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What do you do when you are REALLY...


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A few things,

The gym is normally my first thought when I am pissed. As long as I have not been there yet I normally go and take out the anger on my weights. It is good for mental focus. When training it helps take your mind off all the bullshit and put your mind on the training.


I will take a ride in my car, put the music on and just LOSE MYSELF.

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either baracade myself in my room so i dont take it out on my family... i usually dont answer my phone so i dont take it out on my friends/bf... i post here lol to vent and get frustrations out... or if i feel like talking ill call my best friend and let it allllllll out.... sex would be nice but im never really mad when im around my bf and hes usually too far when i am really mad sooo.. there goes that idea :mad:

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i'm usually really quiet and snap at anyone who even breathes my way... i don't get that angry often though... if i'm pissed about something minor i'll vent to a friend and they'll make me laugh and everything will be peachy again...

going for a run with a discman helps too...

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