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The Passion of Christ review...


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Originally posted by vaughanz

Saw the movie.. Catholic, Jew, Muslim, BUddhist... movie was pretty damn good and moving; had the whole place an emotional mess! Whatever JEsus died for, it was impossible to not be moved by someone who would endure that pain FOR ANY CAUSE! (And MArick... it happened, it's written and it's a fact. How it happened and why it happened is a topic that will never die!) I would see the movie again! On a lighter note.. FLIPTONIA... I agree with you... we're gonna have a million extra bible-waving people after they see this movie, just like every kid wanted to do the Crane-Kick after seeing Karate KId and every small Italian white-guy thought they could kick ass after seeing Rocky!

Damn... this is a tough one to tread on! This coming from a Catholic-born fella that through higher education has come to question my beliefs over the years. Not in the sense that I have become "smarter" and have lost faith, but more-so I have studied many-o things and have opened my heart and mind to other beliefs and "possibilities". You know, the whole Darwin thing keeps coming to mind (here we go!)

I have been studying Buddhism for about 2 years and have learned a lot more about my own religion(Catholocism), and others for that matter, in the past 2 years than my 8 years in Catholic school and going to Church with the parents. One of the most important things that I've learned in studying Buddhism is that MOST people need beliefs, and all of the 5 major religions all have amazing things to offer their followers. It is that person's faith that is the same in every religion/belief and by knocking down someone for those beliefs is truly the sign of weakness. It's is easy to have disbelief! Also, xxgrooveericxx, laliux and sunnyhost mentioned that they are the rich because of their beliefs and they couldn't any more correct! One of the teachings I enjoyed most, and inspired me was when I met the Dalai Lama and I asked him about a quote I read, "The sense of contentment is the key factor for attaining happiness." When asked to elaborate, he said that if someone has greed in their life or are always "wanting" more than they have then they are no different than someone who has nothing, and they too are "poor". Someone that has nothing and yearns for more, is no different than a greedy person that has everything. What I'm trying to get at (I think) is that as long as these people have beliefs, they are rich. And as long as we are content, we can be happy; and are rich!

And I really had so much more to babble on about but work-a-calls! Have great Thursday everyone and hopefully this thread stays civil!


great post sir!!:)
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Bottom line is that everyone has his/her own beliefs and that's what this movie is about! Mel Gibson obviously had his own ideas and beliefs and, well... he and a few other wrote a screenplay about it! I hate to say it, but I don't believe ANY of what happened in Schindler's list(just to make a point)... but does that mean IT DID or DIDN'T HAPPEN? I actually tend to believe the authenticity of facts in Schindler's List, just because it's still an open wound in terms of how recent it is. But if you read ANY reviews or synopsis of the movie.. it all says it was "fact-based", not fact! I know guys that get in fights and by the time they're done telling the story for the 40th time, they just took on 3 small countries and came out unscathed!

Guyman, I love ya, and you're obviously an intelligent person, but aren't all or most of history based on stories. What I mean is, isn't it all based on various "first-hand" accounts... they're still accounts? I'm asking, not challenging your views at all. What can we say is FACT about the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. Let's open this discussion from an unbiased, non-denominational point of view. Manson had followers too, right?! So did David Koresh?! Didn't they make movies about their lives too? One of the main reason's why I have explored Buddhism is because of topics like this... Is the Torah based on ALL fact, or is it a composite account assembled from "he said, she said". "I think that everyone's over-reaction to this topic/movie is causing more anti-Semitism than the movie itself"

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Originally posted by vaughanz

the Torah based on ALL fact, or is it a composite account assembled from "he said, she said". "I think that everyone's over-reaction to this topic/movie is causing more anti-Semitism than the movie itself"

Correct me if I am wrong, but what I remember learning about the Torah is that God gave the Jewish people the entire Torah through divine inspiration and that then they took those messages and had them written in the language and context of its time. Now whether or not that means it was passed down orally or not before it was written..I am not sure, but like you said...stories are stories and they change a little bit along the way each time they are retold. No one knows for sure what is the truth...u just have to believe and have faith, IMO.

Originally posted by vaughanz

I think that everyone's over-reaction to this topic/movie is causing more anti-Semitism than the movie itself

I completely agree!

