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If the Presidential Election was today, who would you vote for?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. If the Presidential Election was today, who would you vote for?

    • George W. Bush
    • John Kerry
    • I don't vote
    • Who cares, my vote won't count anyway

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

very intelligent...thats like deciding between two boxers b/c one has the "coolest" trunks...:laugh:


And the same goes for you...

You will vote for Bush if Edwards doesn't get the nomination. It goes both ways man.

You think George W Bush has done a great job with this country the past 3 years? I sure don't. If you do like what he has done, then I see why you would vote for him. But you said you wouldn't vote for him if Edwards got the nomination. See why I'm confused? ;)

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

And the same goes for you...

You will vote for Bush if Edwards doesn't get the nomination. It goes both ways man.

You think George W Bush has done a great job with this country the past 3 years? I sure don't. If you do like what he has done, then I see why you would vote for him. But you said you wouldn't vote for him if Edwards got the nomination. See why I'm confused? ;)

dude...ur comment is "i will vote for anybody but Bush"...i like Edwards...i agree with on many things...i WILL NOT vote for Kerry b/c he has done more flip flopping than a fish out of water...has Bush done a great job? no...has he done as good a job with what was happened (9/11...shitty economy that was NOT A SURPRISE)yes...i rather have him there again over a "unproven" Kerry...who ALSO listens to "special interest" groups...i dont agree with the Patriot Act..and much it will prob. be shot down..economy has grown in every quarter and Greenspan is happy with the progress...is it a Clinton like economy of before? hell no...but EVERYONE knew it was going to crash even before Clinton left office...if u wanna pick a person just to get Bush out of office..thats fine...but to me, what ur telling me is..u dont care about issues..u rather have a Communist up there than Bush...if thats the case..more power to u...but at least state why u favor Kerry over Bush, other than its not Bush...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

dude...ur comment is "i will vote for anybody but Bush"...i like Edwards...i agree with on many things...i WILL NOT vote for Kerry b/c he has done more flip flopping than a fish out of water...has Bush done a great job? no...has he done as good a job with what was happened (9/11...shitty economy that was NOT A SURPRISE)yes...i rather have him there again over a "unproven" Kerry...who ALSO listens to "special interest" groups...i dont agree with the Patriot Act..and much it will prob. be shot down..economy has grown in every quarter and Greenspan is happy with the progress...is it a Clinton like economy of before? hell no...but EVERYONE knew it was going to crash even before Clinton left office...if u wanna pick a person just to get Bush out of office..thats fine...but to me, what ur telling me is..u dont care about issues..u rather have a Communist up there than Bush...if thats the case..more power to u...but at least state why u favor Kerry over Bush, other than its not Bush...

The previous message was paid for by the Re-Elect George W Bush campaign.....:tongue:

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Once they realized they couldn't produce any real concrete evidence that WMD's existed, then the war was to liberate the Iraqi's, bring down Saddam Hussien, peace in the middle east.

while i agree that both the democrats and the republicans are attempting to revise recent history in order to further their respective political goals, the truth of the wmd matter is that the iraqi regime had failed to "unconditionally accept the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless, under international supervision" of its wmd stocks and programs, according to u.n. security council resolution 687 of 1991. that was the justification for the use of military force, even if the u.n. ultimately decided not to back up its own words with action.

it's fair to question the motives of both past and present presidents in respect to iraq, but it was the u.n. that started the world down the path to war over a decade ago when it threatened saddam with force if he did not cooperate with the inspectors.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i will say this...and IMO this should be a HUGE issue....CIA and AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE (i know..i know..oxymoron)...George Tenet needs to go (another thing that i am PISSED ABOUT BUSH) and we need to start diverting some funds fromt he Military into our CIA...ASAP...


We agree on something. :eek:

Nah can't be.....:tongue:

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Hello,,,tax cuts! IT'S OUR MONEY! Not yours and not the governments! IT'S OURS! Get it? Are you really that generous? lol

Bin Laden is now Bush's fault? That does not even dignify a response. Clinton himself was recorded on video and audio openly admitting he passed up Bin Laden on multiple occasions because he felt it would have been "illegal". Those are the facts. But like you said, lets not get into the "blame thing". It's your funeral.

The IRS info is what it is,,,IT'S FACT! The rich and middle class 96% of the taxes. Poor people don't get tax breaks because they don't pay taxes to begin with. PERIOD!

You want to repeal the MY TAX CUT! FU! Thats my money. If you want to see the real hypocrisy in your argument, IMAGINE taxes being "optional". Then and only then will we all be able to see how generous you are w/ YOUR MONEY! Liberals are always SOOOO generous w/ other peoples money. Sooner or laters liberals always end up running out of other peoples money.

