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being the only girl


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lol. i always complain that i have no guy friends but lately i realize, all my friends are guys. yeah, some of them probably are just friends with me thinking they will get some someday and probably have their own agenda but whatever, the point is that it seems the majority of the people i go out with are male.

so, tonight is nye and i have a few guy friends i want to go out with. i always think the more the merrier but it is going to end up me and a bunch of guys. totally sucks. i cant invite all my guy friends or meet up with them because i will be lugging a sausage fest along & the only people i want to meet up with are male too. i know it shouldnt matter, especially on nye but a big group of guys and no chicks is no fun.


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Guest brwneydtrouble

Thats why I always fly solo.....

I make my rounds and I dont get attached.

Like tonight, I do the countdown with the fam, then off to Delux in Delray Beach, meet my best friend visiting from Jacksonville in Ft. Lauderdale, more friends in Hollywood, then ending up at Space in Miami for the afterparty. :D

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by Bling

:eek: wow ur busy tonite....... illllllll be ................ :confused: doin shiat..

my mom is like i got rum to make pina colada

uhh yeah im on my way now to the liquor store to get bacardi 151 as i speak lol

Bling, 151 is evil and you dont drink......get something softer like Bacardi O Or Bacardi Razz and sprite. For Vodka, drink Skyy. You'll thank me in the morning.

Trust me, im a professional alcoholic. ;)

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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

Bling, 151 is evil and you dont drink......get something softer like Bacardi O Or Bacardi Razz and sprite. For Vodka, drink Skyy. You'll thank me in the morning.

Trust me, im a professional alcoholic. ;)

I like 151....or REAL cheap vodka....:laugh:

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it´s the same thing with me and girls. there are like very very few guys i regularely meet and enjoy hanging out with.

when going out i usually only call girls and maybe one or two guys. most guys are boring as fuck, always talk about the same boring guy topics i´m not really interested in and simply don´t know how to party.

girls and most gay guys know how to party and can keep up. it´s simply more fun. the guys i call are usually typically "ladies men" too, it´s fun to hang with them, picking up chicks, flirt and tease with girls, there is no stupid jaleousy going if he lays eyes on one of "my" chicks and vice versa, it´s way more chilly, etc.. that is impossible to do with 99,99999999% of guys.

i think it also comes down to the additional friction that always is between guys and girls. they are more different and interesting because of the gender difference. thinking different, different views, totally different way of lives, etc etc

btw, my current gf is like you when it comes to this matter, thats why it´s probably so cool between me and my gf.

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i always go out with my boys - more often, i go out with my male best friend. they're all gay - maybe that makes a difference - i dunno. but they're sooooo much fun. girls can bring so much drama. and if some guy gets all gross on the dancefloor, i can just get closer to one of my friends and make it appear that we're together. protection is a wonderful thing :aright: .

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by majinbuu

I like 151....or REAL cheap vodka....:laugh:

Yeah, I KNOW about you and cheap vodka......also fake bailys too. UGH. I still can't drink that shit.:puke:

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Originally posted by somebitch

yeah, some of them probably are just friends with me thinking they will get some someday and probably have their own agenda

they are all your friends only b.c they think theyre gonna score that drunken night when they bring you home

ALL... not some

why do no girls realize that?

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Originally posted by tastey

it´s the same thing with me and girls. there are like very very few guys i regularely meet and enjoy hanging out with.

when going out i usually only call girls and maybe one or two guys. most guys are boring as fuck, always talk about the same boring guy topics i´m not really interested in and simply don´t know how to party.

girls and most gay guys know how to party and can keep up. it´s simply more fun. the guys i call are usually typically "ladies men" too, it´s fun to hang with them, picking up chicks, flirt and tease with girls, there is no stupid jaleousy going if he lays eyes on one of "my" chicks and vice versa, it´s way more chilly, etc.. that is impossible to do with 99,99999999% of guys.

i think it also comes down to the additional friction that always is between guys and girls. they are more different and interesting because of the gender difference. thinking different, different views, totally different way of lives, etc etc

btw, my current gf is like you when it comes to this matter, thats why it´s probably so cool between me and my gf.


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Originally posted by somebitch

so, tonight is nye and i have a few guy friends i want to go out with. i always think the more the merrier but it is going to end up me and a bunch of guys. totally sucks. i cant invite all my guy friends or meet up with them because i will be lugging a sausage fest along & the only people i want to meet up with are male too. i know it shouldnt matter, especially on nye but a big group of guys and no chicks is no fun.


So, what ended up happening?

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