder, and it sets an example for future generations of leaders of generally accepted practices and what will and will not be accepted.

Don't get me wrong, leaders of rogue nations will still do what they want. But it will be harder to get away scotch free doing it.

As far as Anti-american sentiment, yes there is that there. And it's pretty bad. But there's also many Iraqi's that are happy about the overthrow and look forward to a free Iraq. There were crowds cheering that Saddam was captured.

I think many Iraqis' are more upset that America is there alone trying to rebuild Iraq. Iraqii's im sure would rather do it themselves, or have a more international presence.

Just without too much US meddling ;)

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Oh, and the Iraqi people will NEVER have to suffer under the leadership of Saddam again.

There's celebrations going on. It is a good day. But there is still work to be done. It's just a matter of how we approach it now.

I certainly do favor a more international presence in the decision making. We'll see what happens...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

No, one capture will not change a lot

But, like the capture of Slobodan Milosevic back in the late 90's, this capture just shows that despots can't always get away with murder, and it sets an example for future generations of leaders of generally accepted practices and what will and will not be accepted.

capturing slobo didnt accomplish SHIT. he's still being tried and he rips apart prosecution witnesses every week.

i hope one day the rest of the world is able to bring Bush and Clinton to trial for their war crimes.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

capturing slobo didnt accomplish SHIT. he's still being tried and he rips apart prosecution witnesses every week.

i hope one day the rest of the world is able to bring Bush and Clinton to trial for their war crimes.

Well, at least they don't have to live under the rule of a tyrant anymore.

I know things aren't 100% better there, but over time im sure it'll get better.

ANd who said legal processes happen overnight :blank:

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Originally posted by xpyrate

they should be reporting on how they caught bin laden ... who cares about saddam ... what did he have to do with 911? nothing ... im convinced bush is gonna wait till a month before election to catch bin laden

you have no clue with what is going on do you? if you think the war on iraq has anything to do with 911 you are very simple minded. learn to read between the lines

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

capturing slobo didnt accomplish SHIT. he's still being tried and he rips apart prosecution witnesses every week.

i hope one day the rest of the world is able to bring Bush and Clinton to trial for their war crimes.

bush and clinton are just doing their jobs. america isn't where it is today by going "by the book." america is a business. we are a big corporation.

if they didn't have oil over there do you think we'd give a fuck about their society?

why do you think america kisses israel's ass? because most of the ppl in america with cash are jewish. why do you think the rest of the world despises america?

i'm not putting the united states down. i think we are using our power to be on top. but don't buy into the we are doing it for the greater good bullshit, we are in it for ourselves like everyone else

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Well, at least they don't have to live under the rule of a tyrant anymore.

I know things aren't 100% better there, but over time im sure it'll get better.

ANd who said legal processes happen overnight :blank:

u live under a tyrant and seem to like it..why cant other people do the same

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It amazing....the shit you miss when you sleep till 2pm:confused:

SO... now what????

They caught him.... and what happens??? He's not the threat....it's the morons who buy into all that nonsense that are killing our soldiers every day...Personally I think that this is only going to add "feul to the fire"....but it's nice to know that an active supporter of anti-american hatred is gonna get fried.......when is this all going to end?

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doesn't anyone remember the current xmas seasons? recently we've had one of the worst xmas in history! there were talks of recession and all this other bs.

what happended? what had to happen? war

now everyone forgot about that. that is the job of the government. to take care of its ppl. even if it means sending some of them over there to die. in the big picture its what had to be done.

america is a big corporation. we are about the cash and that's it. because cash is what makes us powerful

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

clinton and bush are the cover for what goes on behind the scenes....am i supposed to be mad at shadows and speculation? i gotta manifest my anger somewhere..and they seem to be the front line..and im sure u know the front line always gets it the worst.

what exactly are you mad at?

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