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Edgar V @ MIA Review


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Walking towards MIA, I hear "As The Rush Comes" :laugh: Don't we love that song? ;) I proceed to go in thinking the night would be a good one; great food, great music........not so.

Unfortunately I was not able to go in because I had sneakers on :confused: I didn't know they had a dress code on a Monday night. Was gonna get something to eat, and hear a little bit of Edgar V and then head on home.

Trying to plead my case with the people at the door, they wouldn't budge. I respect their rules for having a dress code, but if a few weeks earlier I was there basically wearing the same thing and now they changed their policy, couldn't they make an exception? They turned potential business away for footwear. :rolleyes: Oh well. Next time I'll know: NO SNEAKERS!!! Not even nice ones!

I'm sure EV will rock the place! Peace!

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx


Walking towards MIA, I hear "As The Rush Comes" :laugh: Don't we love that song? ;) I proceed to go in thinking the night would be a good one; great food, great music........not so.

Unfortunately I was not able to go in because I had sneakers on :confused: I didn't know they had a dress code on a Monday night. Was gonna get something to eat, and hear a little bit of Edgar V and then head on home.

Trying to plead my case with the people at the door, they wouldn't budge. I respect their rules for having a dress code, but if a few weeks earlier I was there basically wearing the same thing and now they changed their policy, couldn't they make an exception? They turned potential business away for footwear. :rolleyes: Oh well. Next time I'll know: NO SNEAKERS!!! Not even nice ones!

I'm sure EV will rock the place! Peace!

boludo...... :laugh:
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Sorry to hear that Eric. Yeah, it seems they are starting to change their door policies without notice.

Like I said to Garfield last time, just give the people a heads up on what's going on at the door before people make the drive up there.

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Originally posted by macboy

Sorry to hear that Eric. Yeah, it seems they are starting to change their door policies without notice.

Like I said to Garfield last time, just give the people a heads up on what's going on at the door before people make the drive up there.



Like I said, I respect their policy. But damn, let us know somehow before hand. Hialeah to Hollywood is not fun to drive for nothing.

I heard you had a problem there as well. Sorry to hear that. Oh well...."life goes on" :laugh:

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Like I said, I respect their policy. But damn, let us know somehow before hand. Hialeah to Hollywood is not fun to drive for nothing.

Well it is a nice resturant, not the local McDonald's.. so I'd dress there anyway for dinner ya know??

Just sucks you drove up from key west .. or hialeiah.. whatever - same distance:laugh:

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Guest saleen351

man oh man..... it's a fucking italian resturante, not fucking mc donalds like laura said, some show respect, grow up and dress nice... This isn't dade county where all you need is a fake green card, sneaks and ripped up jeans. Show some class and respect.... I'm tired of you people not being able to get in by the way you dress than you bitch about it on here... You people must be from iowa or some place like that.. Who in their right mind leaves the house with sneakers on to go to a resturante???

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Such great food.... I was so full I felt like I was gonna throw up! (I didn't of course)

I loved Edgar's set. Even though I was super tired, I was still jumping up and down. Played a lot of my favorites. Including Jaheim :D.

I was a bit upset when I heard Eric was outside and couldn't get in, but what pissed me off was when (around 1am) these two guys came in, dressed SUPER bummy - Jeans, T-shirt, sneakers - but the reason it bothered me was because they STUNK! It smelled as though they hadn't showered in a week!!! We would hold our breath everytime they would walk around us. :puke:

But other than that, it was a great night. Good times spent with my closest friends in a nice little place. :)

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I got to MIA about 1015 and walked right in, I believe it was Eric Valez spinning the usual 93.1 tunes. Ran into some friends from years ago...what a shock!!! Went into the dining room ready to try this great food everyone has been talking about. The waitstaff (well my waiter) needs to get a clue but the food was absolutely amazing. Im talking this is the best dinner Ive had since I moved here 3 years ago!!! (I had the Red Snapper Yacht Club)

So about 1100 I am sitting there talking and having dinner when I see Eric & Chaflas walking away from the restaurant/club so I run outside to see whats up. The story is that they cant get in because they have on sneakers and dont have any chics with them. So I immediately look for Garfield, introduce myself and ask if there is any way to get them in. Garfield informs me that there is a dress code. I was kind of surprised by this since this place is always hyped by their no hassle door policy. I will admit guys that personally I would have dressed up a little more if I were you but then again, its Monday night in Hollywood...who knew??? So, they dont get in and I go back inside. Then I start looking around and paying attenion to what people are wearing...and I get pissed. Ok...if you are gonna have a dress code enforce it for everyone...not just a select few. There were plenty of guys that had on sneakers and clothing similiar to Eric & Chaflas. There were also a few women who looked like they just folded up their box home and decided to come in and try to score a couple of drinks. Anway, enough of that.

I go back in and EdgarV is on the decks and I was quite surprised at what he was playing. I kinda figured that he might play a housier set because this isnt exactly a nightclub but I was dead wrong. Edgar started strong and kept it up until I left at 1am. I believe he ended up playing until 2 but there was no way I could stay that late. I started out the night at the back of the room, trying to just be an observer but the beats just took over and I ended up in front of the "booth" dancing most of the night. I have to give BIG THANKS to "DA MAN" as he played 2 of my favorite tracks BACK TO BACK!!! If I was an "OMFG I DIE" person, I certainly would have!!!

Its so funny to look around the room at all the stereotypes. You have...the drunk chic that cant walk without grabbing onto everyone she passes, the drunk whore dancing with every guy she sees, the guys that dance like they have no bones, the meathead (and plenty of them), the people saying..."WTF is this music??? But I like it!", and then you have the CP crew fisting pumping, having a good time, and feeling every note that comes out of those speakers...you cant beat it!!!

Thanks to EDGAR V, MIA, and 93.1 for bringing us the music we love...even on a Monday night.

Eric & Chaflas, sorry you missed it. I hope you come back next time.

CP Crew that was in the house...Flip, TheMrs, Tranzwhore & friend, Maria & bro, MDamon and whoever else I missed...Good Times!!!


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got there around 10:30 and went inside to say hi to those who were eating. grabbed a green apple martini and headed outside for a smoke and ran into eric who wasn't able to get in but hooked me up with a CD. thanks, E! waited for EV to come on and thought it was gonna be wack since i usually go there with my mom for dinner but the people were very friendly and of course Edgar played a really good set. me & limber had alot of fun. stayed up way past my bedtime and am dragging ass today.

good to see everyone but weird seeing you on a monday!

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