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Originally posted by househead24

and if u dont like that stay home but dont bitch about it...

You'll note i didn't go and i'm not bitching about it.

I'll repeat that Exit is the worst managed club in the city on crowded nights.

If it was too crowded to "move an inch" they shouldn't have let so many people in.

If they had a crowd control issue at the coat check they shoulda slowed down the door (like they do at roxy) or had staff letting poeple know about other coat checks. If they set that up and manage the door properly and have sufficient facilities for the size of the club you can handle 8000 people. I've been to giant ballroom functions in the winter at hotels and they handle the coat check just fine. Its just a question of staffing it / running it properly.

If its too crowded for staff to clean the bathrooms then the fire marshalls should shut the place down - there's no reason why you should be treated like herded animals just so management can pack in a few more people and make more $$.

And as for you telling me how it is about clubs i've been hitting clubs all over the world and the country for more than 15 years and Exit consistently does the worst job. They have these problems EVERY time they have a big night there.

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Aight whatever bro im through arguing this is dumb I had fun NYE, despite long lines, dirty bathrooms and whatever else thats all that matters to me...He posted on his website they did over 11k so 8 wasnt anything....And they did stop letting people in told people to come back around 10 or 11...

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Had a really good time despite the negatives stated above already.. Music was good... Met some cool people. Drink prices weren't that bad.

The place was packed but what does everyone expect for NYE? We found our spo behind the speakers over near the one VIP area and were set for most the night. Made it almost 11hours, but everyone was getting tired around 10am so we got in the dreaded coat check line and finally made it out about 1/2 later.

The best part of the night came when we were looking for a cab ride back to the hotel and a limo drive gave us a lift back to the hotel for $10 a person... Was hell of alot better than getting in a stinky cab!!

All in all a good night.:cool:

and now some pics...


The only good pic of us I got all night :unhappy:



There's a few more here...


Didn't take too many pics, the bouncers had me paranoid all night

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the muzik was "ok " the best part of the nite was when he played sick tech shit unfortunately i cant i.d any of the songz but whatever, lines for everythin were insane but what do u expect for an event of that magnitude. i really felt like leaving when i overheard sum chick on the main dancefloor scream to her friend " like omg you know who that is, its vivacious OMG!" for some reason that statement made me feel like i was in some britney spears concert.

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ok, so i went to Exit for NYE...

Tried to kick off my NYE at Filter 14, but when we got there at 11:30 they told us there was a wait of several hours to get in because there were more people on the line then could actually fit inside the club. So we went into a panic because we had NO backup plan that early in the evening since we didnt think every place would be full that early. So after discussing for awhile (and celebrating midnight on the corner of W14th street) we decided we would go to Exit to see Jonathan Peters.

Get to the club alittle after 12:15 expecting it to be empty (since JP keeps a very late crowd), but the line was a block and a half long!! Finally got inside after 12:30. Turns out the price was raised to $60 bucks, we heard it was $40. The wait for coatcheck was ridiculous, we spent more time on the coatcheck line than we did on the line to get in. Another thing, no one checked our ID's or searched us when we entered the club. FINALLY checked our coat and already were dripping with sweat. It was an oven inside the club, not to mention the fact that it was definitely over occupancy limits. There were times where my feet were barely on the ground and the crowd was practically carrying me. Also, the

bars were undermanned, it took 40 minutes for me to get drinks and when they came it was $59 bucks for 3 shots and 2 beers...WTF! By the time I was able to find a bartender for another drink I would already be sobering up from the last one, it was like fighting a losing battle.

JP was good, mostly sticking to older tracks that everyone knew from the factory days. He wasn't taking alot of chances musically. I thought the soundsystem was excellent this night. I've been to Exit a few times over the years and never heard the system so bassy and clear. The crowd was pretty friendly, everyone saying excuse me when we bumped into each other (which was very often considering I heard the club did record numbers).

