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Can you really die from Ecstacy??


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I've been hearing this alot. People actually overdose and die on X. How is this possible? I know that you can dehydrate from drinking too much water and your body temperature rises and you can have a heart attack. Is this the case with the victims who have died? Maybe there was another drug that they were taking?? How can you not know what your limit is? Any other opinions?

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Originally posted by bevilea:

I've been hearing this alot. People actually overdose and die on X. How is this possible? I know that you can dehydrate from drinking too much water and your body temperature rises and you can have a heart attack. Is this the case with the victims who have died? Maybe there was another drug that they were taking?? How can you not know what your limit is? Any other opinions?

You have pretty much answered your own question within your question..Overheating, exhaustion, dehydration, etc..all caused by e..definitely can cause death. As for other drugs, the recent cases have shown traces of g in the autopsy (or so I think)..Anyway, your question about "how can you not know what your limit is" is the stupidest question I have ever heard. These are ILLEGAL drugs..NOT PRESCRIPTION..who the fuck knows what you're taking..IT IS A POISON..I'm sure there are people who have had great nights dropping 6 hits and could easily die from 1 bad hit. I don't understand how anyone can think that someone should know their limit with ILLEGAL drugs..you're taking a chance EVERYTIME you do something..grow the fuck up already!!


Stop fuckin' around and be a man

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yea he's pretty much right you can never know w/ these things b/c they're not regulated. Your taking a risk every time that even just one hit could have deadly effects. In regards to OD'ing, i've hear that provided its pure mdma, which almost never anyway, the dosage qould have to be somewhere around the equivalent of 16 pills, but i don't know how accurate this is.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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Originally posted by bevilea:

I've been hearing this alot. People actually overdose and die on X. How is this possible? I know that you can dehydrate from drinking too much water and your body temperature rises and you can have a heart attack. Is this the case with the victims who have died? Maybe there was another drug that they were taking?? How can you not know what your limit is? Any other opinions?

I am sure you'll get several scientific versions for your answer, but I think this best sums it up for you in english...

You cannot die from 1 hit of Ecstacy alone (that is Real MDMA), however, there are new pills, (which are actually PMA) that are now being sold as Ecstacy. There is really no way to tell the difference between the two, as they have all of the same characteristics as Ecstacy. THESE pills are known to be the cause of several deaths throughout the country. Now as far as mixing E with other drugs...or taking 10 pills in 2 hours....That is a whole different story!

My advice to EVERYONE has always been never to buy anything off just "anyone" in a club, know your supplier: Since there is a new "imposter" amongst our recreational scene, please please be extra careful. This new PMA crap is NO JOKE...there are no second chances!! Unfortunately, this is not like the bad batch of clovers going around either...these don't JUST MAKE YOU SICK for a few days....Keep this in mind and party responsibly.


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

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Originally posted by gq2727:

You have pretty much answered your own question within your question..Overheating, exhaustion, dehydration, etc..all caused by e..definitely can cause death. As for other drugs, the recent cases have shown traces of g in the autopsy (or so I think)..Anyway, your question about "how can you not know what your limit is" is the stupidest question I have ever heard. These are ILLEGAL drugs..NOT PRESCRIPTION..who the fuck knows what you're taking..IT IS A POISON..I'm sure there are people who have had great nights dropping 6 hits and could easily die from 1 bad hit. I don't understand how anyone can think that someone should know their limit with ILLEGAL drugs..you're taking a chance EVERYTIME you do something..grow the fuck up already!!

No need to use profanity...First of all, I'm simply saying that yes, people should know their limit because of the fact that it is an illegal substance. That alone should tell them to be careful. Popping 10 pills a night is crazy and stupid and I have no idea why people insist that it gives them a better high. All it does is run you the risk of overdosing and dying or feeling like complete shit for the next few days.

Second, I don't believe that people would NOT know their limit, because I happen to know when I've had enough. I know, I am 1 person out of a trillion billion people, but it's true. I know when I feel good and when enough is enough. It's just a shame that no one else does.

