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New York please read

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I'm honestly not tring to come off as a wise-ass or know it all but just read and please learn from this post.

For lack of better words right now I'll use the "I TOLD YOU SO" and "NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THE TRUTH" lines.

let me explain:

"JP" and "Exit" and "Factory" ect. are "marked".

The feds are NOT stupid. They sit and watch, and wait.

Realistically any party that starts or runs *after 4am does NOT rely on alcohol, soooooooooooo it doesnt take a rocket-scientist to believe there must be drugs in the place.

Next, JP has had a long history and a "big" party for years, most of us even use that loving-of-terms "Cracktory" for a reason.

We ALL know this. So do they.

Here's a few big venues that are staying open by doing things the "right way":

ROXY (never goes past 7am ish)

CROBAR (killed its afterhours after 1 week)

Avalon (6-7am ish limit)

NOTICE anything?

What everyone here needs to learn is that the scene will never truley reform itself unless people start going out, having fun, being responsible, and quit bitching about "what they once had".




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Yea and for everyone bitching aboiut "the way it used to be" well that just meant you had more freedom to do things that are WERE and STILL ARE illegal! just you could get away with it. NOw you can't so there is no reason to be bitching because the rules are just being inforced. I bet half you people don't even take action, join some like coliation against the war on drugs or some shit. you just sit there holdin ur cock crying about it.

and u have to be on drugs to go to afterhours, unless you sleep until like 5am and then go out, becuz no sober person can stay up for that long.

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Originally posted by xxrachael1xx

and u have to be on drugs to go to afterhours, unless you sleep until like 5am and then go out, becuz no sober person can stay up for that long.

says who? THere are many people who can stay sober and do afterhours.

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I agree, the end of afterhours is bound to happen if this shit keeps up. Here in London the parties end at 7AM and on rare occasions sometimes later. You don't see people being carried out in ambulances. People handle their shit and have a good time, and G and tina are almost non-existent here. The people that are plaguing the New York club scene with that shit need to be shot. They are ruining it for everyone and it's resulting in people dying. The police aren't able to catch every single person selling or possessing that shit, so who are they gonna go after, the clubs.

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Originally posted by xxrachael1xx

Yea and for everyone bitching aboiut "the way it used to be" well that just meant you had more freedom to do things that are WERE and STILL ARE illegal! just you could get away with it. NOw you can't so there is no reason to be bitching because the rules are just being inforced. I bet half you people don't even take action, join some like coliation against the war on drugs or some shit. you just sit there holdin ur cock crying about it.

and u have to be on drugs to go to afterhours, unless you sleep until like 5am and then go out, becuz no sober person can stay up for that long.

Maybe YOU need to be fucked up to stay up that long, but I managed to stay at S&D at Crobar til 6am completely sober and had a great time, after working all week and waking up at 7am every day all week. If I was in college or wasn't working, I could easily do an afterhours as long as the music is good.

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Originally posted by djinnom

Maybe YOU need to be fucked up to stay up that long, but I managed to stay at S&D at Crobar til 6am completely sober and had a great time, after working all week and waking up at 7am every day all week. If I was in college or wasn't working, I could easily do an afterhours as long as the music is good.

we're talking alot later than 6am

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Why even waste the energy typing???? This is the same country who has completely forgot about 9/11... The same city in fact. Remember those days after 9/11 and how angry/sad/ proud etc.... everyone was.... Fast foward to the start of the war on Iraq and you have people actually PROTESTING on behalf of those peices of shit, saying that we have no right. It's sickening. Don't even bother, cause the assholes of this world won't pause more then a minute to stop being assholes. The same people that are doing this shit in the clubs might stop for one weekend and relax, but rest assured they know what they are doing and can handle themselves (lol) and they will be back doing the same shit next week....:mad:

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Originally posted by djgrod

Why even waste the energy typing???? This is the same country who has completely forgot about 9/11... The same city in fact. Remember those days after 9/11 and how angry/sad/ proud etc.... everyone was.... Fast foward to the start of the war on Iraq and you have people actually PROTESTING on behalf of those peices of shit, saying that we have no right. It's sickening. Don't even bother, cause the assholes of this world won't pause more then a minute to stop being assholes. The same people that are doing this shit in the clubs might stop for one weekend and relax, but rest assured they know what they are doing and can handle themselves (lol) and they will be back doing the same shit next week....:mad:

I understand and agree with you.