Exit bouncers were another story all together - it was like 1-900-dial a thug in there. I saw bouncers screaming into the faces of girls half their size to "keep moving" even though the club was packed shoulder to shoulder throughout the club. It was ridiculous. I saw them beat the shit out of this kid, I'm not sure what he did or anything but he was saying "just gimmie my coat and ill leave" and they beat him into a stump and threw him out without the coat. Saw two girls get carried passed out by security as well, probably from heat stroke.

Left around 6am and headed over to Filter 14, this time no line - got in right away. Bumped into alot of people I knew and also got introduced to alot of new friends as well. Kickin off the new year right! The vibe was simply incredible, danced my arse off, had a few drinks, talked and mingled. I kinda wish I had gotten into Filter the first time around as I sure I could've spent all night there - not that Exit was bad, but they could've let 1400 less people into the club and it would've been more comfortable. oh

and another thing....EXIT, please get non-slip padding for the staircases, seriously, I saw more nasty tumbles than anything, and it wasnt drunkeness, the stairs were full of black slippery slush like some ghetto rave....

Stayed at Filter until the crowd thinned out which was around 10AM I think. I had a GREAT time there, the best night out in a few months. Alot of people were either heading to a loft party or going to LOT61 for afterhours but I was pretty banged up by then and decided to stop by my job to rest up since I had to start working in a few hours. All in all it was a great (but very expensive) night.

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Music was nothing special if anything JP fucking sucked and anyone who thought the set was SICK obviously must have 1) been introduced to JP in the last two years or 2) been on some great drugs. Peters has just deteriorated as a DJ as the years have gone by. To whoever posted a bunch of the tracks JP spun that night on the JP Lovers Only thread, did you happen to notice that that's been his playlist for pretty much the past year!!! You would have thought that with all the time JP's had off from Factory he would done some real record shopping. WRONG! He's TIRED and so are most of those tracks he dropped that night with a few exceptions. It's disappointing to see especially since I used to be a big JP fan, but the man went from being a great DJ, to just another above-average DJ with a big crackhead following.

It was nice seeing old Factory heads from the 'good ol days' but the place was full of kiddies and fucking amateurs. Exit is a horrible club, NYE was no exception. The place was at overcapacity. If the fire marshals had been there they would have shut the place down. People were slipping on the stairs, it was really dangerous. Heard someone slip in the bathroom and when he got up there was SHIT on his shirt. The bathrooms were a total nightmare. The coat check was also a mess. They LOST my girlfriend's coat. I went ballistic, and all they could tell me was "come back tomorrow"?

If JP's birthday is at Exit I know where NOT to go that night!:blown:


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Originally posted by househead24

Im writing this in every thread cause this is my opinion on what you people are are bitching about....

....You people are ridiculous you take all the lil things and nag about em instead of enjoying who was spinning, the music and the fact that it was fucking new years....

...There were hallways upstairs and downstairs where people were smoking that werent hot at all so, yes i sweat my balls off too but i really wasnt complaining about it, i would go get a water, go outside for a bit and be done with it, something I guess you people werent capable of...

AMEN! I def agree

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Originally posted by bklyn4life


by the way you just said that exit sucks because you used to go there :aright:

at least your standing up and taking credit lol

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Jp was at his best,the crowd was like a throwback to SF when it was a real hardcore club. No bouncers, why would I wear a coat when it was definitely coming off along with most of my clothes..I can't wait till Jp brings some of that NYC nastalgia back...

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Originally posted by clublaw23

Music was nothing special if anything JP fucking sucked and anyone who thought the set was SICK obviously must have 1) been introduced to JP in the last two years or 2) been on some great drugs. Peters has just deteriorated as a DJ as the years have gone by. To whoever posted a bunch of the tracks JP spun that night on the JP Lovers Only thread, did you happen to notice that that's been his playlist for pretty much the past year!!! You would have thought that with all the time JP's had off from Factory he would done some real record shopping. WRONG! He's TIRED and so are most of those tracks he dropped that night with a few exceptions. It's disappointing to see especially since I used to be a big JP fan, but the man went from being a great DJ, to just another above-average DJ with a big crackhead following.

