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i remember when...


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mcdonalds food came in styrofoam boxes...

when gatorade came in glass bottles...

gatorade had gum...

collectors cards came with that shitty gum that tasted good...

after every saturday morning cartoon / show nbc had a celebrity do "one to grow on..."

what do you remember when???

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i remember when...

banks gave you a gift for opening an account

we all thought mikey from the cereal commercial had died from eating poprocks and soda simultaneously

sunday newspaper cartoons were actually good

saturday mornings were strictly for cartoons and kung fu movies

hearing a stereo walkman for the first time

eight tracks to cassettes to cds - i've heard it all

tv actually went to snow in the morning hours

cable was actually a wired box you had to drag to the couch or chair to control

before the internet there were bulletin boards

...i remember when clubplanet was clubnyc....

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Originally posted by jimk29

I remember buying singles, on tape, and even Vinyl!!

I still buy Vinyl:D but for other purposes.

I remember ...

When crappy voice overs on cartoons didnt matter, like Voltron and Thundercats

When GI Joe was the shit and "now you know and knowing is half the battle GI JOOOOOOE!!!"

When they used to sell candy n gum that looked like cigarrettes

When Michael Jackson was still black

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Originally posted by iamsamurai

When they used to sell candy n gum that looked like cigarrettes

When Michael Jackson was still black

Re: Candy Cigarettes -- Those things were the best, we used to buy them and think we were so cool! Especially the bubble gum ones bc they made a puff of 'smoke' :laugh:

Re: Michael Jackson :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I remember...

when slapwrists were the shit.

when my parents left me lunch money every morning before I went to school.

when everyone in middle school rocked a college Starter jacket.

when Contra came out and the code for infinite lives. (also Punch Out)

when I use to watch Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles before school.

When T.G.I.F. was actually good. (Full House etc.)

When the lower and higher basketball hoops came out and I use to have dunk contests in my neighborhood.

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I remember...

when Contra came out and the code for infinite lives. (also Punch Out)

up up down down left right left right a b start

i remember when they still had kidnapped kids on milk cartons

i remember when users never win and winners never use

i remember DARE-ing to stay off drugs

i remember when Eddie Murphy was funny

i remember when Marvel Cards came out and i traded some kid like 5 checklists for a Magneto hologram..stuuuuuuuuuuupid!!

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i remember:

thinking guys in members only jackets were so cool.

when walking around with two beepers meant you were two times more important than everyone else.

when wearing a baseball cap at the dinner table was taboo.

parachute pants

thinking my cock was only good for peeing.

making out with Dawn Lomber in the first grade in the hallway.

thinking guys who had camaros and trans ams got all the chix, and how a mullet was cool.

having more candy than anyone else in grammar and junior high meant you were the shit.

and finally, i remember having a crush on justine bateman.

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I remember...

when everyone in middle school rocked a college Starter jacket.

lol i was just taking about those

however I had a charlotte hornets jacket

I remember..

when you got nintendo with the running pad and the cartridge also had duck hunt

and super mario

I remember when you had a pager and gave your friends code #'s

I remember owning every single pair of jordans buying them the day they came out

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i remember DARE-ing to stay off drugs

lol....I remember when every week our D.A.R.E police officer came to talk to us, he brought us presents (i.e. pencils, pens, erasers, hats w/the logo)!!!!!

I remember sticker books and collecting stickers

I remember play-doh

I remember the board game Operation! and Chutes & Ladders

I remember chanting Miss Mary Mack during lunch or playing Red Light Green

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I remember wearing two or more pair of socks to match my outfit

I remember doing the running man..

I remember wanting to wear my pants backwards and my parents say no:laugh:

I remember wearing overalls with one stap down

I remember when "must see tv"was the cosby show

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..i remember watching Ducktales on Channel 5

...i remember when I had a solid white Motorola express beeper

...i remember spending $50 a month on comic books

... i remember when Wu Tang Clan was actually good

..I remember goin to The Underground in Bayside

..I remember going to Papagalos when I was 13

...I remember dwelling the streets of Astoria wearing an oversized Polo shirt lugging mad 40's, looking for people to rob

....I remember when I actually used to play sports

....I remember when nobody had cell phones...it was much better back then

...I remember when I had no worries :(

ps..ghhost --- its UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A Start

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I remember...

when slapwrists were the shit.

omg YES! They were awesome in all different colors/patterns......then, they got banned in my school bc everyone was 'slapping' them during class :laugh:

I miss being young and in living in the 80's :cry:

I remember WIG WAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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this whole thread makes me wanna cry

I remember...

side ponytails with scrunchies

playing double dutch in the park

block parties

sneakers with 4 laces

wearing colored jeans

shrimp style earrings

watching video music box after school

Lisa Frank school accessories..

scheduled fights after school..

when you could get enough candy to last a week for a dollar from the bodega...

manhunt, tag (and all its versions), etc..

there were no reality shows..

italian ice..in the little yellow and green cups from mr softie

wow...i can go on for days...:(

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Re: Candy Cigarettes -- Those things were the best, we used to buy them and think we were so cool! Especially the bubble gum ones bc they made a puff of 'smoke' :laugh:

Re: Michael Jackson :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yah everyone thought they were cool, the gum cigs where better cuz of the smoke effect, im sure they took em off the shelves cuz of the whole advertising to minors shit.

Lol Contra YES up up down down left right left right ba start, they got a shirt and hat like that.

Slapwrist, damn I remember those shits.

God I haven't played Manhunt since I was an early teen, geeeeeeez, kids nowadays dont even know what that shit is.

Man this thread ownz.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Re: Candy Cigarettes -- Those things were the best, we used to buy them and think we were so cool! Especially the bubble gum ones bc they made a puff of 'smoke' :laugh:

Re: Michael Jackson :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yah everyone thought they were cool, the gum cigs where better cuz of the smoke effect, im sure they took em off the shelves cuz of the whole advertising to minors shit.

Lol Contra YES up up down down left right left right ba start, they got a shirt and hat like that.

Slapwrist, damn I remember those shits.

God I haven't played Manhunt since I was an early teen, geeeeeeez, kids nowadays dont even know what that shit is.

Man this thread ownz.

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:laugh: I remember schedule fights too

i.e. putting vasaline on your face before the fight

calling my family to come up to my school to beat someone up

I remember schools wanting to ban blue blow pops

after school specials on channel 7 telling you not to do drugs or get pregnant<didnt listen to that one>:laugh:

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