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Russell Simmons house on Cribs

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Who ever thought that creating oversized ugly assed clothing would make you $140 million... I have to come up with the next great idea... hmmmn, how about children's sized clothing for adults... wonder if it would work :confused:

Maybe I will have to get an asian girl to do all the decision making for me first. :(

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Just because a black man has done something good for himself, and he has provide a very fine roof over his family's head he has become this bad person. White people have been doing it for years, but nobody talks about what all they do to get it and keep it. But then again I forgot we are black; we all are suppose to be poor and always holding our hand out to the White man. Not so I be damn! Black People are coming back up. That's right "Back up" because when we were in Africa we used our heads and invented things. And a whole lot more of us are going to live like that so White people be prepared. And another thing, all you racist White people, you should be thankful for the Black people because we feed ya'll, nursed your kids and we built this country on our backs and hatred is the only thanks we get. Thanks for nothing

By the way Kimora Lee Simmons is of African-American/Asian Decent; her father was black and her mother is asian.

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Originally posted by butterfly712

Just because a black man has done something good for himself, and he has provide a very fine roof over his family's head he has become this bad person. White people have been doing it for years, but nobody talks about what all they do to get it and keep it. But then again I forgot we are black; we all are suppose to be poor and always holding our hand out to the White man. Not so I be damn! Black People are coming back up. That's right "Back up" because when we were in Africa we used our heads and invented things. And a whole lot more of us are going to live like that so White people be prepared. And another thing, all you racist White people, you should be thankful for the Black people because we feed ya'll, nursed your kids and we built this country on our backs and hatred is the only thanks we get. Thanks for nothing

By the way Kimora Lee Simmons is of African-American/Asian Decent; her father was black and her mother is asian.

I can bet with comments like these you are just another minority on welfare. Please - it's no longer the 90's stop with your "racist" cry's of bullshit. Please review the thread and indicate where one person took a shot at what you reference was the "black" man... gotta love these damn hipocrits of the world that cry so much, yet do so little to be part of the solution to the problem. Cry me a fucken river please. People within this thread were mocking his toilet and in general, his business idea and how he made so much money off of what we perceive to be stupid. I will refuse to listen to someone's ridiculous cries of racism to keep me or anyone else on this planet from using our god given right of free choice... in particular our right to our own opinions.

If you would like to support "the black" man, as you so choose to reference Mr. Simmons, then question yourself, or do some fucken research on how much he has done for his community. Being a minority, you should have heard your parents state at some point "never forget your roots..." Apparently your boy has... And to avoid you claiming racism once again by my last comment, I have the same notions for "the Great Jennifer Lopez." I grew up two blocks from that cunt and her knew her entire family... think miss bookoo dollars has done something for her neighborhood... the "south," "south bronx?" Think again - these "rich" people could give a flying fuck about your life, so put your pencil down and stop trying to defend them... :bigfinge:

PS - next time you have a thought, please use your original screen name and don't coward behind creating a new screenname to make a comment... obiviously this thread has been out of the running for several days, and I am willing to bet the farm that a newbie has alot better things to do than to search "Russell Simmons Phat Farm" to read Clubplanet's members opinions on the sale. Grow up and educate yourself with your free time...:idea:

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Originally posted by butterfly712

Just because a black man has done something good for himself, and he has provide a very fine roof over his family's head he has become this bad person. White people have been doing it for years, but nobody talks about what all they do to get it and keep it. But then again I forgot we are black; we all are suppose to be poor and always holding our hand out to the White man. Not so I be damn! Black People are coming back up. That's right "Back up" because when we were in Africa we used our heads and invented things. And a whole lot more of us are going to live like that so White people be prepared. And another thing, all you racist White people, you should be thankful for the Black people because we feed ya'll, nursed your kids and we built this country on our backs and hatred is the only thanks we get. Thanks for nothing

By the way Kimora Lee Simmons is of African-American/Asian Decent; her father was black and her mother is asian.

