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Attn: All cat lovers...


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Originally posted by iamsamurai

Is it a she? mine is a she and it's because once a month or something they go into heat. Just get the cat fixed, its only a lil over 100. I got mine fixed and it's amazing, now she only meows when she wants attention or food ;op

It's a he

I thought when he would get horney he would jus start humpin stuff :laugh:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd


So most of you know I got a cat like 3 months ago

He's about 6 months now and all he does all day is fucking MEOWWWWWWW

like someone is killing him, my boyfriend said its cause he's horney

anyone know why the fuck he wont shut up!!

yea my girls cat did the same thing, he would smell the neighbors female cat and start yappin all day. we got him fixed, should have done it sooner. but he quieted down after that. the only other time he cries is when she isnt around enough.

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...you're lucky he hasnt started spraying everything with his urine...male cats will start musking up their space when in heat...if you dont take care of this soon D, you're going to have to deal with more than just meowing...and dont be cheap on a vet to take care of this, do it right - he may have to overnight because they'll knock him out for the procedure...because of some of the things i read here, i strongly recommend you go to Borders and pick up a small book on cat care...you shouldve done this right away - there are also issues with male cats and urinary track infections you have to be aware of in the future - among other things....get some knowledge on your kitty...it's a living creature not a toy....

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

My bf is gonna be pissed....he's got some sort of manhood thing going on with the cat....like if I chop the cat's balls off it's like chopping off his

word.....way down the line when i'm ready to have a dog i think i'll get it a vasectomy and a bitch or two. let him fuck all day....

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Originally posted by Mystify22

My cat was fixed and still meows...no scratch that -- FUCKIN YELPS all the time....in the morning when she wants to be fed, when I come home from work, at random times in the night....she seriously is so fuckin loud, but still -- I love her :heart:

some breeds are notoriously louder than others. siamese cats, for instance, are known for being particularly vocal.
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Originally posted by weyes

some breeds are notoriously louder than others. siamese cats, for instance, are known for being particularly vocal.

She's just a plain housecat though and it only started getting really bad the past couple years. She's getting old :(

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Originally posted by iamsamurai

Its like a baby, they can't really talk so thats the only thing they know how to do, that and jumping all over the place ;op

Yeah true. Me and my mom say she probably doesn't even know why she's yelping. It' sso funny bc she'll come in my room, stand in a corner and face the wall and just MEOW so loud. lol it' slike wtf does is she thinking

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...i believe animals have mental disorders like humans...like my cat for example - part of him believes he is a dog...he used to follow us when we would walk down the hill to the restaurant...he would then wait for us to finish and then walk back up the hill with us....and my ex-roomies cat had split personalities - you could notice when she shifted into her "cybil" mode...she would roll on her back and make certain noises...lol...funny shit....

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Originally posted by Mystify22

the best is when my cat sees herself in a mirror...her tail flares up and it's absolutely hysterical that she doesn't realize it's her own refleciton...she crouches down real low and looks like she's gonna attack....lol :laugh:

For all you cat lovers check this funny shit out


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