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This is what our country has come to . . .


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It is becoming more like Communist Russia every day . . . thanks Janet . . .

And this does effect us has Howard is broadcast on 105.9 down here . . . :(

Press Release Source: Clear Channel Communications, Inc.

Howard Stern Show Taken Off Clear Channel Stations

Wednesday February 25, 6:44 pm ET

SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 25, 2004--Clear Channel Radio has suspended the broadcast of Viacom's Howard Stern show, consistent with its Responsible Broadcasting Initiative announced earlier today. After assessing the content of yesterday's Howard Stern show, Clear Channel worked with local market managers to take swift and decisive action.

"Clear Channel drew a line in the sand today with regard to protecting our listeners from indecent content and Howard Stern's show blew right through it," said John Hogan, president and CEO of Clear Channel Radio. "It was vulgar, offensive, and insulting, not just to women and African Americans but to anyone with a sense of common decency. We will not air Howard Stern on Clear Channel stations until we are assured that his show will conform to acceptable standards of responsible broadcasting," Hogan said.

Clear Channel Communications, Inc. (NYSE:CCU - News), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is a global leader in the media and entertainment industry with radio and television stations, outdoor advertising displays, and live entertainment venues in 65 countries around the world.

See us on the web at www.clearchannel.com

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From http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4375426/

Howard Stern suspended

Clear Channel pulls his show from all of its stations

Radio personality Howard Stern was suspended from Clear Channel stations.

Updated: 7:43 p.m. ET Feb. 25, 2004NEW YORK - Shock jock Howard Stern’s show was yanked Wednesday from Clear Channel Communications Inc. radio stations after an incident on his show Tuesday, the first casualty of its zero tolerance policy on indecency.

“It was vulgar, offensive and insulting, not just to women and African Americans but to anyone with a sense of common decency,†Clear Channel Radio Chief Executive John Hogan said in a statement.

“We will not air Howard Stern on Clear Channel stations until we are assured that his show will conform to acceptable standards of responsible broadcasting,†he said.

Clear Channel has about 1,200 stations in the United States. The Stern show was carried in six markets, including Fort Lauderdale and Orlando, Florida; Rochester, New York; Louisville, Kentucky; San Diego; and Pittsburgh.

Stern’s show is syndicated by Infinity Broadcasting, a unit of Viacom Inc.

A spokesmen for Infinity was not immediately available for comment and a Viacom spokesman declined comment.

Neither Stern’s agent, nor producers for his New York-based radio program could be immediately reached for comment.

“We have a legal obligation to reject programming that’s inappropriate for the airwaves, irrespective of any contractual relationship,†said a Clear Channel spokesman.

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Originally posted by digitalphoenix

Do you know what he said Sobe? :confused:

I'm curious as to what he might've said! :(

The only thing that I can find right know is this post on http://www.drudgereport.com/

It seems as if it was from a caller and not Howard himself . . .

The nation's top morning-drive radio jock will not air on his CLEAR CHANNEL-owned affiliates Thursday morning. INFINITY's Howard Stern Show has been found in violation of CC's new 'indecency standards'. The action comes after CC executives reviewed comment made on Stern's Tuesday program, including an on-air caller's comments: 'Ever bang a famous nigger chick? What do they smell like? Watermelons?' Just as... CC's President/CEO John Hogan will appear as a witness at tomorrow morning's House Telecommunications Subcommittee hearing on broadcast decency...

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Originally posted by junkiexl

Check here for daily summary: http://www.marksfriggin.com/index2.htm

I checked that and http://www.koam.com and there is nothing . . .

I am sure there will be tons of things in the morning . . .

This really is sad . . . the FCC is on a rampage . . . the only way to stop it is to get Bush out of the white house . . .

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Originally posted by junkiexl

Check here for daily summaries: http://www.marksfriggin.com/index2.htm

But I don't see anything out of the ordinary there.

Update has been posted:

Howard Removed From All Clear Channel Radio Stations! --

Is The End Finally Near? 02/25/04. 8:00pm

Unbelievable. ''This is gettin to be re-goddamn-diculous.'' One fucking breast shot during the Super-Friggin Bowl lit the fuse that has blown up into this fucking mess. Howard has been removed from all Clear Channel radio stations that carried his show.

According to a Reuters report there are six Clear Channel stations that removed the show. They are located in Pittsburgh, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, Rochester, Louisville and San Diego.

Read the story at any of these places:



Let Clear Channel know what you think: Click Here http://www.clearchannel.com/contactus.php

While you're at it, let the FCC know what you think as well: Click Here http://www.fcc.gov/contacts.html

How much longer before Howard's own company (Infinity) caves in and gives up the fight?

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Originally posted by digitalphoenix

Hey XL,

you got a tracklist of the tunes on your latest mix??

I am digging the sounds of the tune coming in at 41:37!!

PM me the listings if you can please. This is Phunk-a-licious!


Thanks man. That's a bad ass track you pointed out :D

Tribal Tech - Kurieh - Mix Master Records

I'll PM ya the full list...

