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high blood pressure

Guest jroo

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Guest jroo

im 6'3 weigh 218, im 25 years old. ive been told that i have high blood pressure. they want me to lose 18 lbs. i play college football, defensive end. i cant lose any more weight. i eat pretty good. they want me to see a nutrutionist. i feel like im on playmakers. remember that guy they wanted to lose wieght to live but the team wanted him to gain wieght? i feel fine during the work outs, i mean my hands get numb when we do sprints and sometimes i get light headed from heavy lifting. they wont put me on medicine yet. im stage 1 of the hyper whatever its called. second from the worst on the list. anyway. any thoughts on exercising and nutrution? should i not work out as hard? i dont use salt for anything, i dont smoke, i drink maybe once or twice a month. im too young to die. why me, whhyyyyy.

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do you get nervous when you get your BP taken?

i would always have high (140/80-90) BP readings at the doc's, so i was outfitted with a 24 hr BP monitor to see if i really did have "normally" high readings. i exercise regularly, and while i could certainly lose 5 lbs if i wanted to be more trim, i'm far from overweight.

it turned out that my BP is normal *except* for when i go in to see the doctor.

so don't freak out... that'll raise your BP! *grin* either way, you're young and even if you DO have a genetic tendency towards BP issues, it's certainly easily regulated.

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Check you're own BP first thing in the morning when you wake up. Yeah, at 6'3 if you lose 18 pounds, there's no way you'll be playing football at that weight.

Hell, at that height you should be weight more like 250-260 to be playing ball.

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Not much I can say at this point. Not enough info.

Number 1, there is NO WAY you are too heavy at that weight, unless you are skinny/FAT.

First of all, what was your reading??? Was that a one time reading or was it taken several different times???

Check you blood pressure, first thing for the next 3 mornings or so and then get back to us.

Also, are you on juice???


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Guest jroo
Originally posted by wideskies

so don't freak out... that'll raise your BP! *grin* either way, you're young and even if you DO have a genetic tendency towards BP issues, it's certainly easily regulated.

yeah, sometimes i dont think that the nurses know what they're doing, but i dont know. ive been told about my blood pressure for about a year now. my physical two years ago said that i had trace amounts of blood in my urine, but i was fine. the one last year didnt say anythign about blood there. my bp is something like 138/98

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by ou812

Check you're own BP first thing in the morning when you wake up. Yeah, at 6'3 if you lose 18 pounds, there's no way you'll be playing football at that weight.

Hell, at that height you should be weight more like 250-260 to be playing ball.

i was wieghing 225 at the begining of last season. i dont really want to get up to 250, i'd be happy at like 225-235 and back to the 6% body fat that i had back in 99. i like playing DE, but i know that i'll never be 260 or anything like that, so i want to switch to FS or SS. i think that i really have a chance to go forward at those positions, but ive seriously got to work on my speed. i'm quick, but im not blazing fast at all.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by mrtiddles

Are you playin D-1, 2 or 3 ball?

I was 6'3, 220 when I was playing D-3 ball.

As for the blood pressure, it might be nerves. Go to a CVS (if you have those around) and sit down at the machine that takes your BP. Might be a little less tense

i play for george mason university, in va. we're a club team right now. we're in the process of becoming a div-I school. it just takes a long time to get all the work done. we play other club teams, div 3 and 2 teams and we played georgetown's jv team this year, we beat them. we play valley forge, that's where larry fitzgerald came from before he went to pitt, and two of valley forges dlinemen just signed with pitt. the best team we played this year was college of new jersey at trenton. they were ranked 20th div 3 when we played them. they spanked us. our first loss, we were 6-0 , it was too fucking cold up there, and it was fucking raining. we finished up going 7-3 and winning our conference, seaboard conference. anywho...

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by elitesnautica

Not much I can say at this point. Not enough info.

Number 1, there is NO WAY you are too heavy at that weight, unless you are skinny/FAT.

First of all, what was your reading??? Was that a one time reading or was it taken several different times???

Check you blood pressure, first thing for the next 3 mornings or so and then get back to us.

Also, are you on juice???


im not skinny/fat. i lost my 4 pack long ago, but there isnt much at all to pinch on me. im pretty toned. im not ripped though. ive had the high readings for about a year now. and now that im in school the school nurses are the first ones to tell me that i need to fix it. how do i check my own BP? go buy a machine? i figure that if i get dressed and go to the store and check it that it'll probably raise my pressure.

and no, im not on any sort of juice. just o.j. for me, thanks.

i think the next time i have it checked i'll take off my shirt. they normally push up my sleave and if i have a long sleave, it gets pretty tight.

thanks for all of your replies, sorry that it took so long for me to get back.

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I am pretty sure Walmart has machines. Go to the pharmacy at Walmart, sit on the bench by the machine for 10 minutes or so and relax. Then check your BP. After that let us know what the reading is, it sounds like you are in good shape so most likely you are fine.

And one other thing - nurses are not experts - so don't get all work up about this until you know for sure if you have a problem or not.

After you check it by your self a couple of times, if if is still high, let us know what it is along with your current diet and family history if any.


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Guest jroo
Originally posted by elitesnautica

I am pretty sure Walmart has machines. Go to the pharmacy at Walmart, sit on the bench by the machine for 10 minutes or so and relax. Then check your BP. After that let us know what the reading is, it sounds like you are in good shape so most likely you are fine.

And one other thing - nurses are not experts - so don't get all work up about this until you know for sure if you have a problem or not.

