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car accident

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Last night while coming home from Mirage, driving through the Lincoln Tunnel me and my best friend got into a terrible car accident. The tunnel was pretty much shut down while the cops came, my friends car was completely totalled but luckily right now we are counting our blessings that he's ok and I'm doing better.

The car in front of us decided to stop short, and my friend was obviously driving too close and too fast (about 50mph) and we collided. Lucky for us no one was behind our car cause it could have been even worse.

I am sharing this because it's shocking to me how quickly you really can have your life taken from you. I sat there nodding off in the passenger seat and BAM what do i know i'm in a car filled with smoke, air bag out, and it's dead silent. If I was not wearing my seat belt, who knows what would have happened.

The weirdest part was, that I thought to myself "i just wanna take a nap so i wont put my seat belt on", then whenever i say i'm not goign to wear it, i think "wait today could be the day i get in an accident and wish i wore it, so i put it on and now im glad i did.....the air bag didnt really do much other than burn my body with the explosion and gas....but w/o that too i would have been through the windshield.

car accidents are no fun at all :( :( as cheesy as it sounds, wear your seatbelts....you really honestly just never know

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Thank god you are ok.

Friends of mine were in a accident and the seat belt left such terrible bruises on there body b/c the crash was so intense. There is no way you could imagine what would have happened had they not been wearing there seat belts. since then I always wear mine.

It's terrible that a tragedy has to occur or people to learn.

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Omg Adrienne, so sorry to hear that. Thank God you two are okay. It really is scary how quickly a life can be changed or even worse, over in a split second.

I always wear my seatbealt no matter what -- everyone really should -- it can so easily save your life.

Hope you're doing better :heart: Just try to relax and keep yourself busy so you don't keep thinking about it

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Originally posted by adriennektu

Last night while coming home from Mirage, driving through the Lincoln Tunnel me and my best friend got into a terrible car accident. The tunnel was pretty much shut down while the cops came, my friends car was completely totalled but luckily right now we are counting our blessings that he's ok and I'm doing better.

The car in front of us decided to stop short, and my friend was obviously driving too close and too fast (about 50mph) and we collided. Lucky for us no one was behind our car cause it could have been even worse.

I am sharing this because it's shocking to me how quickly you really can have your life taken from you. I sat there nodding off in the passenger seat and BAM what do i know i'm in a car filled with smoke, air bag out, and it's dead silent. If I was not wearing my seat belt, who knows what would have happened.

The weirdest part was, that I thought to myself "i just wanna take a nap so i wont put my seat belt on", then whenever i say i'm not goign to wear it, i think "wait today could be the day i get in an accident and wish i wore it, so i put it on and now im glad i did.....the air bag didnt really do much other than burn my body with the explosion and gas....but w/o that too i would have been through the windshield.

car accidents are no fun at all :( :( as cheesy as it sounds, wear your seatbelts....you really honestly just never know

Thank God you are ok
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Originally posted by adriennektu

Last night while coming home from Mirage, driving through the Lincoln Tunnel me and my best friend got into a terrible car accident. The tunnel was pretty much shut down while the cops came, my friends car was completely totalled but luckily right now we are counting our blessings that he's ok and I'm doing better.

The car in front of us decided to stop short, and my friend was obviously driving too close and too fast (about 50mph) and we collided. Lucky for us no one was behind our car cause it could have been even worse.

I am sharing this because it's shocking to me how quickly you really can have your life taken from you. I sat there nodding off in the passenger seat and BAM what do i know i'm in a car filled with smoke, air bag out, and it's dead silent. If I was not wearing my seat belt, who knows what would have happened.

The weirdest part was, that I thought to myself "i just wanna take a nap so i wont put my seat belt on", then whenever i say i'm not goign to wear it, i think "wait today could be the day i get in an accident and wish i wore it, so i put it on and now im glad i did.....the air bag didnt really do much other than burn my body with the explosion and gas....but w/o that too i would have been through the windshield.

car accidents are no fun at all :( :( as cheesy as it sounds, wear your seatbelts....you really honestly just never know

Least it wasent yoru car right?

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Thanks guys I am doing alright...

For me this was tough just because last month was 3 years since one of my best friends died in a car accident similar to this one, except the person who hit her was driving drunk and hit her head on. I always wear my seatbelt b/c of that, knowing maybe if i didnt i might get in an accident and not live to regret it. Luckily the seatbelt and airbag worked or I dont think I would of made it out okay.

