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yankees fans not this year


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here is my take on yankees this season . first off i am objective neither yankee fan nor red sox fan . i am a cleveland fan for what that is worth these days , although being one for the cavs is looking better everyday , but an indians fan is pretty lonely these days . back to subject at hand . i truly believe there is no doubt the red sox have the better team . first off the team chemistry is there more . even with offseason shit that went on , garciaparra is in a contract year which equals hard play and good numbers. ramirez no matter what puts up mvp type numbers . they strengthen their bench and cluth players by adding eliss burks. no the matter of pitching , schilling healthy enough said in big games . word is martinez has come into camp with his old attitude and most think he will have a kick ass year . add derek low and wakefield in a short series i think they get the yankees because of pitching. last year their bullpen sucked as well. now you get it past the 7th and turn it over to timlin , williamson and then foulke its over. so all yankee fans i must say it looks real good on paper but come october i am thining a red sox /cubs world series which would be very nice to see

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Originally posted by yazzman

here is my take on yankees this season . first off i am objective neither yankee fan nor red sox fan . i am a cleveland fan for what that is worth these days , although being one for the cavs is looking better everyday , but an indians fan is pretty lonely these days . back to subject at hand . i truly believe there is no doubt the red sox have the better team . first off the team chemistry is there more . even with offseason shit that went on , garciaparra is in a contract year which equals hard play and good numbers. ramirez no matter what puts up mvp type numbers . they strengthen their bench and cluth players by adding eliss burks. no the matter of pitching , schilling healthy enough said in big games . word is martinez has come into camp with his old attitude and most think he will have a kick ass year . add derek low and wakefield in a short series i think they get the yankees because of pitching. last year their bullpen sucked as well. now you get it past the 7th and turn it over to timlin , williamson and then foulke its over. so all yankee fans i must say it looks real good on paper but come october i am thining a red sox /cubs world series which would be very nice to see

Very objective opinion in my book :aright:

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Originally posted by yazzman

here is my take on yankees this season . first off i am objective neither yankee fan nor red sox fan . i am a cleveland fan for what that is worth these days , although being one for the cavs is looking better everyday , but an indians fan is pretty lonely these days . back to subject at hand . i truly believe there is no doubt the red sox have the better team . first off the team chemistry is there more . even with offseason shit that went on , garciaparra is in a contract year which equals hard play and good numbers. ramirez no matter what puts up mvp type numbers . they strengthen their bench and cluth players by adding eliss burks. no the matter of pitching , schilling healthy enough said in big games . word is martinez has come into camp with his old attitude and most think he will have a kick ass year . add derek low and wakefield in a short series i think they get the yankees because of pitching. last year their bullpen sucked as well. now you get it past the 7th and turn it over to timlin , williamson and then foulke its over. so all yankee fans i must say it looks real good on paper but come october i am thining a red sox /cubs world series which would be very nice to see

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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i'm sure as the season progresses the yankees will make some sort of deal for some left handed starting pitcher. it'll be a great season, boston with the best hitting and very improved starting rotation and closer.

yankees with more offense and improved middle relievers.

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Originally posted by yazzman

here is my take on yankees this season . first off i am objective neither yankee fan nor red sox fan . i am a cleveland fan for what that is worth these days , although being one for the cavs is looking better everyday , but an indians fan is pretty lonely these days . back to subject at hand . i truly believe there is no doubt the red sox have the better team . first off the team chemistry is there more . even with offseason shit that went on , garciaparra is in a contract year which equals hard play and good numbers. ramirez no matter what puts up mvp type numbers . they strengthen their bench and cluth players by adding eliss burks. no the matter of pitching , schilling healthy enough said in big games . word is martinez has come into camp with his old attitude and most think he will have a kick ass year . add derek low and wakefield in a short series i think they get the yankees because of pitching. last year their bullpen sucked as well. now you get it past the 7th and turn it over to timlin , williamson and then foulke its over. so all yankee fans i must say it looks real good on paper but come october i am thining a red sox /cubs world series which would be very nice to see

Nice opinion...

1. "The team chemistry is there more?" - I won't even get into clarifying the grammar, but what chemistry is going to be present when you pretty much shut the door on your All-Star short stop, only to open it back up when your trade didn't fall through. Yes, this is the last year of his contract as well and if the Red Sox aren't able to extend - I would love to see what they do with him before the end of the season... chances are they won't allow him to run out the contract without receiving anything. Lots of decisions ahead.

