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Jeter is a bad captain


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Originally posted by Codica3

Don't make any assumptions. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

A-Rod's never been on a team like Jeter has his whole career. Just being on the Yankees gives Jeter the advantage of having a way better shot of getting to post-season. Don't compare Jeter's post-season numbers to A-Rod's invisible ones because unless you're God and you're some kind of all-knowing being, you don't know shit (no one does) about what kind of numbers A-Rod would have or could have put up if he were in the position that Jeter has been so lucky to be in all his career. Yeah, Jeter has been outstanding in post-season play but no, you don't know whether A-Rod wouldn't have been, had he been there instead.

And last time I checked, A-Rod has won the Gold Glove several times consecutively over Jeter.

yeah those seattle teams were horrible weren't they :rolleyes:

and i'm not making any assumptions - bottom line is the play jeter made at home (which show defensive genius in positioning and knowing what's going on on the field) has never been done by anyone - ever. defense isn't just about how high you can jump and how hard you can throw. i didn't say anything about anyone's numbers in the post-season - didn't even mention offense. But making it out like Jeter's a bad shortstop defensively is retarded. Its not like it was in the 80's when Ozzie Smith was much better than the next guy...there are 4 or 5 excellent shortstops defensively in the AL. Putting Arod at short and Jeter at third doesn't make the yankees a lot better.

and gold glove is an over-rated award. once you win it you are much more likely to win it on reputation then get dethroned. this is well know.

AND i didn't say that Arod isn't better - just that its not like Arod is great and Jeter sucks - they are very close to being the same defensively. Putting Arod at third = less wear and tear on him = he can stay healthy. Much worse for the yankee's offense if he goes down then if Jeter goes down.

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Originally posted by barvybe

AND i didn't say that Arod isn't better - just that its not like Arod is great and Jeter sucks - they are very close to being the same defensively. Putting Arod at third = less wear and tear on him = he can stay healthy. Much worse for the yankee's offense if he goes down then if Jeter goes down.

Well then if you put it like that.. :D;)

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of course i could be completely wrong lol

jeter does have some alarmingly bad statistics defensively over the last couple of years.

he's also played hurt for the majority of those years and he had very good defensive stats earlier in his career when he was healthy...

fuck it move him to 2nd, bring in Chavez for third and put Arod at SS ;)

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Originally posted by barvybe

of course i could be completely wrong lol

jeter does have some alarmingly bad statistics defensively over the last couple of years.

he's also played hurt for the majority of those years and he had very good defensive stats earlier in his career when he was healthy...

fuck it move him to 2nd, bring in Chavez for third and put Arod at SS ;)

Shut up. Jeter is the Yankees shortstop and its going to stay that way. Period, end of story.

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then again maybe jeter couldn't handle third and that is the reason arod is going there. Then i take what i said. Third is not like right field or something, from what i have read you have to be pretty quick to play third and maybe jeterwould be better off staying put.

I still hate posada. He is one of those players you hate on other teams but love on yours. I HATE HIM

Can't wait for the season should be fun figting with you guys.

keep it down scrub

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Originally posted by jtk4

keep it down scrub

Thats my line :laugh: Even funnier is Texas wants to put Soriano in center field. Watch him flounder with the Rangers, that'd be funny as hell. Soriano is a legit awesome player, he just needs the right batting coach and manager there to guide him. Buck Showalter should do an admirable job with him but I'm not sure about moving him into center being a good idea.

Game on. 9teen8teen.

Boston sucks!


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He has the speed for center, but he has gotten better at second, so why move him.

he needs a batting coach bad, his numbers were similiar to arods

arod was like .298 47 140ish rbis 15 steals (i think)

soriano was something like .302 39 110ish 41 steals

the difference soriano makes 20 million less, and arod played in a launching pad park.

soriano's numbers should go up next year if he lays off the down and away change up.

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Originally posted by jtk4

As a captain he should do what is best for the team and move to third base. Arod is a GG shortstop, jeter is good at best.

