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i just walked around the mall today... and i must say im gettin so tired of this trend lately... the nasty colors... the cheesey 70s patterns and the kelly osbourne look.. some girl walked in bang bang with a hot pink fur sweater on ... a metal studded belt, her hair JUST like kelly osbournes with a ring in her lip with spikes on it... and im like... wtf.. they should sell this shit in bang bang cuz now i cant shop there anymore cuz i dont like any of this shit

just venting. sorry. :mad:

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Originally posted by linabina

i just walked around the mall today... and i must say im gettin so tired of this trend lately... the nasty colors... the cheesey 70s patterns and the kelly osbourne look.. some girl walked in bang bang with a hot pink fur sweater on ... a metal studded belt, her hair JUST like kelly osbournes with a ring in her lip with spikes on it... and im like... wtf.. they should sell this shit in bang bang cuz now i cant shop there anymore cuz i dont like any of this shit

just venting. sorry. :mad:


if you looked around, like 20% of the stores in frehold mall are closed, WTF :mad:

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Originally posted by linabina

i just walked around the mall today... and i must say im gettin so tired of this trend lately... the nasty colors... the cheesey 70s patterns and the kelly osbourne look.. some girl walked in bang bang with a hot pink fur sweater on ... a metal studded belt, her hair JUST like kelly osbournes with a ring in her lip with spikes on it... and im like... wtf.. they should sell this shit in bang bang cuz now i cant shop there anymore cuz i dont like any of this shit

just venting. sorry. :mad:

I understand where you're coming from but you have to remember that being fashionable isnt about confining yourself to just one style. Versatility is key. This girl you describe which enfuriates you so sounds like an emo kid. If that's the case than they are in a league of their own. But then again I would have to have a looksy for myself. If she is not emo than she just might be the living breathing #1 fan of kellyosbourne.com.

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the only thing that bothers me about this style is that it's become so trendy. that look was once very cheap to put together and was considered "unique" back in the day. i used to dress like that when i was in high school and i was labeled a freak. there's def no originality today...everything is prepackaged. things i used to have to MAKE are ready to wear @ wet seal. it's disgusting. there's really no such thing as being different anymore.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

the only thing that bothers me about this style is that it's become so trendy. that look was once very cheap to put together and was considered "unique" back in the day. i used to dress like that when i was in high school and i was labeled a freak. there's def no originality today...everything is prepackaged. things i used to have to MAKE are ready to wear @ wet seal. it's disgusting. there's really no such thing as being different anymore.

I do agree with your statement, but you have to realise that it's just going through its phase. As much as it pisses you off, there was a point in time when this style was catching on like a venereal disease. It may be hot now, but who knows when it will become passe. It's funny how styles go through these cycles. And each time it makes its rounds it is always reintroduced with slight modifications or not any at all. Nowadays being original is just merely buying what the next person doesnt have. Pretty much every style has had it's share of the spotlight. Now all that is left to do is keep it fresh.

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Originally posted by linabina

wtf.. they should sell this shit in bang bang cuz now i cant shop there anymore cuz i dont like any of this shit

just venting. sorry. :mad:

did u mean to say "shouldnt sell this shit in bang bang"...because if u did..then i must ask...

why the hell r u shopping @ bang bang?

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Originally posted by spinsaikel

I understand where you're coming from but you have to remember that being fashionable isnt about confining yourself to just one style. Versatility is key. This girl you describe which enfuriates you so sounds like an emo kid. If that's the case than they are in a league of their own. But then again I would have to have a looksy for myself. If she is not emo than she just might be the living breathing #1 fan of kellyosbourne.com.

kind of what i was gonna say and took it out because i don't want to sound like the bad guy:tongue: i mean what it would be like if we all looked the same? blah boring. people are different and have different styles..

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