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250 dead in Haj/saudi arabia


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Originally posted by tribal

your moral 'equivalency' theory rests on a big, brown pile of shit. if you cant see the difference between what Hamas does and what the IDF does, you are too fucking stupid and fatuous to be discussing world affairs in the first place.


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Originally posted by tribal

I agree - well, I have NO sympathy for suicide bombers at all - what they do, they knowingly do, be it revenge or whatever, you don't kill innocent kids and children.

However, why should your sympathy be diminshed for the innocent palestinian who is just walking around doing his job, or a kid just playing on the street, when BOOM, an Israeli bomb explodes and wipes them off the face of the earth.

yes. i see your logic.

lets say i belong to an organization called Kill Zionist Jewish Men, Women and Children, known by its arabic acronym - Hamas.

i have friends and colleagues, who belong in the same group and who plan suicide attacks with me, against any and all Israelis, because Hamas views every Israeli as a settler, not just the people who live in W Bank and Gaza

i walk up to you and murder all of your family, friends, and dozen of other people by blowing my self up. Now, does your government sit by idly, waiting for another massacre like this to happen? NO. if your government and military is doing its job, it will go to the place where I lived, and dismantle the terror group to which i belong. Do you follow the simple concept? Let me say this S L O W L Y.


now you, living on another plane of logic, decide that when the IDF goes into PA Areas to take out groups like Hamas, and prevent more murder, are just as equal as the terrorists who caused this in the first place. Furthermore, you suggest that the IDF should not have gone in those areas at all, because gee-whiz, innocent people get killed when a fire fight erupts between Arab terrorists and Israeli troops. guess what dipshit. Israel cant sit and watch its people get murdered without trying to stop these Islamic fascist cunts. No government would EVER sit by and do nothing. Certainly not the US government, and you saw its reaction to 9/11 with Afghanistan.

your moral 'equivalency' theory rests on a big, brown pile of shit. if you cant see the difference between what Hamas does and what the IDF does, you are too fucking stupid and fatuous to be discussing world affairs in the first place.

your blind hatred is only equaled by your idiocy.

Dismantle the terror group? yes, I would expect that but let me now say this to YOU slowly.


jeez, some of you people are so blind that its fuckin incredible you're considered thinking individuals (hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you're not). If the IDF goes in there and blows up the whole fuckin block trying to get one terrorist, guess what - you're just strengthening their cause.

Make life better for the regular Palestinian, give them something to live for, and you cut off the stuff that feeds terror groups such as Hamas. Barak had the right idea, but guess what - an Israeli decided to kill him! Give them their own state without making it a concentration camp (ie, fence), and then if there are still terror attacks, then I'll be the first to say, fuckin go to war! You're talking about your govt protecting you...from whom? Domestics or internationals? Oh right, I forgot - the Palestinians are neither.

If I'm a Palestinian, and I see my parents or younger siblings getting blown up by a careless IDF bullet or missile, do you think I'm going to sit around and fuckin praise the IDF? Think about that if you're able to in that blind hate of yours. You're almost as bad as that g420 turd, and believe me dude, thats not a compliment!

Yeah, I saw the US reaction to 9/11 and I also see that, other than a few unfortunate accidents the US soldiers are not indisciminately bombing heavily crowded areas. And guess what Afghanistan is well on its way to being free again. The Afghanis don't have inhuman curfews for months on time, where even children breaking the curfew are gunned down by soldiers (and this is no mistaken bombing, but deliberate machine gun fire).

Look at the US soldiers in Iraq...how many innocent children are being gunned down by them? As a percentage of the total operations its nothing compared to what goes on in the OT.

You think my logic is based on a pile of shit? Thats because you can't see further than whats right in front of you, and its people like you without vision who cause this shit. It seems you think every Palestinian man, woman and child is responsible for every suicide bombing in Israel. Now thats the biggest crock of ignorant shit in existence. Like I said, you're almost as bad as g420.

Lean to think about things and see further than your own hand, rather than reacting to everything, and maybe you'll actually do something valuable in life.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

The should build another wall around the WEST BANK.

Gaza hasn't had a bombing in three years.

Why don't you just drop nerve gas on them all - it'll be a quicker death than what you're proposing.

Its funny how recent Hitler's time of concentration camps was, and how quickly people forget..

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Why don't you just drop nerve gas on them all - it'll be a quicker death than what you're proposing.

Its funny how recent Hitler's time of concentration camps was, and how quickly people forget..