Oh I hate the yankees

Lineup is sick pitching is not as good, but still better then 90% of teams. Now if they could just get vidro for 2nd or kent in a trade so baseball should just cancel the season.

Oh yeah i hate the yankees

only six months to football season

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

A bad Captain, Yea and my moms Mary Poppins!!!! LoL where do you people come up with this stuff, seriously, have u been locked in a cage for the last several years where Jeter has collected the most post season hits been to numerous all star games and comes up in the clutch almost 100% of the time...So yea your right, he is a bad captain :laugh: And so was Don Mattingly right

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You are either stupid, or can't read.

What I said was he was a bad captain for not moving to third. Then i said that it was probably because he could not handle third, and i take it back. Post season hits and coming through in the clutch does not make you a good captain. I think posada (I HATE POSADA) is a better leader then Jeter, he also comes through in the clutch.

Also the manager didn't even name him captain, it was the owner who did. That should tell you something.

And the best you could come up with was "and my mom was mary poppins" How long did it take you to think that up?

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sucks for Boston the deal with A-Rod didn't work out.. but obviously A-Rod wanted to go to NY anyway (who doesn't?).. I must say its going to be funny watching the Yankee's try to compete next season with their current line up of pitchers haha. With the current payroll its going to be interesting to see if NY will even be able to score any halfway decent pitchers...

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Originally posted by jtk4

Soriano has more road homers (45 to 44), many more runs scored (133 to 108) and a much higher batting average (.311 to .279) than A-Rod over the last two seasons.

he also batted in a great lineup with protection....In addition to those great numbers you listed Sori also struck out well over a hundred times and walked like twice. He ended more innings then I can remember.

as a yankee fan who had bleacher creature seats for years I can say that i'm glad he's gone. I think the pressure in NY got to him and he didn't change his approach at the plate. The team and educated fans would have been happier with 25 homers and an 80 point improvement in his OBP.

i think moving him to center is a great idea. personally, if boone hadn't hurt himself I had hoped the Yankees would have done that, DH'd Bernie, and gotten a new 2nd baseman. Sori was OK at 2nd but only just.

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yeah i agree i just thought that those numbers were interesting.Just remember that arods numbers probably will go down this year. Probably "only" 40 homers and 120 rbi "laugh:

Texas's park is the "coors field of the american league"

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Originally posted by jtk4


You are either stupid, or can't read.

What I said was he was a bad captain for not moving to third. Then i said that it was probably because he could not handle third, and i take it back. Post season hits and coming through in the clutch does not make you a good captain. I think posada (I HATE POSADA) is a better leader then Jeter, he also comes through in the clutch.

Also the manager didn't even name him captain, it was the owner who did. That should tell you something.

And the best you could come up with was "and my mom was mary poppins" How long did it take you to think that up?

about 3 seconds cause thats how much i care about the opinons you blab about...If your a captain of a team and playing a position why the hell would u move, obviuosly you got the name of captain for a reason because your team leader in the postition...A-Rod wouldnt have come to NY if he didnt want too and if he wasnt excited about playing, for the yankees let alone 3rd base...and coming through in the clutch def. dos make you a good captain, iits when your team needs you the most and u lead them through it, how is poada a better leader....jeter is the voice face and figure of the yankees and theres no one out there i would want more for a captain than Jeter, he is a true teamplayer. im through arguing if u still think jeter should move to third then thats ridiculous.

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Originally posted by househead24

If your a captain of a team and playing a position why the hell would u move, obviuosly you got the name of captain for a reason because your team leader in the postition...

A-Rod was the captain of his [former] team, and he moved, not just teams but positions, for the betterment of his [former] and current team as well as his career. So don't act like it doesn't happen.

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A-rod being named captain of the Rangers 2 weeks ago was a sham , done by that idiot Tom HIcks just to try to pacify the storm when the trade with boston busted

Arod didnt give 2 shits about the title of captain and wanted soooo badly to get out of Texas, hes willing to change positions.WHich is a stand up thing to do regardless.