I didnt know Al Sharpton posted on this board under an alias name :confused:

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People seem to forget that russell has gotten where he is today by exploiting his own "black men" with the help of alot of "white men"..... Rick Rubin....Dave Klein... Lyor Cohen... and lets not forget the beastie boys...The best selling album in def jam's history (for which the beastie boys never recieved payment)

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First of all, No I am not another black person on welfare. I am an educated black woman attend on of the best HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and University for the dunces) in the country and I work two jobs. Next, thing before you accuse me of defending someone maybe you should read my thread again. I am not defending him I am touching on a subject that most people, especially those of "European decent", do not want to acknowledge because deep down inside we all know that majority of the people of "European decent" feel that black people should have nothing. And, if we do get something than you all find ways to criticize what we have or how we got it. You call me names and curse me out, but I telling you all that maybe you need to check you position on the prejudice scale. And finally, I do not use my real e-mail address because I don't want to be harassed by anybody who decides they wants to play childish games or stoop to low levels.

P.S. It's people like you that make me date within my own race.

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Originally posted by butterfly712

P.S. It's people like you that make me date within my own race.

thats just plain stupid.

Originally posted by butterfly712

you should be thankful for the Black people because we feed ya'll, nursed your kids and we built this country on our backs and hatred is the only thanks we get.

Thats not plain stupid and ignorant to say.

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Originally posted by butterfly712

First of all, No I am not another black person on welfare. I am an educated black woman attend on of the best HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and University for the dunces) in the country and I work two jobs. Next, thing before you accuse me of defending someone maybe you should read my thread again. I am not defending him I am touching on a subject that most people, especially those of "European decent", do not want to acknowledge because deep down inside we all know that majority of the people of "European decent" feel that black people should have nothing. And, if we do get something than you all find ways to criticize what we have or how we got it. You call me names and curse me out, but I telling you all that maybe you need to check you position on the prejudice scale. And finally, I do not use my real e-mail address because I don't want to be harassed by anybody who decides they wants to play childish games or stoop to low levels.

P.S. It's people like you that make me date within my own race.

Why can't you be a "person" for the sake of this conversation? If our country is supposed to be a free nation and all men are created equal - are you not the racist bigot for consistently referring to yourself as "black?" Additionally, no one cares that you attend/attended a "black" univserity, but the fact that you did go to college will allow me to sleep more peacefully. If you are so educated as you will constantly refer to... you wouldn't make any spelling mistakes or mistakes in your grammar.

Please do stick to dating your own race... I will say a prayer however, for the poor unfortunate soul that marries your sorry ass... PS - rent American History X.... you'll like it. :tongue:

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Originally posted by captainpec

I can bet with comments like these you are just another minority on welfare. Please - it's no longer the 90's stop with your "racist" cry's of bullshit. Please review the thread and indicate where one person took a shot at what you reference was the "black" man... gotta love these damn hipocrits of the world that cry so much, yet do so little to be part of the solution to the problem. Cry me a fucken river please. People within this thread were mocking his toilet and in general, his business idea and how he made so much money off of what we perceive to be stupid. I will refuse to listen to someone's ridiculous cries of racism to keep me or anyone else on this planet from using our god given right of free choice... in particular our right to our own opinions.

If you would like to support "the black" man, as you so choose to reference Mr. Simmons, then question yourself, or do some fucken research on how much he has done for his community. Being a minority, you should have heard your parents state at some point "never forget your roots..." Apparently your boy has... And to avoid you claiming racism once again by my last comment, I have the same notions for "the Great Jennifer Lopez." I grew up two blocks from that cunt and her knew her entire family... think miss bookoo dollars has done something for her neighborhood... the "south," "south bronx?" Think again - these "rich" people could give a flying fuck about your life, so put your pencil down and stop trying to defend them... :bigfinge:

PS - next time you have a thought, please use your original screen name and don't coward behind creating a new screenname to make a comment... obiviously this thread has been out of the running for several days, and I am willing to bet the farm that a newbie has alot better things to do than to search "Russell Simmons Phat Farm" to read Clubplanet's members opinions on the sale. Grow up and educate yourself with your free time...:idea:

now that's a verbal ass whooping.


