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Coxy Reviews

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Carl of course on point all fucking nite long. Bomb after fucking bomb. Mr. Smith was also ripping a new ass. I dont like giving these long reviews i would like others to post here and throw in their 2 cents.

Only thing bad about avalon last nite was the uneducated crowd. It was just to crowded and filled with peeps who had no idea what was going on. I hate the setup as well, now i remember why i hated Limelite so much lolololol.

All in all insanity provided by Mr. Cox with those tables, gotta love the man he just brought energy all nite long.

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Carl went on at about 2. He played to about 5:30. Packed was not the fucking word you could not move in there and everyone was sloppy.

The music was the only thing that did that place justice last nite.

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The crowd definately ruined the night. One girl threw up in the bathroom at around 12 pm, then another asshole threw up right in front of the stage. A lot of tourists and crackheads.

The amount of people they packed in there also killed the night. You could not move, let alone dance.

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The crowd definately ruined the night. One girl threw up in the bathroom at around 12 pm, then another asshole threw up right in front of the stage. A lot of tourists and crackheads.

The amount of people they packed in there also killed the night. You could not move, let alone dance.

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I was waiting a month to hear coxy blow the doors off avalon.

however, though carl rocked,the crowd was so bad that I left at about 3 . bouncers up my ass and half the crowd should have gone to webster hall. I've just about had with the lame ass new york scene!!!! Get these pathetic f#cks off my dance floor!!!!

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I was waiting a month to hear coxy blow the doors off avalon.

however, though carl rocked,the crowd was so bad that I left at about 3 . bouncers up my ass and half the crowd should have gone to webster hall. I've just about had with the lame ass new york scene!!!! Get these pathetic f#cks off my dance floor!!!!

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Bro i was saying the same shit all nite to my friends. It was like being in Webster Hall with good music. To many tourists and trashy peeps who are sloopy and can't handle anything they put in their bodies.

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Originally posted by richpcooley

I was waiting a month to hear coxy blow the doors off avalon.

however, though carl rocked,the crowd was so bad that I left at about 3 . bouncers up my ass and half the crowd should have gone to webster hall. I've just about had with the lame ass new york scene!!!! Get these pathetic f#cks off my dance floor!!!!

couln't have said it better myself......i wanted to dance so bad but couldnt find a spot anywhere and it was like 400 degrees in there.........and i really didnt want those fat sweaty pigs dancing next to me so i left about 3:30.
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Yikes...good thing I didn't go...I really wanted to, but I was actually afraid that it'd be way too packed and there wouldn't be any room to move...I hate that!! Did Avalon at least clear the stage of all the tables and open all the balconies?

I think bouncers should throw out people that look too messed up on drinks/drugs/whatever so those folks don't ruin it for everyone else AND the club. I mean, that might be subjective, but it would seriously help. Once someone pukes on the dancefloor they should be kicked out.

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Originally posted by kutekimee

Did Avalon at least clear the stage of all the tables and open all the balconies?

the balconies were open..the stage was still bottle service..but towards the end of the night the mangled messes made their way up there..reminiscent of the Exit days when u'd look toward the back stage and want to vomit

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