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I tried some this past weekend, tried 10mg or so. This shit is F'in great! It takes about 1 1/2 to hit you but once it does it's like rolling and taking acid all rolled into one. I was halucinating like crazy but not too much, had those friendly feelings like I just wanted to talk like crazy..... I loved it!:D

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Originally posted by diesel77

here is a legit website if anyone wants to try some...


I'd luv to try it out being a huge fan of "candy-flipping" but am weary of ordering stuff over the internet and totally against having questionable substances mailed.

Is this compound scheduled?

What are the consequences of purchasing it for personal use?

Anyone have more info?


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it is not scheduled, but would be illegal to package for human consumption, and they may be able to try and get you under the drug analogue laws, but it would be a big stretch

Thx for the info shroomy. Agree it would be a big strech but don't need the hassle.

Originally posted by PCR

what I would really worry about is that once you buy that stuff they can get warrant and find other stuff at ur place - such as coke, weed, whatever.

I figured that is the least they could do PCR. I don't have anything to hide and a search would be a nusance more than anything..... but once done, you are on everyones radar screen... even if you didn't do anything wrong..... and that is a totally unacceptable no-no.

Bummer, i was thinking of experementing, guess not:(

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  • 5 months later...

I thought 2c-i was a pretty fun, visual, non-mindfuck trip. I did it one afternoon by myself while watching TV with my wife and daughter. Everything my daughter did (18 months old at the time) was absolutely hilarious. She doesn't speak complete sentences, but it was like her meaningless babblings had some deeper meaning and I couldn't quite understand her.

The visuals were like a dozen hollywood special effects combined into one. One effect was like there was a photoshop sharpen filter running in my brain and someone was sliding the sharpen intensity slider right and left....pulsing back and forth from fuzzy to ultra-sharp. Then there was a color cycle in my vision whereby things went from having a red tint to a green tint...then red....then green...etc. Colors cycled between sorta muted and very saturated.

We were watching a Law and Order movie and one thing I remember distinctly was that Chris Noth's face would be looking normal and all the sudden he would get very dark and evil looking. His eyes would sink in, he got dark shadowed spaces under his eyes and his skin got pitted and dark. Then it would cycle back and he looked OK.

There were other effects with actors and the setting on TV, but that's the one I remember the clearest.

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