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What happend back then???

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277


this picture...this type of thread...this phrase...has been used over and over again...what is the point? also, they "we trained bin laden"....they are pointless...those that u support today, can be ur enemies tomorrow...:idea: (i.e. France)

My apology.....

I just recently discovered the Current Events thread on CP ;)

As for that comment...."those you support today can be your enemies tomorrow" works both ways....

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Originally posted by xpyrate

yea ... we need co-operation with their intelligence and security in the war against terror after all they do have a large arab population there, and bashing them isn't helping us.

Not to be mean or antyhing, but I HIGHLY doubt the French come on CP and read these threads ;):tongue:

By the way, I love the pic of Igloo on your sig :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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the french have always sucked, with their fine wine, smelly cheeses, high quality food and well planned capital.


time to go over and give them another ass kickicking, time for another 100 yrs war methinks.

I'm really cold.

anyways, saddam was supported by the west, the us and uk were the ones to sell him biological weapons, the cia probably gave him lists of dissidents, to do with what he liked and the chances are he killed them, the us or some division of secret service stuff probably helped him, or knew, when he used chemical weapons.

I just wonder if he'll get a chance to tell all he knows.

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but iran was a long time ally of the US from the 50's to the 70's when it went tits up 'cause of US involvement.

iran was a threat?

to what?

did you know it was for a long period one of America's key outposts in the cold war? for covert spying on russia her satelittes?

thus CIA involvement thus dictator type supported by US and west until 70s when islamic revolution occoured, as a hard line reaction against american intereference in their country, then turning to russia, about the only major ally avaliable, and also in the region.

repressive islamic govt - a reaction to american action earlier - continues to this day.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

how many times do we have to go through this simons. iran was a bigger threat to the west so we built saddam up. saddam and his SOCIALIST baath party.

well i guess we will learn that you cannot trust socialist either.

we will just put them on the lessons learned list

How bout black people and jews? Can we trust them too? :rolleyes:

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tony blair is apparently the head of a socialist party...

a party that once dabbled in pacifism...

they did have an anti-nuclear weapons policy at some point, but, then the party machine put power back at the top and put a stop to that...

socialism is not evil, just a reaction to the conditions in england in the 19th century, where we still didn't have all males having the vote, and no women.

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our societies can handle nuclear weapons we have security and no reason to use them. but iran , iraq, north korea and russia now for that matter, have no security, anyone can get their hands on them, and that has to be put to an end we cannot have radicals with nukes

and dont say the US is a radical state either

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rogue might be the word you're looking for.

the only country that can handle nukes...

yes... the only country to use them...

you ever wonder about why so many people get cancer?

you ever think that detonating around 3000 nuclear weapons, above and below the surface of this planet, releasing a shitload of fallout, just to be carried in the water, in the air, circling the world, could perhaps be contributing to people getting cancer...

nuclear weapons.

you want america to use them again if necessary?

american society is no more special than any other.

no more special than the greeks. than the romans. than the myans. the egyptians. the great chinese civilisations. the nazis. the english.

you just have more nukes. more bombs. more planes. more tanks. more guns. more biological weapons. that, and the somewhat unique nature of the state have combined into this massive entity known as america. it bullies. bribes and has often got its way.

america is the last 19th century european empire, and that's not entirely a criticism, but on staggeringly different terms and in rather different world.

the gulf between america as seen domestically by the mainstream and as judged by action overseas, is rather large.

the problem is, places like brazil, they're rather large, and for years have been rather repressed, poor, the usual, but, they're getting their shit together, now that the cold war has thawed.

hence interesting stuff like cancun breaking down.

us imperialism.

wonder if it is the best term.

perhaps there is a better one.

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for one if thats why people got cancer then the mojority of people would get it not the small minority it would be an epedemic nothing to do with nuclear testing that is your own personal opinion

what would you do mr all knowing simons tell me how would you make the worl a better place

and you cannot say remove the us or george bush from power!!!

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for one I'd legalise drugs...

which is the sinister underbelly of the CIA and an interesting front in the war drugs and terror...

and also the politics, a great issue for the politicians, talk talk talk and offer up completely the wrong solution for the problem.

oh and cancer:

"The study found that 1.5% of the North American population aged 15 years and older -- more than 3 million people -- had been diagnosed with at least one of 25 different cancers within the past 5 years. The results only include individuals diagnosed in the past 5 years because people who live longer are considered to be cured."

go over that again.


3 million people.

diagonosed with cancer.

the last five years.


that sounds like a bit of an epidemic to me...

my uncle died of cancer, my friend's dad just died of it last year, my grandad has it.

that study was from here:


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