But I am also a DJ and my business is directly reflected.

also sometimes people just really need to be educated about something for a change to take place.

I'm taking the positive route here first before i give up.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

I understand and agree with you.

But I am also a DJ and my business is directly reflected.

also sometimes people just really need to be educated about something for a change to take place.

I'm taking the positive route here first before i give up.

I hear you, I'm just frustrated too.... The scene is going so downhill, so fast it's scary.... Hip-Hop heads everywhere, legandary NYC nightspots shuttered and closed, drugs ruining EVERYTHING, cops everywhere...Not good. But I hear what your trying to say. At least your an optimist. Cause we're gonna need more like you.:)

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ladies and gentlenen the world has changed. clubs have changed. the days of walking in your house at 4 in the afternoon is over in ny. have fun with the new nyc. stop thinking about the past. everything happens for a reason. jp and sf/black is done forever something new will take over. be safe!

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Originally posted by apotheosis

I understand and agree with you.

But I am also a DJ and my business is directly reflected.

also sometimes people just really need to be educated about something for a change to take place.

I'm taking the positive route here first before i give up.

i think the right term is directly effected
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Originally posted by djgrod

Fast foward to the start of the war on Iraq and you have people actually PROTESTING on behalf of those peices of shit, :

Are people actually fried enough to believe that Iraqis are the same people behind 9/11...........i hope you people read, and are not just judging by the color of people's skin.

Protesting is on behalf of the WORLD....and ourselves....we have starving children and homeless people in this country, yet we are ready to spend our billions of tax dollars on a country where their people do not want us there. WAKE UP....different story here.

~Lie to the masses, they're naive and SCARED enough to believe anything. Never judge out of fear....just admit it.


SEE you there.

And yeah, drug free is for me!!

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Originally posted by thesandman

NY is sooooooo fucked..... bash Jersey all you want but people at least we don't have kids come out to do tons of drugs and drop dead.... and NO Im not making fun of NY, I think its sad...

are you kidding?? half these SF heads are FROM JERSEY! and the rest are prob. from long island... I lived in long island for 7 years, but I was never the retard that half these idiots are.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

Are people actually fried enough to believe that Iraqis are the same people behind 9/11...........i hope you people read, and are not just judging by the color of people's skin.

Protesting is on behalf of the WORLD....and ourselves....we have starving children and homeless people in this country, yet we are ready to spend our billions of tax dollars on a country where their people do not want us there. WAKE UP....different story here.

~Lie to the masses, they're naive and SCARED enough to believe anything. Never judge out of fear....just admit it.


SEE you there.

And yeah, drug free is for me!!

:jerkoff: Get off your soapbox you bleeding heart tree-hugger.... I was talking about Hussein and his regime, and in case you've had your head up in the clouds, they were BRUTAL terriorists, against their own people.... And thats not what this post was about, so go preach somewhere else....

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Originally posted by deepwetkisses

i think the right term is directly effected


my business is directly reflected as I had to take other measures to ensure I can pay my bills/rent ect.

As much as my heart is in DJ'ing for many years, the "day job" i have now holds more security.

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Originally posted by djgrod

:BRUTAL terriorists, against their own people.... And thats not what this post was about, so go preach somewhere else....

NO that is NOT what this post was about.........your the asshole that took it in that direction. Iraq DOES NOT WANT US THERE....JUST LIKE WE DON'T WANT THE FEDS ANTAGONIZING AND HARRASSING US. WE CAN MANAGE ON OUR OWN...LIKE THE IRAQIS CAN.....IT'S THEIR COUNTRY.

Don't tell me where to fucken preach......I'm not a preacher.....

and your too damn stupid to understand where I am coming from anyway.

Stay off drugs....your the perfect example of a fried brain.

That is what this post was about.

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Originally posted by djgrod

:BRUTAL terriorists, against their own people.... And thats not what this post was about, so go preach somewhere else....

NO that is NOT what this post was about.........your the asshole that took it in that direction. Iraq DOES NOT WANT US THERE....JUST LIKE WE DON'T WANT THE FEDS ANTAGONIZING AND HARRASSING US. WE CAN MANAGE ON OUR OWN...LIKE THE IRAQIS CAN.....IT'S THEIR COUNTRY.

Don't tell me where to fucken preach......I'm not a preacher.....

and your too damn stupid to understand where I am coming from anyway.

Stay off drugs....your the perfect example of a fried brain.

That is what this post was about.


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