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Originally posted by vaughanz

but aren't all or most of history based on stories. What I mean is, isn't it all based on various "first-hand" accounts... they're still accounts? I'm asking, not challenging your views at all. What can we say is FACT about the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. Let's open this discussion from an unbiased, non-denominational point of view.

I believe that the Bible (all religion) is a loose history of the world and stories that were created to educate and help keep the masses in order. I understand your point about Shindler's list - but its not valid in this thread because we are talking about events that there are no live witnesses to confirm the events in the Bible. Shindler's wife is still alive and also many of the people he saved. Also - there is historical evidence that proves that one of Hitler’s goals was to eliminate the world of Jews (Its documented by the Nazi's themselves). Thus - a movie showing Nazi's as bad guys is close to what happened.

The Christian and catholic accounts of Jesus’ death was written by Jesus’ followers. The great Rabbi's of the time did not write about it - because to them - Jesus was just another dead Rabbi with a very small following. What we do know is that The Roman's ruled the land - Jewish authority was stripped, 250,000 Jewish people were killed on the cross by the Romans and Saleen is Roman.

Also - what I know of Jesus’ teachings is that they have roots in the Talmud. Much of what he taught and believed was based on Judaism.

One more thing - ask a religous Jew and they'll tell you the bible is 100% the word of God. Same for other religous groups - thats where the worlds problems begin. We have way to many people that can't see the grey areas.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

One more thing - ask a religous Jew and they'll tell you the bible is 100% the word of God. Same for other religous groups - thats where the worlds problems begin. We have way to many people that can't see the grey areas.

note to self: ask ophthalmologist about vision, b/c i cannot see the "grey areas" Guyman is speaking about...

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Guest saleen351

it's about faith.. you can write a 42345723457498 page post, but it comes down to one word, "Faith"... When me and my 3 brothers carried my grand mothers casket not too long ago, I was a mess, yet I was comforted and I finally "got it" I was born catholic and was raised catholic with confession, ccd, communion, and conformation along with being baptised, but never in my life did I have faith. Now I do, and I think it was a gift from my Grandmother and it changed my outlook on life. I'm more postive and I deal with bad news a lot better.

Post what ever you like, I belive in the father son, and holy sprite and my faith makes me a better person since I try and follow the teachings of jesus... If you don't fear god, then you are in serious trouble.. a God fearing society is much better than a society that doesn't fear god.. So this movie is a great thing, even just temporary..

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it's about faith.. you can write a 42345723457498 page post, but it comes down to one word, "Faith"... When me and my 3 brothers carried my grand mothers casket not too long ago, I was a mess, yet I was comforted and I finally "got it" I was born catholic and was raised catholic with confession, ccd, communion, and conformation along with being baptised, but never in my life did I have faith. Now I do, and I think it was a gift from my Grandmother and it changed my outlook on life. I'm more postive and I deal with bad news a lot better.

Post what ever you like, I belive in the father son, and holy sprite and my faith makes me a better person since I try and follow the teachings of jesus... If you don't fear god, then you are in serious trouble.. a God fearing society is much better than a society that doesn't fear god.. So this movie is a great thing, even just temporary..

Good for you Saleen, Faith is the Answer!

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Reading some of these posts is like listening to a bunch of drugstore cowboys discuss quantum mechanics. No offense I hope.

Anyway, I saw the movie last night, and must make a few observations.

The film is unrelentingly gruesome in its depictions of Christ's sufferings. It seemed to me a succession of prolonged torture scenes. When watching I kept asking myself why the constant bombardment of brutality was necessary. It's obvious enough that Gibson is looking to induce some visceral reaction in the audience, and the only generous conclusion I could conceive is that he wants the film to be some exhausting catharsis. It also could be true that Gibson has some perverse fetish for cruelty and violence -- not the thing itself, but rather the representation of it. But I can't be the judge of the man's motives.

