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why do you need to lie ?


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Originally posted by lollie60

And NO I don't let any men talk down to me. NEVER . They be fucking with the wrong chic.

...Didn't a little mexican creep almost take advantage of you and your sister?....hmmm...Darlin'..You'd be lying to yourself if you believed you were anything but typical...Think about it...:aright:..

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Originally posted by lollie60

On the other hand broke guys with game get women to buy them things ...lol

remember ;)

i´m gonna give you guys a little tip from a spoiled, goodlooking guy in his 20s with rich parents who has no respect for women :laugh:

when a golddigger asks you to buy you a drink, tell her you won´t buy her a drink, but you will get one together with her from that chump over there (point to some guy sitting somewhere, nerdy/loser preferred). now tell her to just play along and ask him for a drink, and when she gets it, to excuse herself and get back to me.

then you walk over, drag her along, and open the nerdy/loser guy and tell him that girl over is sweating him and she wants to meet him, but is too shy. tell him that she´s a really cool girl though she´s a little shy. then tell them you´ll let the two of them be alone now and leave. let her do what she does with every guy.

watch it unfold, and in under 5 minutes she will be back to you with a free drink for the both of you.

this is how you disarm a golddigger and attract them without having to spend ANY money. PLUS you can get multiple free drinks a night if the girl´s good.

free drinks and free pussy.

i still pat myself on my shoulder for that one. this works stupidly good.

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Originally posted by lollie60

And did your friend Phuturephunk get your bitch tits removed yet ?

..And also...If you're going to be the one to critique proper grammar usage, the line above should read: "And did your friend Phuturephunk get his bitch tits removed yet?"

..See? Much more legible...Now don't you have cock to be sucking at the moment, or is it a slow day on the corner?...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

[b..See? Much more legible...Now don't you have cock to be sucking at the moment, or is it a slow day on the corner?...

slow day ! Your mom stole all my business !!

And now for the Mexican update - I told his boss at the counrty club where he worked and had him fired. Thank you for caring about me. And I thought you didn't like me.. ...awwwwwwww


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Originally posted by lollie60

why do some guys feel the need to lie about what they do, how much $$$ they have, and how fab their life is ??

I think a lot of girls would rather be with broke ass nobodies then a lying nobody . Perfect example - BABBO

I meet guys like these in clubs all the time - and here are some top lies I get

1. My ex was a model or I went out this (somewhat famous) model .

2. I'm a record producer, rapper, ACTOR / MODEL ...lol - I know Damon Dash ...lol

3. I know so and so. So and so is my boy !!

4. I own this and that and gonna get this and that !

If y'all are gonna lie at least come up with some original ones !!

Good example - I got cancer in my balls so I got to meet MJ .

you sound like a date-rape victim... :aright:

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peep it - from craigslist:

Reply to: anon-22944607@craigslist.org

Date: 2004-01-22, 7:49PM EST

I am young, intelligent, very attractive, and ambitious....What I'm looking for is a wealthy AND attractive gentlemen to spoil me whenever I come and visit the city. I'm not opposed to developing a LTR, and would be more than happy to do so

should someone feel the need to make my visits more frequent...Intelligence is a must, please send a pic and details about yourself if you wish to receive a picture in return!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think mebbe I'll send her a picture and ask her for proof of cock snorkling skills...

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by barvybe

I think mebbe I'll send her a picture and ask her for proof of cock snorkling skills...

let us know how that goes.:D

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Originally posted by lollie60

What is that piece of shit in the snow ? Is that your car ?

AUDI is played out - nobody drives them anymore ....son.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

yeah, its all about hyundais and mercuries!! THATS THE HOTNESS!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

shut your mouth and stick to turning tricks :aright:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tranzwhore

becuz the wanna get in ur pants & saying they have a yugo, work at taco bell & live with the mom just doesn't work.

and what does that say about the woman if he tells the truth and it doesnt work. poor guys need lovin too

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Originally posted by lollie60

why do some guys feel the need to lie about what they do, how much $$$ they have, and how fab their life is ??

I think a lot of girls would rather be with broke ass nobodies then a lying nobody . Perfect example - BABBO

I meet guys like these in clubs all the time - and here are some top lies I get

1. My ex was a model or I went out this (somewhat famous) model .

2. I'm a record producer, rapper, ACTOR / MODEL ...lol - I know Damon Dash ...lol

3. I know so and so. So and so is my boy !!

4. I own this and that and gonna get this and that !

If y'all are gonna lie at least come up with some original ones !!

Good example - I got cancer in my balls so I got to meet MJ .

im a famous singer ... WANNA FUCK ?

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Originally posted by lollie60

why do some guys feel the need to lie about what they do, how much $$$ they have, and how fab their life is ??

I think a lot of girls would rather be with broke ass nobodies then a lying nobody . Perfect example - BABBO

I meet guys like these in clubs all the time .

Just look where your meeting "all" of these guys.

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Originally posted by gabo

and what does that say about the woman if he tells the truth and it doesnt work. poor guys need lovin too

i know po' boys need love too. but it is weak just to lie to get into someone pants. but we (girls) are the dumb ones for falling for the BS! it's a vicious cycle.

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tranzwhore

i know po' boys need love too. but it is weak just to lie to get into someone pants. but we (girls) are the dumb ones for falling for the BS! it's a vicious cycle.

I never lied to get in a girls pants. just not my style... I am poor and proud.

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Originally posted by nomembername

Inspired by Chris Rock, "Bigger and Blacker"...

"about lying, who lies the most? men or women? men lie the most, women tell the biggest lies. men lie all the time, we damn lie so much its nearly a language. dats right, to call a man out for lying is like playing basketball with a retarded kid and calling him out for double dribble. you gotta let some shit slide. men lie all the time...you know what a man's lie is? a man's lie is like "i was at tony's house", "im at greg's house"....thats a man's lie. a woman's lie is like .... "its your baby". women are the biggest liars. all women are liars, the visual lot....you got heels, you aint that tall....you got on makeup, your face dont look like that...you got a weave, your hair aint dat long...you got a wonderbra, your titties aint that big. everything about you is a lie, and you expect me to tell the truth? fuck you."

:laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That was some funny shit :rofl:

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