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If the Presidential Election was today, who would you vote for?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. If the Presidential Election was today, who would you vote for?

    • George W. Bush
    • John Kerry
    • I don't vote
    • Who cares, my vote won't count anyway

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from the onion:

Absentee Ballot - A conscience-cleansing form that has no effect whatsoever; the voting equivalent of recycling plastic

Apathy - The reason most American politicians are able to achieve and maintain office

Ballot - An object recording a voter's decision; frequently counted toward an election's outcome

Campaign - A sophisticated, market-researched advertising initiative in which a particular candidate is sold to the American public like a brand of air freshener, or a fruit-flavored snack-food

Concession Statement - An act of willpower in which the loser lies about the election being well-fought and disingenuously congratulates the victor

Convention - A big party meeting held at a depressing Radisson somewhere near the interstate

Corruption - The most effective and efficient way to produce results in government

Debate - A contest to see which candidate can answer the fewest questions

Delegate - A representative, to a national or state political convention, who dramatically walks out, weeps during the highpoints of marginally impassioned speeches, and whose fashion choices can provide ample comedy for decades to come

Democracy - A political system characterized by protected individual rights and liberties for certain lucky countries in the Middle East

Election Worker - A male or female at least 70 years of age

Electoral College - 1. A system by which a guy who didn't actually win sometimes gets to be the president anyway 2. An institution that calls itself a college but really isn't, like the Southern Nevada Business School

Front-Runner - The candidate with the most news coverage

Gerrymandering - Some political-type word learned in grade school

Grassroots - Localized, person-to-person political support that goes absolutely nowhere in terms of actually getting anybody elected (see misplaced idealism)

Green Party - A ragtag group of can-do ruffians trying to compete in a world that just doesn't seem to care

Incumbent - The winner in an upcoming election, unless he fingers someone or runs over a pedestrian

Independent - A third-party candidate; offers a second point of view

Mudslinging - See campaigning

Neo-Conservatives - 1. Wispy evil geniuses with big eyebrows bent on taking over the world 2. Leggy, blond media personalities who aide wispy evil geniuses with big eyebrows

Participatory Democracy - 1. A system of governance by the people, for the people 2. archaic: Our own system of governance

Platform - 1. A list of the subjects that candidates are willing to discuss 2. A raised structure, almost entirely covered by flags, upon which candidates are placed

Politics, Conservative - A school of thought that values limited government authority over the welfare of actual flesh-and-blood people

Politics, Liberal - A school of thought that values the welfare of idealized, hypothetical people over actual flesh-and-blood people

Pollster - A telemarketer with an Ivy League degree

Primary - A special election preview attended only by democracy nerds

Referendum - A legal process by which voters are allowed to make important political decisions; not a great idea, in general

Special Interest Groups - Groups of like-minded individuals who explain to members of Congress what's important each term

Spin - The art of turning a groping allegation into a testament of character

Suffrage - C-SPAN programming

Underdog - A candidate unlikely to win; often leads a double-life as a mild-mannered shoeshine boy

Voter Turnout - The percentage of the population that votes in an election; dependant on if it rained and whether According To Jim was a rerun or not

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Originally posted by trancetastic17

This is one of the main proponents for the redistribution of you/my wealth. please reseach and find out what that means please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

redistribution of wealth.LOL what republicans see as an attack on the successful, as I heard so many times.what's the Republican version of redistribution of wealth?? Bush's Tax Cut??:laugh: while I'm in the typing mood. to address some BS in your previous post. George Bush, Sr. had one opportunity to capture Bin Laden. when he sent US troops to Somalia in 92, where we knew Bin Laden was based on CIA information. if we are going to start passing blame,let's get the facts straight. ;) the IRS info is old news; in fact the figures are somewhat dated. bottom line the Bush tax cut fiasco is political goodwill for a selected class. the Bush tax cuts need to be repealed. :blown: the biggest arguments against socialized health care, is the belief it is more expensive. with the end result being higher taxes, this has never been proven. the purpose of socialized medicine is to allow equal coverage for all americans. Sweden, Canada, Israel, UK, etc have some form socialized medicine. :blank: hey, but what do they know??.:rolleyes:

A relatively unknown Democratic Nominee is able over take a sitting president in every recent poll. :eek: President Bush has issues, I would say..:laugh: :laugh:

once again " Delusions of superiority, Lies, Deceptions, and Mistakes "

Bush Must Go!

I'm done.. ;)

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Originally posted by sobeton

redistribution of wealth.LOL what republicans see as an attack on the successful, as I heard so many times.what's the Republican version of redistribution of wealth?? Bush's Tax Cut??:laugh:

Come on!!! how many times can you keep raising the taxes on the successfull like it is some unending well?

just tell me this, why is it fair?

You work your ass off to do well so you can have more of your money taken from you and get less from the government.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Come on!!! how many times can you keep raising the taxes on the successfull like it is some unending well?

just tell me this, why is it fair?

You work your ass off to do well so you can have more of your money taken from you and get less from the government.

what would you propose ??
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To me, it is as easy as this:

Democrats=raising taxes/government control

Republicans=lowering taxes

I don't now about you, but personally, I work very hard day in an day out, and I really want to keep as much money from my paycheck as I can. No need to be giving it away.