Okay...back to Howard

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From http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=638&u=/nm/20040226/en_nm/media_stern_dc_5&printer=1

Howard Stern Dropped from Clear Channel Stations

1 hour, 6 minutes ago

By Steve Gorman

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Radio station giant Clear Channel Communications Inc. said on Wednesday it was dumping nationally syndicated shock jock Howard Stern from its stations under a new "zero tolerance" policy toward indecency.

In dropping Stern from its six radio outlets that carry his show, Clear Channel cited his interview on Tuesday with Rick Salomon, the man who was filmed having sex with hotel heiress and TV reality star Paris Hilton in a video widely distributed on Internet porn sites.

According to a transcript of the show released by San Antonio, Texas-based Clear Channel, Stern asked Salomon if he engaged in anal sex and referred to the size of his penis. Using a racist term, a caller to the show asked Solomon if he had ever had sex with any famous black women.

The action against Stern came a day after Clear Channel fired Florida radio personality "Bubba the Love Sponge," after federal regulators accused him of airing sexually graphic material on Tampa's WXTB-FM and three other Florida stations.

Stern's New York-based show is syndicated by Infinity Broadcasting, a unit of Viacom Inc., which also owns television networks CBS and MTV. Infinity operates 185 radio stations nationwide.

A spokesman for Infinity was not immediately available for comment and a Viacom spokesman declined comment. Neither Stern's agent nor producers of his show were immediately available for comment.

Viacom president Mel Karmazin reportedly has imposed a crackdown on sexually explicit material on Infinity stations, declaring in a recent company-wide conference call: "This company won't be a poster child for indecency."


The action against Stern came after Clear Channel announced what Chief Operating Officer Mark Mays called a "zero tolerance" policy toward material deemed in violation of federal decency standards for broadcasting.

"Clear Channel drew a line in the sand today with regard to protecting our listeners from indecent content, and Howard Stern's show blew right through it," Clear Channel Radio president John Hogan said in a statement.

"It was vulgar, offensive and insulting, not just to women and African Americans but to anyone with a sense of common decency."

The San Antonio-based company, the largest U.S. radio station operator with more than 1,200 outlets, said it will amend contracts with all on-air personalities to hold disc jockeys financially responsible for indecent comments on-air.

The Stern show was carried by Clear Channel stations in six markets -- Fort Lauderdale, Rochester, Orlando, San Diego, Pittsburgh, and Louisville.

The policy changes are the latest taken by broadcasters to address decency concerns following the Feb. 1 CBS telecast of the Super Bowl half-time show, when pop diva Janet Jackson (news)'s right breast was exposed on live television.

Said Hogan: "If a DJ is found to be in violation of FCC (news - web sites) rules, there will be no appeals and no intermediate steps. If they break the law by broadcasting indecent material, they will not work for Clear Channel."

Hogan and other broadcast executives are slated to testify Thursday before Congress about broadcast standards.

Gordon Hodge, a media analyst with Thomas Weisel, said he doubted the move would have much financial impact on Clear Channel, given that it carried Stern's show in just six markets, and added "He's obviously a very popular personality. I can't image that Infinity would take him off the air."

He predicted that other stations in the six markets would pick up Stern's program. "It would be quite profitable (for a smaller company), he said.

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Doesn't it feel good to be able to say that?

Well, the government seems to think we shouldn't, among other things.

This place is going to hell in a handbasket. You people call me paranoid, and overreactive. Seriously, it seems that democracy has failed in a way. Hell, sometimes I think it's easier to shoot the bastards rather than vote them out of office. Sadly, in twenty years, I see a police state in effect, and those of us who love our freedoms will be forced to be under arms at all times, and that a new revolution will be needed to free ourselves from the arms of tyranny. I really don't see any other way. I don't know about you all, but talking and protesting really don't seem to work anymore. The bulk of the people in this country are sheep, seduced by mass media into a slumber of epic proportions...laughing at the exploits of an emaciated hotel heiress, and the flabby adopted daughter of a Commodore, the government is taking away the rights we hold dear. Of course, it is all done under the guise of national security, and other such nonsense. It is sad that the memory of those lost on September 11th, 2001, is being used to commit these atrocious acts against the American people. The terrorists may have won, among other things, they hate the "excess" and freedom of the United States, and unfortunately, that freedom is being taken away.

Didn't we start this country to get away from tyranny? But it seems that is the way we are going all over again, back to tyranny.

The government repeatedly loves to stick it's nose in our personal lives? Drug laws, trying to codify the definition of marriage into federal law, using the Bill of Rights as toilet paper, etc...

Read this!, especially the first page. Commit it to memory.











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This is an outrage, I can't beleive that we let these GEEKY, four eyed-freaks tell us what we can & can't listen to/do.

Could this be the end of Howard all together as a morning radio personality?? He will not return under those kind of circumstances I don't think.

The end of the world is upon us, pretty soon it will all turn to dust!!


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