After you check it by your self a couple of times, if if is still high, let us know what it is along with your current diet and family history if any.


ok, i'll let you know after i get it done. as for family history, my dad had high blood pressure when he was in his 30's, but i'm in better shape than him. one time i had an army nurse put me on the machine and the machine said it was way high, then he checked it himself and was like, ah, you're fine. so i dont know what to believe, but i'll get it checked at wal-mart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sounds stupid, but how large are your arms?

My blood pressure seemed to always be high and it really stumped me as to why. I did a lot of research and found that bodybuilders are misdiagnosed with high bp because of their arm size.

I have 18.5" inch arms and the standard doctors office cuff they use is too small. Therefore, the results were innacurate.

After figuring this out. I scheduled another appointment w/ my family doctor and he agreed with my findings. They used a larger cuff and my bp came out normal. :)

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dude, word of advice

im assuming youre going to your regular doc now, not a cardiologist

if your bp is high, and you have a history of htn in your family (dad), you need to be careful,

BUT, 140 is the high end of normal, so that should not be a great concern to you,

if it's over 140, that is not good, and you should go see a cardiologist

also, it's really cute that pharmacies have blood pressure machines available for customers, but if i was you, i would not trust them all that much,


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Originally posted by khronick

This sounds stupid, but how large are your arms?

My blood pressure seemed to always be high and it really stumped me as to why. I did a lot of research and found that bodybuilders are misdiagnosed with high bp because of their arm size.

I have 18.5" inch arms and the standard doctors office cuff they use is too small. Therefore, the results were innacurate.

After figuring this out. I scheduled another appointment w/ my family doctor and he agreed with my findings. They used a larger cuff and my bp came out normal. :)

Yes, back when I was hitting it hard my arms were right around 20". Everytime they measured it would be extremely higha and I would have to tell them to get the "fatboy" out and then it would be fine - or at least alot better.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Yes, back when I was hitting it hard my arms were right around 20". Everytime they measured it would be extremely higha and I would have to tell them to get the "fatboy" out and then it would be fine - or at least alot better.


hahah yea bro, they used a leg cuff on me. lol

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Guest jroo

you know what, im a bastard, i havent had it checked again yet. with xmass and traveling to three states, and looking for jobs, and taking two at the same time, and worrying about registering for classes. i havent gone anywhere to check it out, and i shop at food lion cuz it's close and they dont have a machine. and with football work outs i dont really feel like doing much afterwards. i will get it tested again by the end of this week. i swear. i dont have a family doctor, i dont think i ever have. i want to try the nutritionist and see what happens with that. my bi's are just under 16 inches. im not huge by any means. i dont trust nurses when they take bp's anyway. seems really easy to mess up. i'd rather go with a machine or some other type of equipment.

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  • 3 weeks later...


there is something you should know about those supermarket machines

they are not exact, oftentimes, they are wrong

you're young and maybe think that its only high blood pressure,

but if you do think you have it, don't procrascinate, go to a doctor, get it checked out, and you might even find out that your blood pressure is fine

it's better to know where you stand, and please

don't trust a supermarket machine

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A very popular way used by Carribean people to lose weight/lower blood pressure/lower cholesterol/correct erectile dysfuntion/cleanse your intestinal tract is by either eating and/or making tea with aloe leaves. You can buy them at any Carribean or Korean supermarket. They are about 2 feet long and you can either make tea by boiling a two inch slice of it for about 15 minutes and drinking the tea every day or just eating a two inch slice of it every day. The tea tastes HORRIBLE and eating it is like eating mucus (I know, gross) but i know people who swear by it. My mom and dad both recently started drinking the tea and both have reduced their cholesterol and blood pressure. They sell aloe drinks at health food stores but there are essential ingredients removed to reduce the bitter taste. The only way it really works is to buy the actual leaves.

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Originally posted by jroo

im 6'3 weigh 218, im 25 years old. ive been told that i have high blood pressure. they want me to lose 18 lbs. i play college football, defensive end. i cant lose any more weight. i eat pretty good. they want me to see a nutrutionist. i feel like im on playmakers. remember that guy they wanted to lose wieght to live but the team wanted him to gain wieght? i feel fine during the work outs, i mean my hands get numb when we do sprints and sometimes i get light headed from heavy lifting. they wont put me on medicine yet. im stage 1 of the hyper whatever its called. second from the worst on the list. anyway. any thoughts on exercising and nutrution? should i not work out as hard? i dont use salt for anything, i dont smoke, i drink maybe once or twice a month. im too young to die. why me, whhyyyyy.

6'3" at 218 isn't bad at all. What' your exact reading?

I used to be 6'2" 240 after bulking and my BP was in the 140/80 area(but always over 140) I was told to stop lifting and the doc put me on Toprol. After a wekk I felt really shitty on Toprol and got a limp dick so I got rid of it. I didn't quit lifting, though. Over last summer I worked construction and got down to 208, sO I was pretty cut up but my BP was still in the 140 area, maybe a little bit lower. I'm currently fairly lean at 220 and checked my BP a couple of days ago and it was 130/83...I'm working out like a horse, too. My suggestion would be to concentrate maybe more on eliminating as much saturated fat from your diet as possible and curbing your sodium intake. Eat foods rich in grain, also like oatmeal, bran cereal, etc. And include plenty of fruits and vegetables.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jroo

yayyy!!!!!!! my bp is down to 131 over 77 with a pulse of 66. !!!!!!! straight exercise did it!! i was as high as 150 over 99. i havent really changed my diet, it's all working out and drinking more water. :)

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