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Originally posted by 4realhousediva

Fcukin amazinggggg that is thee best crib I have seen yet. I would sell my soul to the devil for that house! That is something to be seriously jealous of! :(

He bought it from my friend..........Everything in there was already done.......His wife tried to play funny and claim she decorated all that.......the only thing she changed in that house was she turned one of the bdrms into her closet......everything else was exactly the same as it was when I used to go over there party my face off!

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Originally posted by butterfly712

First of all, No I am not another black person on welfare. I am an educated black woman attend on of the best HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and University for the dunces) in the country and I work two jobs. Next, thing before you accuse me of defending someone maybe you should read my thread again. I am not defending him I am touching on a subject that most people, especially those of "European decent", do not want to acknowledge because deep down inside we all know that majority of the people of "European decent" feel that black people should have nothing. And, if we do get something than you all find ways to criticize what we have or how we got it. You call me names and curse me out, but I telling you all that maybe you need to check you position on the prejudice scale. And finally, I do not use my real e-mail address because I don't want to be harassed by anybody who decides they wants to play childish games or stoop to low levels.

P.S. It's people like you that make me date within my own race.

First of all get the chip off of your shoulder...

Secondly... I have been to Africa on a Safari... let me ask you a question, why are there still AFRICAN's still living in huts and villiages??? Why are they starving when the art of hunting is right there for them to use?

Let me ask you another yet pinning question... If the Africans were SOOOOOOOO smart, why in all of the millions of years, did not one of them hop on a zebra to ride it??? You realize they still do not do this to this very day... A zebra is a horse with stripes (moron).

Thirdly... Being that you are now an AMERICAN and have probably been born here, you can freely compete in the Miss America Pagent ... YET, Me, being an AMERICAN like yourself, cannot compete in the Miss BLACK America Pagent???

Listen, I have no problem with the "Colored Folk" but it is those like yourself who act as if the blacks have made a difference in my life, when in reality the only significant thing the blacks have done in my life, have been to show me that you are all very much the stereotypical people you claim NOT to be.

Your comments have been nothing but insignificant to me and have proven that you need further education.

Please continue to educate yourself, and for the love of Christ, please continue dating with in your own race.

PS... I saw American History X... LOVED IT!

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First of all “Whiteyâ€, your comment shows just how ignorant you are. No, Africans did not hop on a zebra we preferred camels. (If you didn’t know Egypt is in Africa and they held more weight). Next thing, you talk about our presence being insignificant, but you think about this; all the things that you have assess to today, you take for granted and those persons whom are responsible for their existence (i.e. the stop sign, the microwave, cures to millions of ailment, cosmetics etc). And if you don’t believe me, do some research. African-Americans have been a benefit to this country. And another thing, the only reason why we have such organizations and pageants as the Miss Black America Pageant is because we were, for years, exclude from such events as the “Miss America Pageant†and even when we were allowed to participate, the judging was unfair because we didn’t look like you all. Next, thing I, myself, am grateful for such organizations as Miss Black America Pageant, NAACP, Sigma Gamma Rho, Delta Sigma Theta, etc. because they gave us as black people, especially us women, a chance to be apart of something and not feel inferior. So you say what you want, but your statements and the statements of those who concurred are heinous and they prove how much you really know about history and black people in general. Furthermore, if you got to know something about us, as well as our history you could grow to respect us as a people and maybe you could learn to like us. If not, your loss because we are a group of friendly and intriguing people.

Peace. No more thread will be posted

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No response to my comments? I am saddened...

Since you are not posting anymore we can close this thread with the following closing point... remember who sold your people into slavery... your own people. Additionally, don't ever disrespect your ancestors (like some African Americans like to state ever so often) by referencing "you never feel the pain that I have felt and my people." What transpired with your ancestors was appauling and the abuse that many of them felt will never be felt by anyone on this day and earth... or at least we can say hopefully it won't. Instead of living in the past, make them proud by getting off your ass and accomplishing something with your actions and not your words.

Remember, actions speak louder than words.

