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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Is MDA as difficult to obtain as MDMA. Or should I say legit MDA, b/c it is impossible to get pure MDMA anymore?


MDA is very closely related to MDMA , even though it is a bit easier to manufacture/synthesis . Less euphoria but longer lasting effects(speedy) and more trippy than MDMA .


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MDA is a bitch to obtain

You may see it once a year or so, even in pills.

If you see it, get it, longer lasting, more trippy, and best of all no cross tolerance to MDMA ... so its like the first time you did mdma practically.

and like mursa said, it is a bit easier to make, and lots of MDMA was MDA at the previous stage, and converted to MDMA because that is what is wanted these days.

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I had some purple CD's about a year ago and the best I could determine they were MDA. Matter of fact, I think you (shroomy) were the first to mention that these pills could be MDA.

They were not toooo speedy, but were good and they lasted 10 hours. They were much bettter than any other pills I have ever had, with the exception of the X I obtained in Jamaica and Auruba, which I am pretty sure were cut with coke.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Is MDA as difficult to obtain as MDMA. Or should I say legit MDA, b/c it is impossible to get pure MDMA anymore?


Pure MDA is just as difficult to get ..... it can also be used to synthesize mdma(one of many methods) .... the effects of mda are actually more euphoric maybe even "trippy" while MDMA is a much "cleaner" head. There is some debate as to how long the effects last... some people will tell you the effects last 10 hours others will say the effects last 5-6 hours and the other 4-5 hours are basicly an after effect (being wired) Its really hard to tell when your buying pills on the street ... MDMA was developed as a less toxic and more active Central Nervous System Stimulant...Its a very complex stimulant and there are people who can't even recognize its effects once they've taken it...wheres as MDA gives a more "obvious effect"

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

ask around for beige/yellow sunflowers or almost any color of omega's alot of them are MDA

on another note..the "love" ones from your avatar are the best pills that I've taken in a loooooooooong time....one was enough to fuck me up for 5 hours.

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i personally prefer mdma to mda. it depends what you want though. mdma is more of a social thing, mda is well... more of a head trip. they can come in any colour of capsule.. a lot of ppl buy big bags and cap it up themselves, so never rely on that. and NEVER buy mdma or mda as a pill EVER. the simple reason being because you cant put mdma into a pill unless it is extremely unpure... it will crumble too much. if you get it in a pill you should know that its laced with dirty shit.

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Originally posted by kali-chromium

i personally prefer mdma to mda. it depends what you want though. mdma is more of a social thing, mda is well... more of a head trip. they can come in any colour of capsule.. a lot of ppl buy big bags and cap it up themselves, so never rely on that. and NEVER buy mdma or mda as a pill EVER. the simple reason being because you cant put mdma into a pill unless it is extremely unpure... it will crumble too much. if you get it in a pill you should know that its laced with dirty shit.

Thats nonsense...pills are pressed using binders, usually some type of powdered starch (most commonly cornstarch)

better pills use a disintegrest ( allows for quicker absorption )

in most cases a standard 140mg-160 mg pill only contains about 10-20 mg of binders... The real reson why pills suck is because over the years the ratio of actual MDMA to fillers went from about 6:1 to 3:1 but lets be realistic... you're kot gonna find powdered mdma or mda readily available unless you have access to sassafrass, various other chemicals/solvents/oils and about two years of college level chemistry courses... and lets not forget the lab equipment..

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uum.. actually all mdma and mda here are powdered. i have gotten it in pill form before and it did crumble... but its easy to get ripped off for e if you're going for the pills. i can't see why anyone would want to sell it in pills if it wasn't e. of course i guess that all depends where you're from... but around here mdma pills are unheard of... if you get that you know it's fake. only reason i've ever seen em is cause a friend of mine made them himself, but he couldnt sell them so he ended up crushing them back into capsules... plus if you get a capsule you have more choice



up the anus=90% (not recomended)

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Originally posted by kali-chromium

and btw i highly doubt that those pills you think are mdma are really mdma... for example, street pcp here is called mescaline... and all mdma starts out as a powder...

Your just wrong... MDA and MDA start as safrole oil, Dimethylformamide, p-Benzoquinone , Palladium Chloride , Methylene Chloride , and various other liquids/oils which are then crystalized using epsom salts and Xylene. The result is what you see here. You obviously have no clue what yuou're talking about

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Originally posted by kali-chromium

yeah and what happens after it becomes crystalized? it's powder at that stage just like anything thats put into a pill is first a powder... good one!

Hate to break the news to you.... it's allready mda/mdma before it's crystallized......

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

Hate to break the news to you.... it's allready mda/mdma before it's crystallized......

pure mda or mdma is a powder ... but its is all symantics... if it is disolved then its a liquid, and a power is just a bunch of small crystals, like rock salt or very fine salt.

bottom line who the fuck cares .. take a pill and pulverise it and its a powder ... its still the same fucking thing, and you still have no idea how pure it is without a fair amount of chemestry.

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  • 8 months later...

Pure MDMA is not impossible to find. I had some last night. It was tested and proven to be close to all MDMA and a tiny bit of Yayo. But check this: I'm 4'11 1/2, 110 lbs. I popped a tab, waited an hour and a half nothing happened, so my buddy gave me another tab, I sniffed half of it and started to feel a tiny bit, so about 45 minutes later I sniffed the other half. I was pretty high then. But not as high as most people there who popped 1/2-1 pill hours and hours before me. Me and buddy reckon I probaly could of taken another tab if I wanted. Others were sure I wouldnt know what to do with myself in about another hour... well we waited it out and I got bored... and went to bed, I was the first one to go to sleep out of everyone there, as well, the only girl who didnt puke. It all depends where you are and who you know to determin whether it's impossible or not. Im from a small City up in north western, Alberta, you can get any kind of drug here, any time of the day, all year round. (yes even MDA which is yes way more worth it) The big city's get their supplys from here. Mind you, H.A. runs the city.

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