And as for socializing medicine, guess what? Where do you think the money is going to come from to provide "quality health care:laugh: " to everyone? Not from the pockets of the democratic president, but from yours and mine. Do you really know what health care is like in socialized countries? I don't think you have any idea. I am in the health care field and have family members in other countries and it sucks. (and I don't mean Cuba)It does not need to be proven, it is just common sense that it is more expensive and will result in higher taxes. I know the current health care system is not perfect, but I prefer to keep it the way it is than to socialize it.

Do you really think taxing the rich for more money is fair? I think not. Many of them became rich b/c they worked their ass off for it. (Not all are lucky to marry the Heinz heir and become rich). I do not think it is fair that they have to pay more. rem, many people choose to be poor and not have much because they are lazy, not b/c they were not given the opportunity. I believe everyone in this country has a chance to make something of themselves and become successful. This is why this is such a great country, it is a land of opportunity. If you work your ass off, you will be rewarded. So why tax the ones that work their ass off more money because others chose to be lazy?

I want a chance to make something of myself, and that means keeping the most of my money that I can. Like a doctor I know said, "I am not rich enough to be a Democrat."

I am not a writer, but just try to keep my points simple. This is my 2 cents. You can also take it with a grain of salt if you'd like.

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Originally posted by trancemonkey

To me, it is as easy as this:

Democrats=raising taxes/government control

Republicans=lowering taxes

I don't now about you, but personally, I work very hard day in an day out, and I really want to keep as much money from my paycheck as I can. No need to be giving it away.

And as for socializing medicine, guess what? Where do you think the money is going to come from to provide "quality health care:laugh: " to everyone? Not from the pockets of the democratic president, but from yours and mine. Do you really know what health care is like in socialized countries? I don't think you have any idea. I am in the health care field and have family members in other countries and it sucks. (and I don't mean Cuba)It does not need to be proven, it is just common sense that it is more expensive and will result in higher taxes. I know the current health care system is not perfect, but I prefer to keep it the way it is than to socialize it.

Do you really think taxing the rich for more money is fair? I think not. Many of them became rich b/c they worked their ass off for it. (Not all are lucky to marry the Heinz heir and become rich). I do not think it is fair that they have to pay more. rem, many people choose to be poor and not have much because they are lazy, not b/c they were not given the opportunity. I believe everyone in this country has a chance to make something of themselves and become successful. This is why this is such a great country, it is a land of opportunity. If you work your ass off, you will be rewarded. So why tax the ones that work their ass off more money because others chose to be lazy?

I want a chance to make something of myself, and that means keeping the most of my money that I can. Like a doctor I know said, "I am not rich enough to be a Democrat."

I am not a writer, but just try to keep my points simple. This is my 2 cents. You can also take it with a grain of salt if you'd like.

fascinating and pathetic in the same instance.. it's the same old political rhetoric. On November 2nd, 2004 people will have an opportunity to let their voices be heard. this President and his political agenda must go, and it is really as simple as that. :)

Unite Against George W. Bush and vote him out of office on November 2nd, 2004! :)

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interesting poll results: the don't vote or don't care responses make up 17% of the total right now. those potential votes would put either candidate in a commanding lead. unfortunately, i don't expect either bush or kerry (or any of the less likely democrat candidates) will be able to win over a significant portion of the non-voting public by november. judging from this rather unscientific poll, it's going to be a very close race.

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Originally posted by sobeton

Unite Against George W. Bush and vote him out of office on November 2nd, 2004!

from reading the posts in this thread, it seems like a lot of people are either voting against bush or voting against higher taxes (not really for a particular candidate).

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Originally posted by saintjohn

from reading the posts in this thread, it seems like a lot of people are either voting against bush or voting against higher taxes (not really for a particular candidate).

it seems to me that non Bush supporters are realizing, that this president will not be removed from office. unless there is a united front to support the democratic nominee. people may not be crazy about Kerry however; he seems to be the best alternative at the moment.

it remains to be seen how both Bush and Kerry’s records, will stand up under the heavy scrutiny of a general election. I think this will be a very close race.


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Originally posted by sobeton

what would you propose ??

well I have not put much thought into it, but a national sales tax and/ or a flat national income tax rate would be much more fair.

It would still mean, the more you made, the higher your taxes, but atleast it would have an element of fairness, and you wouldnt have a tax system that is the most complex in the world, and riddled with loop holes.

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The reason that the democrates are in trouble is that so few people are voting for anything, they are simply voting against bush. There is no way that level of dislike can travel too far outside of the folks who would have voted democrate no matter what. And its always the independants who decide elections.

another reason, the democrates are yelling loudly about all the issues they think bush did the wrong thing on, but are quiet as a mouse about what the right thing to do is.

and when the debates and the pushing and shoving time comes "You opposed the war? well how much longer than 12 years were you willing to let him ignore UN mandates? and then what would you have done? So the next tyranical dictator knows.... how long can they brutally repress their people, and how many millions do they have to kill before we are willing to do something?" the answers to those questions are going to cost a few votes.