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As far as I know (and heard) even small doses of PMA can KILL you, not just make you sick...that stuff raises your body temp so high that it fries your central nervous system. Apparently (this is from an article) one girl who died from PMA had a body temp of 108 degrees, another person had a body temp of 104 degrees an HOUR after death!

Check out www.dancesafe.org for more info.

This is just a rumor, but I heard that some of the new mitsus going around are PMA - again this is just a rumor.


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you can also have serious problems from overhydration. Sounds strange, but it's true.

I don't have the medical description, but in layman's terms. . . if you drink too much water, you flush yourself out too much, including the water soluble vitamins and electrolytes. We're talking about way more than a few bottles of water here. We're talking gallons and gallons (I think).

thank goodness for gatorade and juice.

Check with your medical professional.


[This message has been edited by dmgreenz (edited 10-11-2000).]

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Originally posted by bevilea:

No need to use profanity...First of all, I'm simply saying that yes, people should know their limit because of the fact that it is an illegal substance. That alone should tell them to be careful. Popping 10 pills a night is crazy and stupid and I have no idea why people insist that it gives them a better high. All it does is run you the risk of overdosing and dying or feeling like complete shit for the next few days.

Second, I don't believe that people would NOT know their limit, because I happen to know when I've had enough. I know, I am 1 person out of a trillion billion people, but it's true. I know when I feel good and when enough is enough. It's just a shame that no one else does.

You are missing the point here. You think that you know your limit just by how you feel..Illegal drugs are not alcohol..where you feel nice but if you have anymore you'll be puking your guts up. With these unknown substances, you can feel awesome and the next minute you'll get hit with a ton of bricks. I think that you are having a hard time diferentiating between feeling good off of one or two pills and nothing "bad" happening and the actuality that you have no idea what will happen to you when you first take the pill or whatever drug you are doing.


Stop fuckin' around and be a man

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Originally posted by gq2727:

You are missing the point here. You think that you know your limit just by how you feel..Illegal drugs are not alcohol..where you feel nice but if you have anymore you'll be puking your guts up. With these unknown substances, you can feel awesome and the next minute you'll get hit with a ton of bricks. I think that you are having a hard time diferentiating between feeling good off of one or two pills and nothing "bad" happening and the actuality that you have no idea what will happen to you when you first take the pill or whatever drug you are doing.

Ok, you're right. No one knows what they are swallowing. I'll give you that. What I don't understand is, if everyone knows the risks of X, they y do it? Doesn't anyone realize that it can happen to them as easily as it did someone else? The whole drug thing just scares me so much.

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Originally posted by bevilea:

Ok, you're right. No one knows what they are swallowing. I'll give you that. What I don't understand is, if everyone knows the risks of X, they y do it? Doesn't anyone realize that it can happen to them as easily as it did someone else? The whole drug thing just scares me so much.

so why do YOU do it too?


Stop fuckin' around and be a man

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I totally agree with GQ... I am so tired of these f********** bragging about how they do e and they don't really even KnOW what the hell is in them. I am telling you though in the future we're gonna see alot of depressed people on friggin prozac more than ever! Use what ever brain cells you have left and stop abusing this shit! HELLLOOOO it kills off your serotonin level every time you do it and you really need to educate yourself more.

You know what, I have done it in my past three or four times. I was stupid to do it and I have learned my lesson. I have never nor will touch that crap again. Stop messing around w/ your life.. what? you don't think your future is worth it? or do you just wanna end up depressed and f&&&&&& up all your lives?

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Guest clubkid77

Originally posted by erotic26:

HELLLOOOO it kills off your serotonin level every time you do it and you really need to educate yourself more.

You know what, I have done it in my past three or four times. I was stupid to do it and I have learned my lesson. I have never nor will touch that crap again. Stop messing around w/ your life.. what? you don't think your future is worth it? or do you just wanna end up depressed and f&&&&&& up all your lives?

