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I Got A Ticket This Morning!!!


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I was running late to work, tried to swipe my card at the turnstile... it kept saying swipe again at this turnstile.

So i'm all pissed off, i'm tired haven't had coffee, jump over and there was an undercover cop there who gave me a ticket...

But the worst part is, the money came off my card!! So i paid a 1.50 for the subway, and got a 60 dollar ticket for not paying for the subway!!!!!

I was so pissed off, the guy gave me the ticket, said had a nice day, and in true caddyshack style I said,

"Thank you very little"

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Fight it... Fuck them. Don't let them get over on you. have them check your Metro Card for the same time and Date as well as location of the swipe. Tell them that the turn style was broken.

Fuck if they can use the metro card to find killers etc... etc... they should be able to use it to find you innocent. :D

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Originally posted by elementx

Fight it... Fuck them. Don't let them get over on you. have them check your Metro Card for the same time and Date as well as location of the swipe. Tell them that the turn style was broken.

Fuck if they can use the metro card to find killers etc... etc... they should be able to use it to find you innocent. :D


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Originally posted by elementx

Fight it... Fuck them. Don't let them get over on you. have them check your Metro Card for the same time and Date as well as location of the swipe. Tell them that the turn style was broken.

Fuck if they can use the metro card to find killers etc... etc... they should be able to use it to find you innocent. :D

:werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd:

fight the system :cuss:

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Originally posted by elementx

Fight it... Fuck them. Don't let them get over on you. have them check your Metro Card for the same time and Date as well as location of the swipe. Tell them that the turn style was broken.

Fuck if they can use the metro card to find killers etc... etc... they should be able to use it to find you innocent. :D

That's what I'm doing... I'm not sitting down like that and letting them push me around...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

not a metrocard ticket, but i got a speeding ticket doing 48 in a 20 mph zone (and in a school zone, no less!)

I pled guilty and went to court, and got it reduced from $300 fine and 6 points to NO points and $110 fine.

Fight the system :cuss:

cooper street? howd you do that???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

cooper street? howd you do that???

naww, this was in long island

basically, i had a feeling i should bring my mother with me to court. And it was a damn good thing that i did!

She knew and said hello to the asst. d.a. who processed the tickets, and this other lady there.

Basically, i think the d.a. had something to do with it, cuz she kept smiling in my direction.

but it usually always pays to appear in court if you can spare the time, since the sentence is usually reduced

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Originally posted by dgmodel

where in li was the court???

just the local town court in freeport.

And my friend who was pulled over when we were driving from L.A. to San Fran this past summer (we were rushing to catch a Giants game) got a ticket for $150 (we were going at least 100mph :cool:

But he's a big fighter in any tickets he gets, and usually wins every ticket he gets (his g/f is an attorney). He takes pictures, prepares his defense strategy, and i bet will get out of this Cali ticket :laugh2:

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Speeding tickets can be really easy to get out of if you get clocked by a radar gun. The guns are supposed to be run through a series of calibration tests every 90 days and there's an element in the unit that has to be replaced every 18 months. If you request documentation of the tests. and element replacement the officer is usally supopsed to supply that information. If he doesn't have it there the judge will sometimes dismiss the summons or at least adjurn the hearing to a later date. The easiest way to beat a ticket sometimes is to postpone your hearing till the summer and hope that the cop is on vaction when you show up ...

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