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Originally posted by shroomy

The reason that the democrates are in trouble is that so few people are voting for anything, they are simply voting against bush. There is no way that level of dislike can travel too far outside of the folks who would have voted democrate no matter what. And its always the independants who decide elections.

another reason, the democrates are yelling loudly about all the issues they think bush did the wrong thing on, but are quiet as a mouse about what the right thing to do is.

and when the debates and the pushing and shoving time comes "You opposed the war? well how much longer than 12 years were you willing to let him ignore UN mandates? and then what would you have done? So the next tyranical dictator knows.... how long can they brutally repress their people, and how many millions do they have to kill before we are willing to do something?" the answers to those questions are going to cost a few votes.

LOL who’s in trouble?? it would appear from recent polls that republicans are. the Iraq fiasco is a war about Oil, Ego’s, Lies, and Deception nothing less and nothing more. you know it and so does the idiot in the white house. put whatever spin you want on it. reality just plain sucks sometimes. just remember this... there are countries all over the world, which have brutal dictators and oppressed peoples. where is your outrage about that? have you read about what is going on in Haiti as a recent example?? Please don't insult my intelligence. By trying to feed me some political mumbo jumbo. about our concern for freedom, democracy,tyranical dictators and oppressed people. We only care when it serves our best interest. The United States does not dictate world policy. Freedom and Democracy that comes on the tail end of violence is tainted at best.

This administration is a joke domestically and internationally. Compounded even further with absurdity, outright ignorance and stupidity which seems to not only perpetuate from the white house. ;)

By the way your tax plan would seem reasonable. have you even considered the one Edwards put forth??

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Originally posted by shroomy

and when the debates and the pushing and shoving time comes "You opposed the war? well how much longer than 12 years were you willing to let him ignore UN mandates? and then what would you have done? So the next tyranical dictator knows.... how long can they brutally repress their people, and how many millions do they have to kill before we are willing to do something?" the answers to those questions are going to cost a few votes.

I agree with what you said here Shroomy. Very well said. :aright: I'm sure there won't be anymore crazy dictator's out there...

However, the thing that has many Americans upset is the reason why we went to war; we were decieved. It seems every day they changed their minds; it was for WMD's, then for the liberation of the Iraqi's, bring down Saddam Hussien, etc. It was like "What is the best reason today?" They used the unfortunate results of 9/11 to push forward the idea that Iraq, mostly Saddam, had something to do with Osama Bin Laden and 9/11. They were supporting him in some way, they had WMD's (which was the big push for the war from the start) and have yet to have been found. Once they realized they couldn't produce any real concrete evidence that WMD's existed, then the war was to liberate the Iraqi's, bring down Saddam Hussien, peace in the middle east.

Maybe Bush's intentions were good. Who knows. Just by going with what I know, I trully do not believe it. But hey, it's just one man's opinion. I'm neither Deomocrat nor Republican; Independant. I see views on both parties which I agree with, hence I don't choose to be strongly for one or the other. Going with my belief, it's time to change. Bush has to go.

We have a country that is split so down the middle when it comes down to politics. It's nearly 50/50. Like you said, the Independants decide who wins and who loses. I believe they are fed up with the lies and will vote Kerry (or whoever is the democratic nominee) come November.

For those who don't vote.....VOTE DAMN IT! :mad:

It will make a difference. Hopefully not the same thing that happen in 2000 (which the election was stolen here in Flo-ri-DUH :tongue: ) Sorry I just had to get that in there ;)

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

I agree with what you said here Shroomy. Very well said. :aright: I'm sure there won't be anymore crazy dictator's out there...

However, the thing that has many Americans upset is the reason why we went to war; we were decieved.

well, personally I see two issues. One, the WMD isssue was not one that I even gave a shit about. Saddam and his whole family was evil incarnate. Just to give an example his son who was expected to succed him didnt like it when his father got remarried. So, what does he do, he walks into a state dinner function with a baseball bat and beats to death his fathers food taster because he is the one who introduced him to his new wife. He has sent girls back to their familys piece by piece for refusing his advances. etc... imagine how they viewed and treated the rest of the iraqi people.

and second. no rational person could have come to a different decision. Sadam went through 12 years of sanctions at enormous cost to the average iraqi to keep weapons inspectors out. That fact alone is pretty convincing (but now we realize he was just crazy)

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Originally posted by joeygk

Jesse - I can't believe you'd vote for Bush. His stance on tort reform alone should personally offend you (as a future attorney that is). I'm just very scared of what will happen if GW stays in office, once he no longer has to worry about re-election he's going to push his radical right wing fundamentalist christian agenda on our country (more so than he already has). He's such an ass backwards hillbilly --- how about his 1.5 billion dollar proposal to promote "marriage" to young people in low income communities --- is he kidding us w/ this crap! I mean seriously, WTF!

It doesn't matter who runs on the democratic ticket, i'm voting just to take GW out ----- even if that means voting for Al Sharpton! :D :D :D

most cubanamericans are republicans. :idea:

why?.. I really don't get it. :blown:

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