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Originally posted by butterfly712

First of all, No I am not another black person on welfare. I am an educated black woman attend on of the best HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and University for the dunces) in the country and I work two jobs. Next, thing before you accuse me of defending someone maybe you should read my thread again. I am not defending him I am touching on a subject that most people, especially those of "European decent", do not want to acknowledge because deep down inside we all know that majority of the people of "European decent" feel that black people should have nothing. And, if we do get something than you all find ways to criticize what we have or how we got it. You call me names and curse me out, but I telling you all that maybe you need to check you position on the prejudice scale. And finally, I do not use my real e-mail address because I don't want to be harassed by anybody who decides they wants to play childish games or stoop to low levels.

P.S. It's people like you that make me date within my own race.

It seems to me that people of "European Descent" are an easy target to point the finger at. You call yourself educated but you ignorant regarding any concept that doesn't fit into your agenda.

Maybe black people sahould stop worrying about other people's perceptions and do something for themselves instead of playing the victim role and poiting fingers at their "oppressors". The biggest oppressors of black men are other black men. Look at history ...

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Butterfly... you retarded little Butterfly... Africa is its own CONTINTENT as is EGYPT!!!!!! And there were no camels there...get me any book, encyclopidia, anything that indicates that and we will further discuss.

#1... Look at the Miss America's that have one in the past... some of then were BLACK... as a matter of fact... this Miss America is Black and acted the same ghetto way as if she won something on the PRICE IS RIGHT!!! So, write a letter to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and discontinue it before I write a letter to NAACP and sue for reverse discrimination.

#2... You have no right to whine a cry about anything in your life...You have not lead the life of slavery... you may have lead the lofe of porverty, but that my freind, is out of choice...

#3... Segregation was the best thing in the world... you and your people can be together and not complain about hte white man because we had no interaction with you ... and we can live and lead our own lives with out worrying about "offending" you because of a little thing we call FREEDOM OF SPEECH, CHOICE, AND BELIFES.

go sratch butterfly... Euorpeans RULES the world for thousands of years... what make you think that NOW... the black man can rule... You people can not even get yourselves out of the slums of Newark, you want to now say you rule, please. get over yourself and look at reality.

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Originally posted by njdivacb

Butterfly... you retarded little Butterfly... Africa is its own CONTINTENT as is EGYPT!!!!!! And there were no camels there...get me any book, encyclopidia, anything that indicates that and we will further discuss.

#1... Look at the Miss America's that have one in the past... some of then were BLACK... as a matter of fact... this Miss America is Black and acted the same ghetto way as if she won something on the PRICE IS RIGHT!!! So, write a letter to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and discontinue it before I write a letter to NAACP and sue for reverse discrimination.

#2... You have no right to whine a cry about anything in your life...You have not lead the life of slavery... you may have lead the lofe of porverty, but that my freind, is out of choice...

#3... Segregation was the best thing in the world... you and your people can be together and not complain about hte white man because we had no interaction with you ... and we can live and lead our own lives with out worrying about "offending" you because of a little thing we call FREEDOM OF SPEECH, CHOICE, AND BELIFES.

go sratch butterfly... Euorpeans RULES the world for thousands of years... what make you think that NOW... the black man can rule... You people can not even get yourselves out of the slums of Newark, you want to now say you rule, please. get over yourself and look at reality.

Shut up! No one gives a shit Hammer!

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Originally posted by njdivacb

Africa is its own CONTINTENT as is EGYPT!!!!!! And there were no camels there...get me any book, encyclopidia, anything that indicates that and we will further discuss.

They added an eighth continent to the map? I always thought it was North Amer, South Amer, Asia, Africa, Antartica, Europe and India...

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Originally posted by butterfly712

Just because a black man has done something good for himself, and he has provide a very fine roof over his family's head he has become this bad person. White people have been doing it for years, but nobody talks about what all they do to get it and keep it. But then again I forgot we are black; we all are suppose to be poor and always holding our hand out to the White man. Not so I be damn! Black People are coming back up. That's right "Back up" because when we were in Africa we used our heads and invented things. And a whole lot more of us are going to live like that so White people be prepared. And another thing, all you racist White people, you should be thankful for the Black people because we feed ya'll, nursed your kids and we built this country on our backs and hatred is the only thanks we get. Thanks for nothing

By the way Kimora Lee Simmons is of African-American/Asian Decent; her father was black and her mother is asian.

youre a stupid fuck


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