2. Martinez came back with his old attitude? What attitude was that... the cockiness that made him ask to be kept in the game and hence the turning point of the Yankees victory? Big game pitcher he is not - the regular season wins mean nothing if you can't shut the door in the post-season... additionally, the guy isn't getting any younger and the bullpen will be forced to cover his ass more times than before.

Either way this season will be interesting, but these retarded posts where everyone tries to be Cloi the Jamacian free tarot reading expert is annoying already... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

you meant to say "buy"........ right ? :confused:

yeah "buy." i'm also sure that boston will "buy" or "pilage" another team to fill some holes, like the yankees, from some unsuspecting small market team during the season if they have a need that needs to be filled.

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Originally posted by Codica3

Baseball is a business

In most businesses, the Anti-Trust Law kicks in to level the playground and eliminate monopoly...remember the 'baby bells?'

I'll tell you what, if that argument you just posted rang true in all corners, a new MLB team would be subject to be introduced in the tri state area, preferably in Jersey to take away some of the bizness from the Mets and the fukin Yamkees. But then again, we all know MLB owners in NY would never let that happen. Just think about it, if there was a mlb team in jersey, how much $$ do you think the yamkees would have to "buy" the games best players across the damn league at a whim?? not much...:tongue: Perfect example.. the Oakland A's...(u should know better, you've ripped their roster on occasion).

Just admit it, the Yamkees thrive on deep pockets..not their farm system...Name how many farm products on the current starting line up are homegrown.....???

*~Bought Any New Shortstops Lately??~*

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Originally posted by magellanmax

In most businesses, the Anti-Trust Law kicks in to level the playground and eliminate monopoly...remember the 'baby bells?'

I'll tell you what, if that argument you just posted rang true in all corners, a new MLB team would be subject to be introduced in the tri state area, preferably in Jersey to take away some of the bizness from the Mets and the fukin Yamkees. But then again, we all know MLB owners in NY would never let that happen. Just think about it, if there was a mlb team in jersey, how much $$ do you think the yamkees would have to "buy" the games best players across the damn league at a whim?? not much...:tongue: Perfect example.. the Oakland A's...(u should know better, you've ripped their roster on occasion).

Just admit it, the Yamkees thrive on deep pockets..not their farm system...Name how many farm products on the current starting line up are homegrown.....???

*~Bought Any New Shortstops Lately??~*

And what do you think revenue sharing is exactly... your analogy is flawed since revenue sharing takes your "monopoly" analogy into effect. Rather than a company retaining all of it's profits - which is a characteristic of a monopoly... revenue sharing requires that giants (although there are many companys/teams involved in baseball) such as the Yankees, SHARE IN THEIR PROFITS WITH THE WEAKLINGS OF THE BUSINESS. Those "weaklings" have the option to invest the money in the business (to be competitive or pocket the money to remain profitable). Guess what these choose... profitability. They don't care about their fans...

Additionally I might add that several/couple years ago - the Yankees P&L operated with a net income in the area of $35 (before the YES network) million before revenue sharing... they ended those "operations" with a net income closer to $15 million after revenue sharing. Now exhibit where your analogy of MONOPOLY falls into play. Stick to the board game and not baseball financial comparisons please. ;)

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Just admit it, the Yamkees thrive on deep pockets..not their farm system...Name how many farm products on the current starting line up are homegrown.....???

Didn't even see this one... obviously this is a joke. You can rattle off so many names easily - Petite (no longer with us), Bernie, Jeter (these are three of the best players - DIDN'T SAY THE BEST - in the game right now at their position)... note we do trade a lot of our talent away for other players...
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Originally posted by captainpec

And what do you think revenue sharing is exactly... your analogy is flawed since revenue sharing takes your "monopoly" analogy into effect. Rather than a company retaining all of it's profits - which is a characteristic of a monopoly... revenue sharing requires that giants (although there are many companys/teams involved in baseball)

For a minute there I thought you said that there is a revenue sharing program in MLB... well, I'll call your bullshit... Oakland, Kansas, Detroit,Tampa,Milwaukee and a host of other cities would beg to differ. This damn league is decided by deep pockets...namely the big market teams who can afford to inflate the salaries and put the final nail in the coffin in parity. You obviously sound like a yamkee fan(or a closet one) trying to justify the fact that the yamkees WS wins have all but come from big time purchases of premier players.