Universal Health Care....LOL Again, a great liberal idea to spend other peoples money. Given the FACT that NOT ONE gov't program works better and more efficiently than it does in the private sector, liberals still cling to the idea of socialized medicine? Given the systems in Canada, U.K. etc. to be known for being too expensive, cumbersome, inefficient and lacking quality and prompt service, liberals still claim socialized medicine is the cure-all???? Have you ever gone to a gov't building for say,,,,,a passport, social security card, homestead exemption,etc....???? Gov't programs always take too long, give crappy service and hence being a gov't program, OFFER NO OTHER CHOICE! Socialized medicine has clearly proven to be an expensive waste of tax payer money. Citizens can always find better options in the private sector. Private sector always does it cheaper and offers better service because it must compete to say alive. Gov't programs don't have to compete. Like I said earlier,,,if you want all these warm and fuzzy programs, YOU PAY FOR IT! Don't you dare reach into my pocket!

Why the facts elude liberals is beyond me?



1st of all, wasn't it all about the economy? oh yeah,,that's come around as promised,,,,so now it's what, jobs? ALL experts agree jobs is ALWAYS the lagging indicator of an economic recovery, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that FACT is irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion.

2nd, the same people who you love to take opinions from as undeniable fact (economic analyst, unnamed white house source/s, etc..) ALSO WENT ON RECORD claiming that the real majority of jobs lost in over 3 yrs. has been a direct result of the greatly improved EFFICIENCY of today's American businesses. The mild recession (which according to all economic reports began in 1999) is one of the culprits along w/ 9/11, corporate scandals & the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. IOW-> companies are doing more w/ less. The jobs lost to overseas outsourcing are not the jobs that keep America great and running. From telemarketing jobs to sweatshops. The American economy has always been a fluid one. The American resolve and determination to "re-invent itself" is precisely what's made and continues to prove our economy as being the best in the history of this world. For the record, this exact point was specifically cited by Mr... Alan Greenspan just last week. We all know you probably take his word as gospel, but then again, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that FACT is irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion.

3rd, the 2.2 million jobs which the press keep ramming down out throats does not include any (NOT ONE) jobs gained in 3 + years. Looking at this issue through a soda straw and focusing on maybe the Carolinas or Michigan does not give a fair account of the net jobs gained. Granted, I don't expect you to implement the same amount of effort into researching that fact. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume these FACTS are irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion.


TAH-TAH for now. I've gotta get back to my Nazi news & massive right-wing conspiracy.

ps: Obby's guess: You'll find one or 2 points which you feel you can make a better argument w/ regardless of the issue/s which lie @ the core to twist this "argument". Typical,,,,worry about winning the argument rather that honestly evaluating the core of the problem to hopefully find a better solution or idea to resolving the problem. How constructive and tolerant?

pss: quote: Today's democratic leaders live to govern over the people while today's republican leaders live to eliminate as much government from the people.

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Originally posted by obby

Hello,,,tax cuts! IT'S OUR MONEY! Not yours and not the governments! IT'S OURS! Get it? Are you really that generous? lol

Bin Laden is now Bush's fault? That does not even dignify a response. Clinton himself was recorded on video and audio openly admitting he passed up Bin Laden on multiple occasions because he felt it would have been "illegal". Those are the facts. But like you said, lets not get into the "blame thing". It's your funeral.

The IRS info is what it is,,,IT'S FACT! The rich and middle class 96% of the taxes. Poor people don't get tax breaks because they don't pay taxes to begin with. PERIOD!

You want to repeal the MY TAX CUT! FU! Thats my money. If you want to see the real hypocrisy in your argument, IMAGINE taxes being "optional". Then and only then will we all be able to see how generous you are w/ YOUR MONEY! Liberals are always SOOOO generous w/ other peoples money. Sooner or laters liberals always end up running out of other peoples money.

Universal Health Care....LOL Again, a great liberal idea to spend other peoples money. Given the FACT that NOT ONE gov't program works better and more efficiently than it does in the private sector, liberals still cling to the idea of socialized medicine? Given the systems in Canada, U.K. etc. to be known for being too expensive, cumbersome, inefficient and lacking quality and prompt service, liberals still claim socialized medicine is the cure-all???? Have you ever gone to a gov't building for say,,,,,a passport, social security card, homestead exemption,etc....???? Gov't programs always take too long, give crappy service and hence being a gov't program, OFFER NO OTHER CHOICE! Socialized medicine has clearly proven to be an expensive waste of tax payer money. Citizens can always find better options in the private sector. Private sector always does it cheaper and offers better service because it must compete to say alive. Gov't programs don't have to compete. Like I said earlier,,,if you want all these warm and fuzzy programs, YOU PAY FOR IT! Don't you dare reach into my pocket!