It doesn't exactly "kill off your seratonin" however it makes a temporary decrease in available seratonin which builds back up in a few weeks provided you lay ofa the stuff. There is however scientific research indicating that under ceartain conditions the nerve axons that release the seratonin can get dammaged, however there is also evedence of these axons healing if you lay ofa the bombs.

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Originally posted by gq2727:

so why do YOU do it too?

Who said I did? I was talking about all the others who do it. I have been sober for a while now. I'm just concerned about my friends and other people I know.

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So, "there is evidence your seratonin axons grow back."

Do you want to be the test subject? Go ahead, find out if you will be permanently depressed/suicidal, or only depressed for a couple years. Good plan. And this is assuming you can even stop the E long enough to find out.

Its fuckin street drugs, you dont know whats in it. Yes it can kill you, and even MDMA can kill you if you overheat.


Rationalization and denial are really a bitch, huh?

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Guest clubkid77

Originally posted by JoelB:

So, "there is evidence your seratonin axons grow back."

Do you want to be the test subject? Go ahead, find out if you will be permanently depressed/suicidal, or only depressed for a couple years. Good plan. And this is assuming you can even stop the E long enough to find out.

Its fuckin street drugs, you dont know whats in it. Yes it can kill you, and even MDMA can kill you if you overheat.


Rationalization and denial are really a bitch, huh?

I had depresion problems years ago, and honestly the E i did didn't really add to it, but in anycase. I'm on Celexa now which blocks any potential for axon damage.

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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

you can also have serious problems from overhydration. Sounds strange, but it's true.

I don't have the medical description, but in layman's terms. . . if you drink too much water, you flush yourself out too much, including the water soluble vitamins and electrolytes. We're talking about way more than a few bottles of water here. We're talking gallons and gallons (I think).

thank goodness for gatorade and juice.

Check with your medical professional.


[This message has been edited by dmgreenz (edited 10-11-2000).]

Hey seth.. it's like impossible to consume that much water... you 'd have to have worked your way up to it... and would prolly be like a gallon a day at most...

But I did hear about that girl that killed herself overhydrating.... I don't know if it's true.. but I think she might have been retarded or something, personally... cause there would have to be some kind of disassociation with your body in a big way to consume all that liquid.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Can you really be more ignorant than that?

No, drugs won't kill ya. Actually they're so good for you that they are illegal so you wouldn't have too much fun.

Is there anyone on this board whose world doesn't revolve around drugs???

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Originally posted by JoelB:

My world doesnt, I am a sober boy. My world USED to revolve around em as much as anyone else's though, and it aint pretty. Especially now that I've stopped, I realize how retarded I was.JB

I have to agree with you on this one. Isn't it amazing how we see other ppl messed up and think thats how we looked. It's like damn, what was i thinking? I'm glad I don't get mangled anymore!!

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Originally posted by bevilea:

I have to agree with you on this one. Isn't it amazing how we see other ppl messed up and think thats how we looked. It's like damn, what was i thinking? I'm glad I don't get mangled anymore!!

I'm not looking to start drama w/ you..but it just seems that you have contadicted yourself so many times on this thread. It is no of my business nor do I really care if you do drugs..but here you said you "don't get mangled anymore" On another post you said "I was talking about all the others who do it. I have been sober for a while now." And on another post you said "Second, I don't believe that people would NOT know their limit, because I happen to know when I've had enough. I know, I am 1 person out of a trillion billion people, but it's true. I know when I feel good and when enough is enough".. If you are trying to make a point about something..it is best to stick to one side or you look like an idiot...people don't just WRITE on this board..they actually READ it as well.


Stop fuckin' around and be a man

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

The reason alot of people take E is to risk their lives...or why else would you do it? People also enjoy being in an altered state of mind.. Theres such an attraction to danger...

Now I think I have heard the dumbest thing ever...I don't know anyone, nor have heard of anyone who does e in order to RISK THEIR LIVES. Most people save that kind of shit for jumping off buildings, slitting their wrists, swallowing an entire bottle of pills, or listening to the music at Exit (whoops..let that one slip)...


Stop fuckin' around and be a man

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