It was nice seeing old Factory heads from the 'good ol days' but the place was full of kiddies and fucking amateurs. Exit is a horrible club, NYE was no exception. The place was at overcapacity. If the fire marshals had been there they would have shut the place down. People were slipping on the stairs, it was really dangerous. Heard someone slip in the bathroom and when he got up there was SHIT on his shirt. The bathrooms were a total nightmare. The coat check was also a mess. They LOST my girlfriend's coat. I went ballistic, and all they could tell me was "come back tomorrow"?

If JP's birthday is at Exit I know where NOT to go that night!:blown:


Tony, I couldn't agree with you more. I remember going to hear JP back in 1998-1999 when he used to PUMP like there was no tomorrow. The crowd was great and there was much love to be felt. After 2000, things reallly went downhill...his style dramatically changed and so did the crowd. I heard him a handful of times in 2001-2002 and left after a few hours in disgust each time. The crowd was filthy and his track selection went from great house to obnoxious, k-hole noise. JP was a great DJ, but I would never pay to hear him today.

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This was only my 2nd time going to Exit and figures this time around it's NYE!! Anyways here's my review:

First off I get to exit at 11pm and notice two huge lines: One for people with tix the other for people w/o tix. I had a ticket already. The line for people with tix was longer than the line for people w/o and was moving pretty slow because I had to wait at least 40-45 minutes before I got in!! Where are the privileges for buying your tix ahead time for Christ Sakes?:confused: While I was waiting I saw many girls leave because of the long wait plus it was pretty chilly outside. Since I had lost my wallet earlier in the day I was glad that they did not put emphasis on checking Ids once I got to the front of the line. They did check my bag though before I went in.

Once I got in I realized it was like 5 mins before midnight so I tried to get from the roof to the main dance floor. It took some time but I was able to do it. This was a sign of things to come. Anyways once it turned midnight the place went bonkers. As the night progressed I started to feel more and more like a canned sardine!! There was just nowhere to go as I tried walking around the place!! The roof seemed like it was on the other side of the world from the main dance floor!! Just soo many people. The roof was the only place where you could go to cool off. Some guy fell inbetween the masses of people and looked like he had a seizure and was out cold for like 5 mins but then his friend got him up. Walking up and down the stairs was a mission in itself too because each step seemed more slippery than the next one. It seemed like there was ice on each step. The bathrooms were repulsive to use as well. With all these heads though what did I expect on NYE? I just didn't think that many people would show up at Exit because there were many other clubs throwing parties throughout the city too.

JP started his set off slow but then kicked it into fifth gear as the night progressed. His set was putting me to sleep at one point early in the night but as it turned into morning the music got better. He started playing sick tracks and the crowd loved it but I have heard him spin better during his early years at SF (Back in 98). The crowd was soo diverse. It seemed like there was every type of person from every ethnic background you could think of present, which was pretty unique. :cool: From every type of class too and in age as well. I have no problem with Asian people it just seemed that some Asian guys there were really overly protective of their Asian women. Especially in a group. It's like if I was trying to talk to one of them they would come up and elbow me from behind for no reason. You could of just told me "there with me" or something like that. No physical contact was needed guys. They were lucky it was NYE. I don't appreciate being clocked for no reason!! Since it was NYE I did not see anyone brawl but if it was not NYE and there was a regular party of this size at Exit I think there may have been some brawls because the crowd was just too diverse.

Overall I'd have to say the good outweighed the bad for me but for some it was an awful experience. I'm sorry to hear that!! I just made the best of my NYE regardless if most of my crew were elsewhere!! I could not fnd some of my peeps there. Most people were mad friendly I noticed which was a good thing. I hope JP finds a residency soon you know he will. As for the staff at Exit I feel they need some lessons in patron etiquette because they were running around yelling at people as if it was boot camp of some sort!! No one is going to come back to Exit if they keep acting the way they do!! Were party troopers and that's about it. So just chill and do your jobs in a normal fashion? Also what did people think of those trapeze shows? Where they necessary or not?

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