Ive never been in one so bad before and it really has scared the life out of me....I am very thankful we are just in one piece. I guess for me it was so hard to go through that and know maybe how scared my friend was right before her accident...u just dont see it coming....


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Guest bonsolidd
Originally posted by adriennektu

Last night while coming home from Mirage, driving through the Lincoln Tunnel me and my best friend got into a terrible car accident. The tunnel was pretty much shut down while the cops came, my friends car was completely totalled but luckily right now we are counting our blessings that he's ok and I'm doing better.

The car in front of us decided to stop short, and my friend was obviously driving too close and too fast (about 50mph) and we collided. Lucky for us no one was behind our car cause it could have been even worse.

I am sharing this because it's shocking to me how quickly you really can have your life taken from you. I sat there nodding off in the passenger seat and BAM what do i know i'm in a car filled with smoke, air bag out, and it's dead silent. If I was not wearing my seat belt, who knows what would have happened.

The weirdest part was, that I thought to myself "i just wanna take a nap so i wont put my seat belt on", then whenever i say i'm not goign to wear it, i think "wait today could be the day i get in an accident and wish i wore it, so i put it on and now im glad i did.....the air bag didnt really do much other than burn my body with the explosion and gas....but w/o that too i would have been through the windshield.

car accidents are no fun at all :( :( as cheesy as it sounds, wear your seatbelts....you really honestly just never know

crazy glad you are ok I saw a bad accident last night someone drove right into a pole on 35 in woodbridge......I could not slep all night.......feel better

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Originally posted by bonsolidd

crazy glad you are ok I saw a bad accident last night someone drove right into a pole on 35 in woodbridge......I could not slep all night.......feel better

Miss aadriennektu,

The seatbelt thing, I always make sure people have it on when I drive. Ever since 10th grade, to be brief and not jack the thread, there was this accident with a few friends... all were not wearing their seatbelts. Bad news.

All in all, to be honest I never really thought about it until that year. Ever since I have been constantly putting it on as well as being a dick to others in my car. Ha, I can start a whole new thread with the dick moves Ive done.

Anyways, this past september a friend and I got wickedly sideswiped in brooklyn by a car doing 45.

We were lucky and are still walking, but if we didnt have our seatbelts.. dead.

Not a possibility but rather a certainty.

It is scary, in an enlightening way, I too had my seatbelt off for a few moments to reach this and get that out of my bag etc.

Life is so fuckin precious...

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I am glad you are ok.

Let me tell you a quick story about seatbelts. Back when I was like 19 I use to wear seatbelts only occasionaly. One morning on the way to college I stopped at a traffic light two blocks from my house and I all of a sudden I thought I needed to put my seatbelt on so I did. Two blocks later came to a stop when someone was making a left and bammm!! some one hit me from behind at 55 miles per hour. He admitted he wasnt paying attention. I had a banged up knee and almost passed out from the impact and was possible i could have went through the windshiled if I had not had my seatbelt on. Since then I feel I have someone watching over me who warned me 3 minutes before to put my belt on. Sounds carzy but since then i wont drive with out it.

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Its crazy how so many of us have gone through something similar to my story. Things are calmed down now and everything is working itself out. I really appreciated the concern and replies...I just kinda wanted to make some of you aware and maybe think before you just "go around the corner" and dont think you need to be careful.

I have been wearing my seat belt every single time I get in a car for the last 3 years when my close close friend died by getting hit head on by a drunk driver. Lucky for me we wore ours, and the air bags worked.

The other driver was okay...his car was messed up in the back but again....it could have been worse. I cant say enough how lucky we are but understand sometimes we are all not so lucky so just take that into account and be careful...especially with drivers during this season :)

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Very bizarre nina, I couldn't imagine how freaked out you were after the accident happened. Especially since you put the seatbelt on only a mere 3 mins beforehand.

Reasons for everything, is what I believe. That saying is sadly a bit over-used as well as not always understood. But its true.

Glad to hear all is well adrienne. Its a bit humbling how any second something like that can take away a life so easily, you know. And yes, especially with the holiday drivers.

Oy, some of these people I swear only drive on holidays..ever.

Maybe log in 1000 miles driving time a year (experience wise) and all of which is done of those three or four days.

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Originally posted by adriennektu

Yeah? Well why didnt ya come up and say hello silly!? :)

I was the chic in the teal "j'adore dior" shirt and black lace skirt....;)

You looked busy and i did not want to bother you..:D

Check th pics from Disco here


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