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What Would You Ask Tiesto?


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I liked TIESTO before he became a dj whore like the day's at THE MIX where I got up there and stood with him while he played and just blew my mind, the day's AT SPACE when he still cated to the underground scene.....

The man is incredibly talented especially with a degree in classical music he has definately touched the heart's of many with his dedication to his remix's as well as production's but like the mighty Oakenfold he forget's the people who have been supporting him for many,many year's before all the groupie's started chanting TIESTO,TIESTO

I have hung out with him on many occasion's and have alway's showed him my love and support for his music but the last several time's he played down here he was a complete asshole when met in person I ain't asking the man for a blowjob but at least show some respect to the people who have given you loyaly since the beginning instead of treating us like another fucking groupie.......................

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Why dont you ask him if he feels offended that party 93.1 plays "lethal industry" and then plays "castles in the sky" right after!!!:mad::rolleyes:

ask him if he would listen to a radio station that plays 8 songs 23 hours a day, 6 days a week, that are over a year old...:(

btw, keep up the good work buster;) its just too bad you cant get through the politics of your dumb ass bosses!!!:rolleyes::idea:

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btw In no mean's did I mean to show buster any disrespect with my thread, I think he is a very important part of the scene and have known and hung out with him many time's from the early day's of LIQUID,WARSAW,GROOVEJEt, HIS earlier day's of photography and dedication to getting his reputation around town has greatly influnenced our scene I have nothing but respect for him and I am glad he has moved his way up with the radio show.....

Prop's my man you have come a long way and I wish you nothing but sucess,growth, and prosperity these newbie's don't know how hard you have worked to get where you are............

looking forward to hanging out at NIKKI on friday........Anthony

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thanks man, no offense taken.

I have a couple of good questions here, but really guys.....here is an oportunity to ask a question to a person whom, like him or hate him, has helped push the music we love forward.

Really, I though the peeps on this thread were serious about the music....but all I hear is "cheese" this and "sell out" that.

People ask me what kind of dance music I like to listen to...truth be told, I love it all.....that is why I do what I do.

So is this all I can expect from true lovers of dance music?

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You can ask him what he makes of his tour of Latin America so far, or which destinations in Asia he's excited to be playing at. Did he pick up on any new producers or music styles that impressed him while visiting new places?

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Overall we are serious about music in here Buster.

Please dont get the wrong idea from some of our CP jokesters

and think that this is what we are: a bunch of clowns.

I personally take this very seriously.

I dont want the world to look at this thread and think that we're a bunch of morons talking crap because we dont know any better.

We have real dance enthusiast here that follow & live for this culture, I, myself for example am one of them.

We each have our favorite dj's that we follow & support them because we connect with them and feel the intensity of energy on their sets.

Looking for a true dance fan's answer to your request is like looking for gold on the bed river with a pan, shake and dig my friend until you see what you are looking for at the bottom of the


See ya @ Nikki Beach!! :aright:

All the Best!

Victor Vargas

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I guess from an old timer's point of view I was being a bit of a pessimist, I have had some of my best musical experience's in the past and have watched the scene grow and grow out of control I guess in my mind I have been asking myself why did it take all these people so long to catch on to what some of us have cherished forever.............

I guess,age,culture,economics,the downloading age, I remember Tiesto mentioning one time that he wasn't against it because it spread his music to million's of listener's and increased his popularity incredibly fast over the past few year's................

If I was to ask Tiesto a question it would be what were his thought's when playing 50 mile's from the GAZA in Isreal in the middle of of a war, all his friend's had told him not to go but he knew his fan's were counting on him to play there...........

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Originally posted by bustersobe





I would ask him "Are you still dating that blonde I saw you with last year? If not then hook it up"

On a more serious not I would ask him to define "Underground" and "Mainstream" in his words.

What future remixes and projects should we expect to see/hear?

Who is your favorite DJ?

Where do you enjoy to spin the most?

Which is the best sound system that you have used?

What do you dislike about our scene?

What do you favore the most about our scene.

E Ya

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