For those of you who haven't seen the movie here's my rendition:

Jesus is shackled and choked in chains in the Garden of Gethsemane....then it begins.... Punch, punch, shove, punch, slap, spit, curse, curse, shove, shove, scourge, whip, whip, blood squirt, slap, scourge, spit, blood squirt, flayed flesh, scourge....this concert goes on for quite a bit, during which you will see more blood than an emergency room physician.......now on to the ballet of Christ bearing the cross, in which he falls over in a painfully tasteless slow motion about 10-12 times, his head crowned by thorns smashing into the ground...all this while the shoving and whipping and spitting and mocking doesn't cease.....on to Golgotha where he's to be crucified, where words will not describe the grisly process where this man -- at this point battered and bloodied to a literal pulp -- is systematically nailed to the cross. And folks we are not spared a cutaway when the nails a driven in....one hammer blow, two hammer blows, three, four....on to the next side, where his arm is violently jerked, dislocating his shoulder ......almost over? Nope. The cross has to be erected where he hangs...meanwhile his mother Mary and disciple are looking on in the most excruciating grief.

Granted, you get an occasional respite from the orgy of brutality with brief flashbacks to Jesus' life in which you catch glimpses of his teachings. And yes there's screaming mobs of Jews and unsavory Rabbinical figures, but any discerning viewer will realize that all these things are beside the point. They're without context and therefore irrelevant. This film is about one thing and one thing only -- the physical decimation of a man's body....the body Christians believe to be God in human form.

What you make of all this has entirely to do with what you bring to it in the first place.

All the controversy, anti-semitism, theological debate is just blather.

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Originally posted by djcarlosf

im so glad to see so many cpers getting along and playing nice

religion since the begining of time has been a tool for devicevness......it only brings togehter those that believe the same and exiles those that thing differently.....so ever since one guy went aganst the religios establishment...we have had this proble...that guy went and started his own religion, and other people followed....kinda the "story" of god and the devil....the devil said u know what i think i could run shit better then u and more efficiently...and god said u know what fuck off......that happens every day in our world...so was the devil so wrong for doing that ...no....he just had a differing opinion.....finally milleniums later religion has lost a bit of its stranglehold....but not to worry ....politocsand big buisness are here to take up what falls through religions grasp.......as ive said b4....believe in what u have between ur ears......or maybe just belive in the greatest song ever written "imagine by john lennon.....call me a hippy or whatever u want...but there would be alot less of this crap if people were to see things with alot less labels........and lastly.....i give u the option to believe in me...for beliving in me is nothing less than the sharing and partaking of good times.....so follow me and good times will be had by all.....in the name of me...amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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to answer the saleen.....i have absolutly nooooo fear for god....this proves my point that religious establishment has had a stranglehold on humans for a very long time.....y not teach respect for ur fellow man...cuz thats what it boils down to...u say that cuz u were taught to think if u dont fear god...ur up to know good......that is incorrect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u dont respect ur fellow man then were in for trouble......there needs to be a reteaching of what humans have been tought for centuries!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

religion since the begining of time has been a tool for devicevness......it only brings togehter those that believe the same and exiles those that thing differently.....so ever since one guy went aganst the religios establishment...we have had this proble...that guy went and started his own religion, and other people followed....kinda the "story" of god and the devil....the devil said u know what i think i could run shit better then u and more efficiently...and god said u know what fuck off......that happens every day in our world...so was the devil so wrong for doing that ...no....he just had a differing opinion.....finally milleniums later religion has lost a bit of its stranglehold....but not to worry ....politocsand big buisness are here to take up what falls through religions grasp.......as ive said b4....believe in what u have between ur ears......or maybe just belive in the greatest song ever written "imagine by john lennon.....call me a hippy or whatever u want...but there would be alot less of this crap if people were to see things with alot less labels........and lastly.....i give u the option to believe in me...for beliving in me is nothing less than the sharing and partaking of good times.....so follow me and good times will be had by all.....in the name of me...amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

right on! :smoke:


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god money I'll do anything for you

god money just tell me what you want me to

god money nail me up against the wall

god money don't want everything he wants it all

no you can't take it

no you can't take it

no you can't take that away from me

head like a hole

black as your soul

I'd rather die than give you control

bow down before the one you serve

you're going to get what you deserve

god money's not looking for the cure

god money's not concerned about the sick among the pure

god money let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised

god money's not one to choose

no you can't take it

no you can't take it

no you can't take that away from me

head like a hole

black as your soul

I'd rather die than give you control

bow down before the one you serve

you're going to get what you deserve

I got your God right here, bitch! :finger:

How's that for controversial? Let me know...'cause I can really be a dick... :blank:

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