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Originally posted by youarehot99

Damn skippy...I try not to revolve my life around an internet website like it seems a lot of ya do.

Well, if it's irritating you enough to feel the need to type out a ranting tirade, then I'm sorry, you do take it too seriously.

have a nice life :blown:

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Why can't anyone every say anything nice or positive about someone else w/out the statement being considered ass-kissing???

Thank you Myst, I didnt think there was anything wrong with my comment either. As if I'm kissing her ass to hook up with her or something, thats absolutely not the case. There are some genuine nice people left in this world. I see so many people from this board make comments or judgements about the girl, but I dont judge anyone until I see or meet them myself. She looks like she is having a good time enjoying doing what she does, if you guys dont like it or agree with it than so be it.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

No. At the time when I noticed it was you, I was with someone who'd still be questioning me about who that dancer was and why I was talking to her, how I know you, etc. I'll def say hello next time. You are a lil shorty, good things come in small packages.

if you weren't trying to hook up, then there's nothing to hide.

just sayin,


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totally agree with sexxyh

this thread makes me cringe, there are so many virgins in here or guys that never could get a lay if their life depended on it... god this is as ugly to watch as the sappy totally boring romantic endings of a 0815 hollywood film with always the same story and always the same end.

some posts here are just like traffic accidents, you just have to watch in awe of the typical loser-logic and lack of clue in their posts. some guys claiming to be the "last genuine nice people on this earth". HOLY FUCKIN SHIT THAT JUST CAN`T BE REAL, CAN IT?!

i said it before, IMO there is a direct link between not getting laid and kissing ass. those guys that were full of compliments and this horrible to watch overtly niceness in here, do you have girlfriends? i mean HOT girlfriends, the girls that you want and not the average 0815 girl that simply chose you out of luck. if so, are you the MAN in your relationship? i bet you enourmous amounts of money that it isn´t the case.

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Originally posted by tastey

totally agree with sexxyh

this thread makes me cringe, there are so many virgins in here or guys that never could get a lay if their life depended on it... god this is as ugly to watch as the sappy totally boring romantic endings of a 0815 hollywood film with always the same story and always the same end.

some posts here are just like traffic accidents, you just have to watch in awe of the typical loser-logic and lack of clue in their posts. some guys claiming to be the "last genuine nice people on this earth". HOLY FUCKIN SHIT THAT JUST CAN`T BE REAL, CAN IT?!

i said it before, IMO there is a direct link between not getting laid and kissing ass. those guys that were full of compliments and this horrible to watch overtly niceness in here, do you have girlfriends? i mean HOT girlfriends, the girls that you want and not the average 0815 girl that simply chose you out of luck. if so, are you the MAN in your relationship? i bet you enourmous amounts of money that it isn´t the case.

whats my boy tubz problem then? he doesnt kiss ass and he still cant get laid... :confused:
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Originally posted by sexxyh

it gets annoying b/c its the same ppl complementig the same people and then fake sn people hating on those same people..........now if peope equally hated on and said nice things then it would be fine................BUT every damn girl on this site says to every other girl 'ur so pretty".........then the girl replies "nonono im ugly and its a horrible pic i wish i was as pretty as u"...........and then the third one pops up "u guys are both gorgeous" now honestly not EVERY girl on this site is hot and we all know it, yet ppl keep on ass-kissing for some odd reason..........not to say that im perfect or anything.......ill be honest there are a few people on this site whom i truly can't stand but out of tactfulness i dont say anything or maybe my balls arent big enough but i definetely dont say that person is pretty or whatever

btw this has nothing to do with Dee or njdyonisis.......im just replying to myst's question on "why is it everytime someone says something nice its considered ass kissing?"

:clap::deal::drool: :drool: :drool:

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Originally posted by somebitch

whats my boy tubz problem then? he doesnt kiss ass and he still cant get laid... :confused:

I have profiled him & concluded the following:

His motives are similar to that of a serial killer. He HATES women, stalks them & attempts to make their life miserable. He does not care to hook up, only to annoy, aggravate, & make your "CP experience" miserable. Perhaps he has mother issues, or had a very volatile break up with a girl that may look , act, or be the same "type" as the 3 he has chosen to target. Perhaps his babysitter did "bad" things to him when he was a "bad" boy