Why the facts elude liberals is beyond me?



1st of all, wasn't it all about the economy? oh yeah,,that's come around as promised,,,,so now it's what, jobs? ALL experts agree jobs is ALWAYS the lagging indicator of an economic recovery, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that FACT is irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion.

2nd, the same people who you love to take opinions from as undeniable fact (economic analyst, unnamed white house source/s, etc..) ALSO WENT ON RECORD claiming that the real majority of jobs lost in over 3 yrs. has been a direct result of the greatly improved EFFICIENCY of today's American businesses. The mild recession (which according to all economic reports began in 1999) is one of the culprits along w/ 9/11, corporate scandals & the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. IOW-> companies are doing more w/ less. The jobs lost to overseas outsourcing are not the jobs that keep America great and running. From telemarketing jobs to sweatshops. The American economy has always been a fluid one. The American resolve and determination to "re-invent itself" is precisely what's made and continues to prove our economy as being the best in the history of this world. For the record, this exact point was specifically cited by Mr... Alan Greenspan just last week. We all know you probably take his word as gospel, but then again, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that FACT is irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion.

3rd, the 2.2 million jobs which the press keep ramming down out throats does not include any (NOT ONE) jobs gained in 3 + years. Looking at this issue through a soda straw and focusing on maybe the Carolinas or Michigan does not give a fair account of the net jobs gained. Granted, I don't expect you to implement the same amount of effort into researching that fact. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume these FACTS are irrelevant to you because it throws a monkey wrench in your un-yielding opinion.


TAH-TAH for now. I've gotta get back to my Nazi news & massive right-wing conspiracy.

ps: Obby's guess: You'll find one or 2 points which you feel you can make a better argument w/ regardless of the issue/s which lie @ the core to twist this "argument". Typical,,,,worry about winning the argument rather that honestly evaluating the core of the problem to hopefully find a better solution or idea to resolving the problem. How constructive and tolerant?

pss: quote: Today's democratic leaders live to govern over the people while today's republican leaders live to eliminate as much government from the people.

Next time, don't hold back. Say what you really feel. :tongue:

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Take the time examine the records of candidate you support. Toss the political mumbo jumbo and curt rhetoric aside. Make an informed decision, and For Heaven's Sake vote on Election Day...

Since I'm far too lazy to continue pounding away at my points. Some food for thought from another website.

The Bush Accomplishments:

•Changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most polluted state in the Union.

•Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.

•Became President after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes

•Attacked and took over two countries.

•Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.

•First President in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

•First President in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

•Set the record for most campaign fundraising trips of any other President in US history.

•In the first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their jobs.

•Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any President in US history.

•Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than any President since the advent of television.

•Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any President in US history.

•Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

•Dissolved more international treaties than any President in US history.

•Members of the cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history.

•First President in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation.

•Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any President in US history.

•First President in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission.

•First President in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board.

•Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

•Withdrew from the World Court of Law.

•Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.

•First President in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).

•All-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.

•First President in US history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

•Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the Biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

•First US President in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my Presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

•First US President in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea.

•Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.

•Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building. After 18 months I have no leads and zero suspects.

•Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other President in US history.

•In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.

•Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.

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Originally posted by sobeton

•In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.

•Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.


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Originally posted by sobeton

Attacked and took over two countries.

in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the bush administration demanded that afghanistan turn over bin laden. the taliban response went something like this:

osama is not here.

okay, osama is here, but we don't know where he is.

we will send someone to find him.

actually, osama is a member of the taliban, and we will not surrender him to you.

osama is busy waging jihad. would you like to leave a message?

the taliban regime had multiple opportunites to make peace with the united states, but chose not to.

of course, al gore would still be waiting for economic sanctions to work.

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Originally posted by saintjohn

in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the bush administration demanded that afghanistan turn over bin laden. the taliban response went something like this:

osama is not here.

okay, osama is here, but we don't know where he is.

we will send someone to find him.

actually, osama is a member of the taliban, and we will not surrender him to you.

osama is busy waging jihad. would you like to leave a message?

the taliban regime had multiple opportunites to make peace with the united states, but chose not to.

of course, al gore would still be waiting for economic sanctions to work.

where do we suspect Bin laden is now??

why is that country not allowing the US to put any troops on the ground?

why is Bin Laden so upset with the US??

what administration briefed Condoleeza Rice on the looming threat from Al Qaeda?

yes, I'm quite sure Al Gore would still be waiting for economic sanctions to work.


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