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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

It amazing....the shit you miss when you sleep till 2pm:confused:

SO... now what????

They caught him.... and what happens??? He's not the threat....it's the morons who buy into all that nonsense that are killing our soldiers every day...Personally I think that this is only going to add "feul to the fire"....but it's nice to know that an active supporter of anti-american hatred is gonna get fried.......when is this all going to end?

everyone is talking about how this is gonna get them even more pissed off. they are killing themselves with bombs attached to themselves just to hurt us. how much more mad can you get?

do you people even understand why they are mad at us in the first place?

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Originally posted by bullseye

i got woken up to this news to, so much for sleepin late. congrats to the brave soldiers who continue to put their asses on the line everyday and will continue to.

:werd:it sucks tho that they have to be so far away from their families on the holidays
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Originally posted by magilicuti

what exactly are you mad at?

im mad that BUsh managed to turn world sympathy into world resentment after 9/11

im mad that having differing views from CNN/FOXNEWS makes u a traitor

im mad that questioning the establishment has become taboo..isnt that what the country was built upon?

im mad that the common people still believe they have the power to change things in this country...still blind to the fact that the rich elite control everything..and that the electoral college is the first line of defense against change.

im mad that theres boys in Iraq right now..sleeping in a desert..wondering why the fuck theyre over there..not knowing whether or not theyre gona make it home.....never knowing when some fanatic fuck is gona come and blow themselves up

im mad that people in this country still belive in blind faith

im mad that people believe America is a grat saviour..when actually it is...to qoute u...a CORPORATION

i can go on.

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I think that to some extent... War is the economic policy of the Bush White House....He's keeping government contractors very busy with No-Bid rebuilding contracts in Afghanistan and Iraq...and its no surprise that companies like Bechtel, strong supporters of Republican Party, are getting most of the work ....

He's also to a certain extent "locking himself in" for re-election....who's gonna vote in a new president in unpredictable times of war??

You really have to ask yourself...is anything getting better since we've gone after these people?:confused:

I think I need a xanax:idea:

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Originally posted by nybeauty

:werd: it sucks tho that they have to be so far away from their families on the holidays

its funny, i was reading the daily news last week, and a wife of a soldier sent in a letter complaining how her husband couldnt be home for the holidays and how her children would be without their father. then the next day another lady wrote in a response saying, "was your husband drafted into the army, sounds like he made a choice and we all choose the lives we live."

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it has nothing to do with hating america ... it has everything to do with the fact we have greedy former oil execs in power in the white house ...

does anyone actually feel safer now that saddams been caught? i don't

and what does saddam have to do with terrorism anyway? sure he's a ruthless dictator but there is no shortage of those in this world why him? he would never arm bin laden with wmd because for one they are bitter enemies, two he doesn't have any

this war was just a grab for oil, period end of story

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im mad that BUsh managed to turn world sympathy into world resentment after 9/11

im mad that having differing views from CNN/FOXNEWS makes u a traitor

im mad that questioning the establishment has become taboo..isnt that what the country was built upon?

im mad that the common people still believe they have the power to change things in this country...still blind to the fact that the rich elite control everything..and that the electoral college is the first line of defense against change.

im mad that theres boys in Iraq right now..sleeping in a desert..wondering why the fuck theyre over there..not knowing whether or not theyre gona make it home.....never knowing when some fanatic fuck is gona come and blow themselves up

im mad that people in this country still belive in blind faith

im mad that people believe America is a grat saviour..when actually it is...to qoute u...a CORPORATION

i can go on.

you are very very naive my friend

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Originally posted by xpyrate

it has nothing to do with hating america ... it has everything to do with the fact we have greedy former oil execs in power in the white house ...

does anyone actually feel safer now that saddams been caught? i don't

and what does saddam have to do with terrorism anyway? sure he's a ruthless dictator but there is no shortage of those in this world why him? he would never arm bin laden with wmd because for one they are bitter enemies, two he doesn't have any

this war was just a grab for oil, period end of story

your first post on this thread was very different. you thought the war was about 911 now u r saying its about war? you read that from my post after quoting your thread.

but yes this war is about oil

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Originally posted by bullseye

its funny, i was reading the daily news last week, and a wife of a soldier sent in a letter complaining how her husband couldnt be home for the holidays and how her children would be without their father. then the next day another lady wrote in a response saying, "was your husband drafted into the army, sounds like he made a choice and we all choose the lives we live."

People choose what they do in life based on the environment they're surrounded by.....the military actively lures in unsuspecting KIDS every day....they use the bait of free college and a new life to lead people with no other choice... Have you ever seen a recruiting station on the Upper East Side?

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initially when we were going after al queda ... yes it was about 911 ... but as soon as bush mentioned the "axis of evil" i put my hand over my head and thought this is vietnam all over again ... we should have at least stabilized afghanistan and caught bin laden before going elsewhere

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Originally posted by xpyrate

initially when we were going after al queda ... yes it was about 911 ... but as soon as bush mentioned the "axis of evil" i put my hand over my head and thought this is vietnam all over again ... we should have at least stabilized afghanistan and caught bin laden before going elsewhere

it never was about 911, 911 was just fluff for the american ppl

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

People choose what they do in life based on the environment they're surrounded by.....the military actively lures in unsuspecting KIDS every day....they use the bait of free college and a new life to lead people with no other choice... Have you ever seen a recruiting station on the Upper East Side?

i don't think that's the case. the military is good for ppl with no money and education. luring is a bad word. i mean why would someone that is rich wanna put their life on the line? being in the military is not easy. when u r rich you are living the easy life. and if you are rich you don't need the benefits that the military can offer.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

u live under a tyrant and seem to like it..why cant other people do the same

Im sorry, but is bush responsible for the death of over 8000 americans?

Is bush accused of genocide?

Im not trying to defend him, but in no way can you place bush in the same room as Slobodon or Saddam :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Im sorry, but is bush responsible for the death of over 8000 americans?

Is bush accused of genocide?

Im not trying to defend him, but in no way can you place bush in the same room as Slobodon or Saddam :rolleyes:

well ... he is responsible for killing thousands of arab civilians

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Originally posted by xpyrate

well ... he is responsible for killing thousands of arab civilians

xpyrate, seriously man. you need to really think about why things are happening. no one can explain to you about what is going on until you fully realize why things are how they are

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