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Attn. Saleen


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Guest saleen351

me? I did nothing wrong...

Oh btw, I have a t shirt with carlas pics all over it, i"m going to wear it out.. Does that piss you off?

It has her head in a toliet...

Hope you like it....

ps don't give me any bs, you wouldn't be pissed, you would be and would react in the same fashion. I don't know bling, and he crosssed the line.. Him and his friends can't stop what he set into motion...

you people are quick to blame me, but if it happened to you, you would be pissed to. I don't have time to deal with a 26 year old stick figure making t shirts and cumming since he got rolands autograph... I would never ever ever do that to you or anyone.. i'm an adult who respects people...

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Originally posted by saleen351

me? I did nothing wrong...

Oh btw, I have a t shirt with carlas pics all over it, i"m going to wear it out.. Does that piss you off?

It has her head in a toliet...

Hope you like it....

ps don't give me any bs, you wouldn't be pissed, you would be and would react in the same fashion. I don't know bling, and he crosssed the line.. Him and his friends can't stop what he set into motion...

you people are quick to blame me, but if it happened to you, you would be pissed to. I don't have time to deal with a 26 year old stick figure making t shirts and cumming since he got rolands autograph... I would never ever ever do that to you or anyone.. i'm an adult who respects people...


that what ur flamed about, the shirt with ur face in the toilet??


I have nothing to do with that concept, but I guess I can take credit for it since I took the picture about 6 months ago of the toilet at space for fun!!! :)


Like I said I know where I stand in this. I know what the lines are...

now about u and bling... I think you are the one that started fucking with Him.

and about you respecting people?????

Have you seen your last 10,000 post????? guesss not.

my cp photo shop picture are all in humor, and if you want to take it to an extreme, I'm all game.

You wana play with me, it's me and you. me and bling are not a "we"!! you deal with him one and one aswell.


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saleen, i don't know you personally, but i can tell you are either incredibly stupid or you just enjoy fucking w people. in any case, you offend and disrespect a lot of people on this board. so please spare everyone the bullshit about you being an adult and respecting people. you cross the lines all the time, so now that someone has offended you, learn to deal with it!!

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I completely agree w everyone so far.. :blank:

Please, Saleen.. how can u say U are an adult who respects people ?!?!?! :laugh:

the only truth in that statement is that u have the age of an adult... and thats about it..

I am sooo glad it finally got back to you, and that u have shown everyone your true colors.. what u really are made of...

All your disrespecting, depotism, bashing and alike has finally turned on you! LOL

I cant believe someone had the balls to carry this outside the boards and actually give u a dose of what u have been giving ppl for as long as i have read ur posts....

Chill out dude.. AND Take it like a Man. :rolleyes:


Mp3.- :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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i am gonna be man enuff to say that it was unintentional if it made u angry . u know i met u and i thought we were down. but as posted on this thread u attacked me so many times on this board sayin i was a flash in the pan. i only came on this board to meet people with similar interests as i have . once again sorry man for any bs.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

OMFG!!!! your off your meds arent you???

PS fuck with bling and Im going to have a contest to see how many pinecones I can stick up your ass before they come out your throat.

would you please stfu, what i do has zero to do with you, and if i do kick the piss out of him, then hey you know what, come get some mr camo pants...

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Originally posted by saleen351

would you please stfu, what i do has zero to do with you, and if i do kick the piss out of him, then hey you know what, come get some mr camo pants...

lol... you stick your nose in everyone elses shit then get upset when someone sticks it in yours??

aint karma a bitch?

STFU??? lol... freudian slip? why do I think of your head in a toilet everytime I hear that now?

ps... whats with the camo pants shit?? I honestly dont know what the fuck your talking about.

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