You know what...you can rattle off all big numbers to justify your flawed logic..it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see whats wrong with baseball.... big pockets will win you championships !!! Period !! Exceptions are The likes of Angels and Marlins who get a good roll going and hand your blown payroll out of commission ASAP !!

You know it, I know it, every baseball fan knows, if mlb had a salary cap like the NFL.... NY would suck ass just as much as any city on any given season. Keep glorifying your $$ induced immortality :blown:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Perfect example.. the Oakland A's...(u should know better, you've ripped their roster on occasion).

What in the world are you talking about? I love just about the entire Oakland pitching staff, and I like a lot of their players as well.. I ranked the big 3 high in my pre-ranking roster for fantasy baseball.. I don't know where you got that notion from.

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MagMAx your are so far wrapped up in your Krylon habit that you cant even bullshit properly anymore.


First of all we rape the A's???? ...im sorry sparky where did you get your closer K Foulke from???? and where did Johnny Damon come from????

MLB is excluded form any antitrust laws and operates as its own entity, And revenue sharing was put in place and guess who pays out??? 65% of all merchandise sold is Yankee merch.. Yanks only get 1/30 of those $$$ and share the rest...its these small market owners (NOT YOUR EXTREMELY WEALTHY REDSOX!) who choose not to reinvest in theri club and pocket the money... and quite frankly if you buy a professional team , be prepared to keep up with times and spend money to make money...

And by the way , who do you think voted yes to a hard salary cap back in 95 ......Yeah MAx you got it George Steinbrenner, and the mjority of owners voted against it....so these are the rules put in place and george plays by them...

the redsox buy players all the time look at your linneup who the fuck is homegrown ? ...Jeter, Williams, Poasada and Rivera are a major core of players who are homegrown and WON CHAMPIONSHIPS nuff said , of course every team has to go out and sign or trade for players...

DO YOU EVEN WATCH BASEBALL?? and if so do you know anything about your own team?? it sure doesnt seem like it every time you post you put your foot in your mouth...

whether its about payroll(2nd highest in baseball), Buyin players Foulke ramirez schilling etc etc, Calling steinbrenner a carpet bagger , and you didnt even know your owner is from Fla and owned the marlins, then talk shit about rev. sharing...

Dude just fill up that paper bag again with some nice krylon and start huffin ...if you close your eyes tight enough you just might be able to drift back to 1918


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Originally posted by magellanmax

For a minute there I thought you said that there is a revenue sharing program in MLB... well, I'll call your bullshit... Oakland, Kansas, Detroit,Tampa,Milwaukee and a host of other cities would beg to differ. This damn league is decided by deep pockets...namely the big market teams who can afford to inflate the salaries and put the final nail in the coffin in parity. You obviously sound like a yamkee fan(or a closet one) trying to justify the fact that the yamkees WS wins have all but come from big time purchases of premier players.

You know what...you can rattle off all big numbers to justify your flawed logic..it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see whats wrong with baseball.... big pockets will win you championships !!! Period !! Exceptions are The likes of Angels and Marlins who get a good roll going and hand your blown payroll out of commission ASAP !!

You know it, I know it, every baseball fan knows, if mlb had a salary cap like the NFL.... NY would suck ass just as much as any city on any given season. Keep glorifying your $$ induced immortality :blown:

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Jesus - if you didn't have your head shoved so far up your ass you would make sense or maybe even understand the fundamentals of baseball operations. All you "new" Red Sox fans know how to do is bitch or whine about the Yankees and take shots at yankee fans - Why? Because we win? Grow up already.

As for your analogy on whether the MLB had a salary cap like the NFL... what's the "if" - IT DOESN'T HAVE IT SO GET OVER IT. That's like someone saying that if you didn't post your baseball analogies - I wouldn't think that you didn't know your ass from your face... it's too late, get over it.

Nonetheless, baseball CANNOT have a salary cap for three major reasons.

1. OWNERS ALLOWED SALARIES TO GET OUT OF CONTROL. They started signing players to huge contracts in the 80's and everything got out of control subsequently thereafter. They have themselves to thank, not the Yankees who are conducting business according to the rules and the way the business has developed.

2. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT. The players have too many rights including, but not limited to salary negotiations, NO SALARY CAP, and not making their names public when testing positive for steroids... HENCE MR. BONDS.