It's sad it has to revert to this but looking at the history of the conflict and that one side (Palestinians) donot recognize the other's right to exist , the only other alternative is building a wall around the West bank, period!

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Originally posted by mr mahs


It's sad it has to revert to this but looking at the history of the conflict and that one side (Palestinians) donot recognize the other's right to exist , the only other alternative is building a wall around the West bank, period!

Sorry to bust your bubble there, but what history has shown is that the Jewish people eimgrated to the area, displaced the resident Arabs, and tried to claim the whole area their own (that is, a Jewish state). And that is the ideology still followed by some of the most influential people in the Israeli governement, and thus the attempt to rid the area of Palestinian, one way or other.

Seriously read up on the history of this area - you'll be amazed.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Sorry to bust your bubble there, but what history has shown is that the Jewish people eimgrated to the area, displaced the resident Arabs, and tried to claim the whole area their own (that is, a Jewish state). And that is the ideology still followed by some of the most influential people in the Israeli governement, and thus the attempt to rid the area of Palestinian, one way or other.

Seriously read up on the history of this area - you'll be amazed.

ever hear of right of return.

and they didn't "displace" anyone. they lived side by side in the beginning until the Palst. decided that they wanted it all for themselves.

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Originally posted by djxeno

yes, but we realize that suicide bombings are wrong, but you support Israel's terrorist attacks, theres a big difference there grasshopper-

oh yes...terrorist attacks. IDF looking for terrorists who hide out in civilian homes is "terrorism". :rolleyes:

you watch too much BBC and CNN.

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Originally posted by mysterynyc

oh yes...terrorist attacks. IDF looking for terrorists who hide out in civilian homes is "terrorism". :rolleyes:

you watch too much BBC and CNN.

so what do you call dropping a one ton bomb on a civilain neighborhood then?

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[maude lebowski]

"Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey"

[/maude lebowski]

'looking' makes it sound like the civilians are okay, how the fuck do you 'look' at a house with a missile fired from a helicopter.

here is a letter, written last september and signed by 25 members of the israeli airforce, helicopter pilots mainly I think.

they sent this letter to the commander of the air force.

these guys have flown missions for israel, they know what they're on about.

"We, Air Force pilots who were raised on the values of Zionism, sacrifice, and contributing to the state of Israel, have always served on the front lines, willing to carry out any mission, whether small or large, to defend and strengthen the state of Israel.

"We, veteran and active pilots alike, who served and still serve the state of Israel for long weeks every year, are opposed to carrying out attack orders that are illegal and immoral of the type the state of Israel has been conducting in the territories.

"We, who were raised to love the state of Israel and contribute to the Zionist enterprise, refuse to take part in Air Force attacks on civilian population centers. We, for whom the Israel Defense Forces and the Air Force are an inalienable part of ourselves, refuse to continue to harm innocent civilians.

"These actions are illegal and immoral, and are a direct result of the ongoing occupation which is corrupting all of Israeli society. Perpetuation of the occupation is fatally harming the security of the state of Israel and its moral strength.

"We who serve as active pilots - fighters, leaders, and instructors of the next generation of pilots -- hereby declare that we shall continue to serve in the Israel Defense Forces and the Air Force for every mission in defense of the state of Israel."

Signed: Brigadier General Yiftah Spector, Colonel Yigal Shohat, Colonel Ran, Lieutenant Colonel Yoel Piterberg, Lieutenant Colonel David Yisraeli, Lieutenant Colonel Adam Netzer, Lieutenant Colonel Avner Ra'anan, Lieutenant Colonel Gideon Shaham, Major Haggai Tamir, Major Amir Massad, Major Gideon Dror, Major David Marcus, Major Professor Motti Peri, Major Yotam, Major Zeev Reshef, Major Reuven, Captain Assaf, Captain Tomer, Captain Ron, Captain Yonatan, Captain Allon, Captain Amnon

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Originally posted by marksimons

written by israeli pilots.

people who have far more experience of the real situation than any of us.

how the fuck can you ignore that master bateman?

yeah, the fact that more and more of these guys are coming out and speaking out against whats going on there really shows something.

But don't look for any real speculation from the blind fools on here - they'll probably pass it off as "palestinian brainwashing" or some other hair-brained scheme.

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Originally posted by djxeno

so what do you call dropping a one ton bomb on a civilain neighborhood then?

Circular Error Probability.

