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*TRUE LIFE (ever here about editing!!!) WE HAD FUN!!!

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Originally posted by deeelite1

I didnt gte any point.. The only thing that made any sense in your posts were the :laugh: :laugh: smilies.

for everything else I need a translator

...start singing...::oH bLaH dEe..Oh BlAh DaH...LiFe GOeS oOOooN ....La La La LA LiFe GoEs ON::.....maybe CORKY will pop up to save the day and do an emergency translation!!!!!

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Originally posted by misk

...start singing...::oH bLaH dEe..Oh BlAh DaH...LiFe GOeS oOOooN ....La La La LA LiFe GoEs ON::.....maybe CORKY will pop up to save the day and do an emergency translation!!!!!

I just had my half retard overweight cat look it over in exchange for some catnip and she was stumped too.

Oh well.

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you know what really annoys me..........

Ok, Tommy looked like a fool, and so did my friends on the True-life clubber

but these people have the biggest hearts

Tommy & his crew I know for a fact are the closest group of friends

I can't say i have a group of friends that I have known since I was 4, grown up together, been through everything together

I actually wish I did, because no one knows what drama I have had in my life & to cry on someone's shoulder who wasn't there, is pointless

Those guys are like family............can't anyone pull the positive out of someone for once???

& we all have that crazy friend who will do something gross like eat a bug.........or another moronic thing & to you, since he/she is your friend, its doesn't bother you

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Originally posted by deeelite1

I just had my half retard overweight cat look it over in exchange for some catnip and she was stumped too.

Oh well.

..well ya see.......there's your mistake .....the cat....although extremely fat and at risk of heart disease.......is only HALF retard......it's BLATANTLY clear we need a full blown little bus ridin maniac to handle this operation....

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

you know what really annoys me..........

Ok, Tommy looked like a fool, and so did my friends on the True-life clubber

but these people have the biggest hearts

Tommy & his crew I know for a fact are the closest group of friends

I can't say i have a group of friends that I have known since I was 4, grown up together, been through everything together

I actually wish I did, because no one knows what drama I have had in my life & to cry on someone's shoulder who wasn't there, is pointless

Those guys are like family............can't anyone pull the positive out of someone for once???

& we all have that crazy friend who will do something gross like eat a bug.........or another moronic thing & to you, since he/she is your friend, its doesn't bother you

In all honesty tho, you have to see where an outsider is coming from. Of course the show was edited and twisted to portray something exaggerated we all know this and I'm sure it's hard for you to sit here and watch all these posts go up about people that have been there for you through rough times. I'm sure Tommy is a huge teddy bear with a huge heart. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit he has a woobie and anyone with a woobie is A-OK in my book ( I have one too only his name is tickle-tickle)..Only thing that made him look so bad (in my opinion) was the tough guy act and him saying over and over again that he was looking for his wife at the Jersey Shore.

you said "can't anyone pull the positive ouit of someone for once" but truthfully there was nothing positive about that show and I'm SURE that there was TONS of other footage that may have been better but for whatever reasons MTV decided to air what they did.

ON another note, I could NEVER imagine what a show would look like if they followed around my friends. that'd be straight up SCARY.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

ON another note, I could NEVER imagine what a show would look like if they followed around my friends. that'd be straight up SCARY.

....ever see NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD?.......yea well........i think u feel me.....:D:laugh:

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

you know what really annoys me..........

& we all have that crazy friend who will do something gross like eat a bug.........or another moronic thing & to you, since he/she is your friend, its doesn't bother you

I can definately agree with you here.

About 2 weeks ago a good friend of mine called me up to announce that they just left Exit and got a at one of the little Meat on Wheels carts and as they were eating it they dropped it on the NYC sidewalk.. picked it up and kept eating it.

I thought that was the funniest thing I heard all year (even tho technically we were only 21 hours into the new year) but still, thats my friend and I thought it was hysterical

however, if I watched a total stranger do it on TV I'd probably yarf all over the place

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Originally posted by deeelite1

you said "can't anyone pull the positive ouit of someone for once" but truthfully there was nothing positive about that show and I'm SURE that there was TONS of other footage that may have been better but for whatever reasons MTV decided to air what they did.

how about they are a group of good friends

or even though Tommy was lame for looing for a wife in Seaside, but the fact that he wasn't looking to play a girl out

there is sooo much positive to be focused on

I dont know I guess i always look into things differently & try to focus on whats good about a subject then whats bad

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

you miss read a lil of what i said........

I know tommy & them, i know how close they are, but they were never there for me

I was just stating that we all go through rough times & for me, I wish i had a close family like that

oh oops.

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all of us, along with Tommy and our friends appreciate doing the MTV thing, Banks , the producer and the camera crew were cool as hell, they basically just wanted us to be ourselves. Now the scuffles that Tommy got involved with, well we all get a little beer muscles at times when we hit the tonic a bit too much, (BUT TOMMY is no punk, He can take care of himself)... and how do you know that Tommy started the shit anyway, they never showed the beginnings , only the ends, Don't judge a book by its cover!!!

what was caught on tape was over the course of like 6 weeks. The fun and hilarious stuff mostly was edited out, the parties at the house, the pregame bashes, the behind the scenes, and the VIP at Surfclub!!!!!

Me personally, I only witnessed the Merge night (we were not all focused on the camera, we were out those nights to have a great night out and rip it up)!!! and the Ticket situation, Now me and the rest of the guys being cops, was it cool what Tommy said about him? No, but hey even meter maids can be pricks, I know i've had my run ins, and tommy just left his car and walked away, the meter reader could have just asked him to move his car!!!

By the way, what was not seen on TV would make many of you change your perceptions of Tommy. He is a genuine friend... He goes out of his way for ya when he see's ya out . But , just to let ya know, You have not seen the last of Tommy, he got more where that came from!!!!

When you fellas see Tommy and the rest of us hanging at the locals, (Joeys, Soundgarden, Circa) You opinions, will be changed!!!

by the way, DJ Bagz is the man!!!!

Voodoo Fridays!!!!

pregame at Whiskeys

Latenite AT Joeys

DJ Bagz is about to finish what he started 10 years ago, A real NYC DJ ripping the NJ scene (its about time)


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