2. IMPACT ON THE PLAYERS LIVES. Traveling to 160+ games each year creates a much greater demand on their lives (and family time) than a short 16 game NFL season. With that said, you must compensate these individuals with larger salaries... a freaken retard could understand that... please look at Bostons' payroll and you will see $120+million.

Btw - I am and have been a Yankee fan since 1988 (Donnie baseball). I didn't allow my teams unproductivety back then to block reality with misguided emotions of consistenly ending each season as a loser (ie. Boston Red Sox - see 1918) so please don't continue to make yourself look like a child posting non-sensical emotions that are not based on facts. If we have been "buying" championships - were are our rings for the past couple seasons? :rolleyes:

PS - Please save your comments until the 2004 season when a good number of the players on your roster have their contracts negotiated... the Yankees will not have anymore Karim Garcia's for you to fill voids in your roster... and if you want to remain competitive - you will need to resign everyone of them. ;)

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Originally posted by magellanmax

For a minute there I thought you said that there is a revenue sharing program in MLB... well, I'll call your bullshit... Oakland, Kansas, Detroit,Tampa,Milwaukee and a host of other cities would beg to differ.

Are you kidding me? Keep you mouth shut - PLEASE :laugh:

Once again - another fact will be explained to you... couple years back Montreal (NO MARKET TEAM) and (MILWAUKEE - SECOND NO MARKET TEAM) lost a substantial amount of money from their baseball operations. I can't recall exact numbers, but I will state in the area of $15million each... that's a lot to lose. Now after "REVENUE SHARING" that you decided to call me out on and draw attention to... they received over $15million each!

Now if you can comprehend a company's P&L (or income statement for the lay man) you will realize that they were profitable after revenue sharing. If you still fail to agree out of an inability to comprehend facts than please reference the number of times that Bud Selig (owner of the Brewers) has publicly ranted about revenue sharing and how badly he hates it? I believe the owner for the Expos is too busy counting his money that he decided not to "invest" back in the game.

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Originally posted by captainpec

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Jesus - if you didn't have your head shoved so far up your ass you would make sense or maybe even understand the fundamentals of baseball operations. All you "new" Red Sox fans know how to do is bitch or whine about the Yankees and take shots at yankee fans - Why? Because we win? Grow up already.

As for your analogy on whether the MLB had a salary cap like the NFL... what's the "if" - IT DOESN'T HAVE IT SO GET OVER IT. That's like someone saying that if you didn't post your baseball analogies - I wouldn't think that you didn't know your ass from your face... it's too late, get over it.

Nonetheless, baseball CANNOT have a salary cap for three major reasons.

1. OWNERS ALLOWED SALARIES TO GET OUT OF CONTROL. They started signing players to huge contracts in the 80's and everything got out of control subsequently thereafter. They have themselves to thank, not the Yankees who are conducting business according to the rules and the way the business has developed.

2. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT. The players have too many rights including, but not limited to salary negotiations, NO SALARY CAP, and not making their names public when testing positive for steroids... HENCE MR. BONDS.

2. IMPACT ON THE PLAYERS LIVES. Traveling to 160+ games each year creates a much greater demand on their lives (and family time) than a short 16 game NFL season. With that said, you must compensate these individuals with larger salaries... a freaken retard could understand that... please look at Bostons' payroll and you will see $120+million.

Btw - I am and have been a Yankee fan since 1988 (Donnie baseball). I didn't allow my teams unproductivety back then to block reality with misguided emotions of consistenly ending each season as a loser (ie. Boston Red Sox - see 1918) so please don't continue to make yourself look like a child posting non-sensical emotions that are not based on facts. If we have been "buying" championships - were are our rings for the past couple seasons? :rolleyes:

PS - Please save your comments until the 2004 season when a good number of the players on your roster have their contracts negotiated... the Yankees will not have anymore Karim Garcia's for you to fill voids in your roster... and if you want to remain competitive - you will need to resign everyone of them. ;)

terrific rhetoric

btw......YANKEES SUCK!

Sox got the better staff this year and, as we all well know, pitching wins championships

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

terrific rhetoric

btw......YANKEES SUCK!

Sox got the better staff this year and, as we all well know, pitching wins championships

Then how do you account for Oakland and Chicago with their stellar pitching staff?

I agree, pitching is a MAJOR factor, but it's not the only thing.

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