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastey

totally agree with sexxyh

this thread makes me cringe, there are so many virgins in here or guys that never could get a lay if their life depended on it... god this is as ugly to watch as the sappy totally boring romantic endings of a 0815 hollywood film with always the same story and always the same end.

some posts here are just like traffic accidents, you just have to watch in awe of the typical loser-logic and lack of clue in their posts. some guys claiming to be the "last genuine nice people on this earth". HOLY FUCKIN SHIT THAT JUST CAN`T BE REAL, CAN IT?!

i said it before, IMO there is a direct link between not getting laid and kissing ass. those guys that were full of compliments and this horrible to watch overtly niceness in here, do you have girlfriends? i mean HOT girlfriends, the girls that you want and not the average 0815 girl that simply chose you out of luck. if so, are you the MAN in your relationship? i bet you enourmous amounts of money that it isn´t the case.

hahaah :rofl: i gotta agree with a lot of this!!! :kiss2:

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Originally posted by somebitch

whats my boy tubz problem then? he doesnt kiss ass and he still cant get laid... :confused:

what tommy said...

he´s the other extreme of the spectrum. too jerky (even though i bet he wouldn´t dare to speak the same stuff to your face) isn´t cool either, and certainly doesn´t get you laid. the balance is what makes you attractive, the ballance is the key. yin and yang, darkness and light. you have to be both to make it a whole. be just one and the constellation will fall.

i think it´s like a "pendulum" that commutes from jerkness to niceness and eventually stops in the middle. most of the nice guys will become frustrated one day and become a real jerk. starting fights with people, just really annoying and insulting people, especially girls, etc.. this doesn´t get them laid either, but with time they find out what works and what doesn´t, and the pendulum gets closer to the middle with every interaction with people they have. swings from left to right to left to right etc etc but comes to stand in the middle eventually.

not to toot my own horn, but i can tell that from personal experience. i was a totally nice guy before that never got laid, went to jerk, in which stage i got laid a great deal better than in the nice stage, and now i´m very very close to the middle. girls that know me and get to know me say about me that i´m the most perfect and intriguing mix of a jerk and a nice guy they ever met.

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Originally posted by tastey

now i´m very very close to the middle. girls that know me and get to know me say about me that i´m the most perfect and intriguing mix of a jerk and a nice guy they ever met.

well said, the last part of your post applies to me allot. I dont even try to be that way, it just comes that way naturally which leads me to believe that people who are "real" will have this natural mix of highs & lows.....

see, if i get completely blacked out on alchohol & bang some random girl, i will always go out of my way to make my girl know that i am sorry & feel horrible for what happened.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

well said, the last part of your post applies to me allot. I dont even try to be that way, it just comes that way naturally which leads me to believe that people who are "real" will have this natural mix of highs & lows.....

see, if i get completely blacked out on alchohol & bang some random girl, i will always go out of my way to make my girl know that i am sorry & feel horrible for what happened.

this is one the funniest posts i have read probably all year :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Originally posted by *********

why must you retards rip on her!!! she cute...and nice in person let the girl liveeeeeeeee... she nice let her do wha she wants!!

she's an annoying attention whore...someone already said somethin along the lines in an earlier thread...she says or does shit to get attention, then someone comments or kisses her ass and she trys to downplay it when she knows she was doing or saying whatever it was to draw that reaction...

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Originally posted by *********

why must you retards rip on her!!! she cute...and nice in person let the girl liveeeeeeeee... she nice let her do wha she wants!!

in case u haven't noticed we are not ripping on Dee we are making fun of all the asskissers on this board and discussing tubby.............read carefully before judging!:idea:

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Originally posted by youarehot99

she's an annoying attention whore...someone already said somethin along the lines in an earlier thread...she says or does shit to get attention, then someone comments or kisses her ass and she trys to downplay it when she knows she was doing or saying whatever it was to draw that reaction...

If you don't like what I do or say and think I'm an "attention whore" then why do people like you give me that attention and talk shit....because hey, baby genius....that’s giving attention...your adding to the fire...I mean if you think im such an "attention whore"

& FYI I don't say anything to get a certain reaction...I do and say as I please and accept all feedback, negative and positive

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Originally posted by fouroneone

It's not giving you attention, it making fun of you for the idiotic things you do in your life

why is that so hard to comprehend?

what he said...you responding like that is exactly what i mean...you do and say things to grab attention, then say you dont intend on it...and i'm not adding fuel to the fire "baby genious" i'm trying to put the fucking forest fire you've created out

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