I guess IDF should just disband and not shoot at the palestinians right...

becuase everyone knows that if Israel does nothing in retaliation for a certain amount of time, everything will simply go back to a wonderful peaceful state, because the Palestinians will gladly put down their guns and end the violence, right?

how about no.... becasue if things did happen like that, the last fifty years wouldn't have been packed with blood. EVERY time Israel has attacked, it has been IN RESPONSE to violence or the severe THREAT of violence initiated against them. EVERY TIME.

They dont fight back unless there's a good damn reason and a target to hit.

Not their fault that the fuckwads who are responsible decide they want to hide out next to a school. They know ISrael will bomb it anyway, so in hiding out in civilian areas, they are WILLINGLY sacrificing palestinian civilians for their own purposes and propoganda. What do you think of that?

AS for Israel's "aggression", let's see your country get invaded several times by its neighbors, get terrorized constantly by armed and suicidal insurgents, and see if you still have patience at the end of the day to go "it's okay, hitting back only makes them mad at us."

fuck off.

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Originally posted by cintron

and see if you still have patience at the end of the day to go "it's okay, hitting back only makes them mad at us."

fuck off.

unfortunately, that's the mentality many liberals in this country hold.

it's like that whole "bully in the schoolyard" syndrome. if you hit him back, he'll only get more pissed.

so what are you gonna do, sit there and take it? go tell the prinicipal on him (in this case the principal is the UN)?

guess what...ultimately, the principal CAN'T DO SHIT. you gotta take care of your own business like a man.

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Originally posted by cintron

Circular Error Probability.

Thats retarded...error? Dropping a one ton bomb in a crowded fuckin apartment building!!! You guys are incredibly closeminded.

There was no reason for the IDF to drop the bomb while he was in the building...they could have waited for a better opportunity. But, ah, whats the use - you people think everyone of those Palestinians are terrorists anyway.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Thats retarded...error? Dropping a one ton bomb in a crowded fuckin apartment building!!! You guys are incredibly closeminded.

There was no reason for the IDF to drop the bomb while he was in the building...they could have waited for a better opportunity. But, ah, whats the use - you people think everyone of those Palestinians are terrorists anyway.

what's more retarded. Going after the jackasses responsible for crime, or BEING the jackasses who WILLFULY choose to hang out in the middle of crowded neighborhoods, so that when the bombs hit, they know that squeamish people like you will completely buy the whole "israelis killing innocents" theory, hook line and sinker.

If they gave a fuck about civilians, they wouldn't involve them in the first place, but they chose to do so by hiding among them.

You're so quick to blame israel, but if you were in their shoes what would you do? Sue for peace? Propose a ceasefire?


You take out a target when you can, becuase GUESS WHAT.

THIS IS WAR. This is NOT network television or a cutesy little brunch at the country club. When a target comes up you TAKE IT OUT. You don't postpone till next week becuase THERE MAY NOT BE ANOTHER CHANCE.

Even worse, who's to say that the guy you just decided to spare will return the kindness? Chances are he'll just think "what a foolish cowardly bunch of idiots" and go ahead with whatever plans he has.

If someone was going to shoot me but hesitated, GUESS WHAT.

I'd pop em right inbetween the eyes.

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Originally posted by cintron

what's more retarded. Going after the jackasses responsible for crime, or BEING the jackasses who WILLFULY choose to hang out in the middle of crowded neighborhoods, so that when the bombs hit, they know that squeamish people like you will completely buy the whole "israelis killing innocents" theory, hook line and sinker.

If they gave a fuck about civilians, they wouldn't involve them in the first place, but they chose to do so by hiding among them.

You're so quick to blame israel, but if you were in their shoes what would you do? Sue for peace? Propose a ceasefire?


You take out a target when you can, becuase GUESS WHAT.

THIS IS WAR. This is NOT network television or a cutesy little brunch at the country club. When a target comes up you TAKE IT OUT. You don't postpone till next week becuase THERE MAY NOT BE ANOTHER CHANCE.

Even worse, who's to say that the guy you just decided to spare will return the kindness? Chances are he'll just think "what a foolish cowardly bunch of idiots" and go ahead with whatever plans he has.

If someone was going to shoot me but hesitated, GUESS WHAT.

I'd pop em right inbetween the eyes.

let me ask you - who are they at "war" with? what country?

The US is in the same shoes...but you don't see them purposefully firing missiles into crowded apartment buildings. So, say president bush is visiting NYC, and someone wants to take him out. The only way they could do it is by dropping a nuke on NYC. So, according to your logic that would be completely justified, right?


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