And yes DJ has the right to stay at SS , things will be peachy for the first year , but as soon as torre is gone you will see Arod startin to flex his clout and try to get back to SS

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Who ever says that Jeter should step aside is a moron... Who ever said the team should move him over is a moron.

Jeter has if you would say SENIORITY. Has been with the team for some time now. Has won championships with them. You don't make a trade and kick someone who has been the heart of your team for many years now to the side. Just because.

Yes A-ROD is a better shortstop. But it is a slap in the face to move Jeter over. It is not a good business move. When we all know A-ROD would make a great 3rd baseman as well. No reason to mess with the chemistry in the team.

You don't smack an 18.9 million a year player in the face for a new comer. A-ROD or not. It is not smart business... The man produces. He is always off the bench to cheer on his team. He still puts up good numbers... He has heart. He has talent. There is no reason to move him over. Nor for him to step aside...

And that is all NY would need. That is all the media would need. Then all shit hits the fan. Rumors start. And the connection/chemisty of the "TEAM" falls apart... That is not how you win a championship. Not by turning your back on a key man on your team for someone new...

I could see if he was getting old. His number were dropping and he was slackin... But that is not happening.

The man dislocated his shoulder last year and still had a great season. And last season almost made you wonder if he did not get hurt how good he could have been last season.





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wait till jeter makes a couple errors, or if arod struggles at third, or if jeter is out for a couple days.

There is already shit in the new york papers.

The team would be better with jeter at second and arod at short stop. I do not care how much he is making, ripkin did no problem. He did what was best for his team, no drama no nothing.

We will wait and see, but if shit does happen make sure you guys post and not hide. And if nothing happens all year i will be the first to say i was wrong.

Oh and the red sox will not and can not sign those players. There is just not enough money to do that. The owners paid 700 mill for the team so they can not throw around money like georgie, who owns the team outright.

Good for yanks

bad for red sox

It will suck to see pedro pitching for the yanks though :laugh:

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Originally posted by trigger55

sucks for Boston the deal with A-Rod didn't work out.. but obviously A-Rod wanted to go to NY anyway (who doesn't?).. I must say its going to be funny watching the Yankee's try to compete next season with their current line up of pitchers haha. With the current payroll its going to be interesting to see if NY will even be able to score any halfway decent pitchers...

Mussina Brown Vasquez, a number 1 or 2 starter on any team. Lieber, if he returns to form, Yankees have 4 bonafide starters. Contreras has a lot of potential, has yet to pitch consistently though. What the Yankees really need this season is a young kid to step up out of AAA and pitch some quality innings like other teams are coming up with... hopefully DeJesus wasnt just lucky late last season, throwing a no-hitter for 7-innings in his first major league start! Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of "ifs" in the rotation, but dont think for a second that the Yankees wont go out and get someone if one of the starters dont cut it. Lucky for the Yankees, the team has a rediculously out of control $30 million dollar bullpen which could see plenty of work.

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Originally posted by elementx

Who ever says that Jeter should step aside is a moron... Who ever said the team should move him over is a moron.

Jeter has if you would say SENIORITY. Has been with the team for some time now. Has won championships with them. You don't make a trade and kick someone who has been the heart of your team for many years now to the side. Just because.

Yes A-ROD is a better shortstop. But it is a slap in the face to move Jeter over. It is not a good business move. When we all know A-ROD would make a great 3rd baseman as well. No reason to mess with the chemistry in the team.

You don't smack an 18.9 million a year player in the face for a new comer. A-ROD or not. It is not smart business... The man produces. He is always off the bench to cheer on his team. He still puts up good numbers... He has heart. He has talent. There is no reason to move him over. Nor for him to step aside...

And that is all NY would need. That is all the media would need. Then all shit hits the fan. Rumors start. And the connection/chemisty of the "TEAM" falls apart... That is not how you win a championship. Not by turning your back on a key man on your team for someone new...

I could see if he was getting old. His number were dropping and he was slackin... But that is not happening.

The man dislocated his shoulder last year and still had a great season. And last season almost made you wonder if he did not get hurt how good he could have been last season.





Main point in this rant: A-Rod is still a better short-stop. :tongue:

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