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tried 2c-b for the first time...


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Me & my roommate got bored ... decided to try this.. heard it was something like a candyflip (mdma + lsd). Well i took it around 9:30... started feeling a slitght "buzz" around 10:20-10:40, then around 11 it started to hit hard. The first "effects" were that of shrooms, stomach was a bit upset, but nothing major, hearing became more sensitive, etc. The visuals were very intense, as good if not better then shrooms; my pupils got dilated just as if i had taken X, but i didn't feel the usual effects of it. Overall a great time... enjoy.

..the dosage was somewhere around 30mg .. although im not 100% sure... price = $20.

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2-CB, one of the most potent hallucinogenics i've taken. SO much so, that we don't even refer to it as 2-CB, we simply call it BEAUTIFUL

My first beautiful trip was fourth of july some 3 years ago.

Took it at like 6pm, and it dosen't kick in for two hours. I was drinking up a storm, and i started to get a alittle nauseous on the on set of the drug, very numbing body buzz. I even puked. The funny part was, my friend goes, OH NO i hope you didn't puke it out.

And i looked at the ground where i just puked, and my puke was bubbling like a witches cauldron. ANd i said, "oh trust me, its already in me, brotha"

I would lean back on my car and stare at the other cars in this parking lot, and they would all just BEND AWAY FROM ME.

When it gets darker, its like everything around you has this natural shimmer around it, ya know a shimmer

Once the fireworks started, (remember it was the 4th) WOW, i'm so ashamed to admit this, but the visual stimuli from the drug, and the spectacular fireworks display, coupled with patriotic songs, was enough to bring tears to my eyes. MORE or less probably cause of the amazing visuals.

You'll hear peeps refer to 2-CB as nexus too!

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