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sometimes i think about my ex....


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:( even though i have a girlfriend and i love her... i still think about my ex.... not all the time just stupid things like when a certain song comes on... we end our relationship about 2 years ago ... but it ended the wrong way and their is that window that is still opened.... :mad: i hate days like those.....
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Originally posted by kenishere

:( even though i have a girlfriend and i love her... i still think about my ex.... not all the time just stupid things like when a certain song comes on... we end our relationship about 2 years ago ... but it ended the wrong way and their is that window that is still opened.... :mad: i hate days like those.....

What’s that saying I heard... hm

Think it was

"Old relationships are like broken mirrors. Its easier to buy a new one then put the old one back together"

its funny cuase its true!


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Originally posted by kenishere

:( even though i have a girlfriend and i love her... i still think about my ex.... not all the time just stupid things like when a certain song comes on... we end our relationship about 2 years ago ... but it ended the wrong way and their is that window that is still opened.... :mad: i hate days like those.....

sounds familiar:doh:
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i think everyone has someone from their past they still think about... nothing wrong with that since many people come into our lives and leave an impression that may last a long time... as long as your thoughts about your ex-gf don't affect your current relationship, i don't think you should stress out about it.

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Originally posted by thrillfire

i don't... i have no use for my past relationships...

move on to better things or in this case better sagnifican other.

You don't think about ANY of them.... at ALL....??? C'mon! I cry "bullshit"! :rolleyes:

Seriously.... never a conversation?.... a city you traveled to with?.... maybe a particularly BADASS party you went to together? Nothing??? C'MON!!!!!

I mean... I'm not moping about the "good ol days" or anything. You CERTAINLY move on. But, I have awesome memories from girlz I dated. Christ... it's the reason I dated them... 'cause I knew some 'good times' were in store. :D And more often than not, we made sure that came true, as much as possible!

Throw away memories and you throw away life... imo.

And if you aren't creating worthwhile memories for yourself... what the hell are you doing on this planet?? :screwy:

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by thrillfire

i don't... i have no use for my past relationships...

move on to better things or in this case better sagnifican other.

in addition to what dgtlfnk said above (smart words btw :aright: )... there must be someone who came in & out of your life that left an impression... they don't necessarily have to be a sig. other... a friend, teacher, family member...

and by the way, i think you can get a lot out of past relationships... learn from mistakes, cherish memories, understand yourself better...

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I think it's ok,:eek: once in awhile to think about your ex. :eek:I do the same thing. There are aways going to be little things that make you think about your ex.:rolleyes: And if the person that your with doesn't understand why, then they have some promblem, cause it doesn't matter if the break up was your fault or the other :blank:, there is always going to be a part of you that will always remember them, :cool: even if it's through a song, wrong, place, etc. It's ok

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I think you learn from each and every relationship, and thats what makes u into the person you are today...

So therefor its perfectly fine to have thoughts about an x. There is memories and songs and whatnot that will remind you of an x, but like someone said before, as long as it doesnt interfere with your new relationship then there is no problem...

the last thing we want to hear is u did this and that with your x, and just keep it to yourself...

I had a 5yr relationship and then a 3yr... those girls were a big part of my life and for a long time and there is alot of memories that I have and share with them... but the whole thing is is making new & better memories

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nope, i don't think about my exes... surely when someone asks about them i reply and etc.. but otherwise, no, i think a lot about the memories i've created wit my current bf of 5 years... And i think if something horrible was to happen, god forbid than yes i would think about him a lot too, but as of right now, I don't.

I think there is nothing wrong witih thinking about your exes and etc its just something that i don't do. Maybe my exs didn't leave that good of impression on me to think about them. I dunno...


maybe i'm just wierd that way... :D

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